Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 868

Duncan grabs the backcourt rebound, the western team immediately launches the counter attack.

Guo Xu pushed forward to the front court and looked at Paul, who wanted the ball. He didn't pass it. He dribbled the ball from his crotch to his left hand. He didn't stop to pick up the ball from the back to the right hand. After receiving the ball, he took a step back and left his right side with a 70 degree three-point shot.

Wade in the star game full defense also failed to cover, the ball scored, 5-0.

Guo Xu's movements are very coherent. It looks like a double step backward, because the ball will touch the ground when dribbling from the back, and the referee will never blow the step, which is not a walk.

Guo Xu began to master this technique last season. Later, he may be able to evolve to dribble with his crotch first, take back the ball at the same time, transfer the ball to the right hand, and then take a step backward. Of course, it's bullshit. It's a real double step back, but it's easier to open up the space. It's half a second faster.

According to the original historical development, the "crab step" was legal in October this year. However, except for James, it is very difficult for others to walk four steps without being accused of violating the rules. Even Guo Xu can not regard the double backward step as a unique skill.

Eastern attack, James forced to break through the ball into the forbidden area, Garnett hit two points from the left. Five to two.

Garnett was not very interested in playing the star game and was cold after scoring.

He is under too much pressure. The green army has formed three giants. There is no excuse for him not to win the championship. Only a small number of fans believe that their three "veteran" in their early 30s form a team at the end of their career.

What's more embarrassing is that the Timberwolves have a good record and are likely to play in the playoffs in the west this season. Al - Jefferson joined the Timberwolves after two consecutive years brush luxury data, Garnett's data fell to 16.3 points, 8.7 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game, which should not be the giant's data.

Hard secret's way to get rid of his idol is to "play one game less than one game". Garnett was very depressed. It seems that these people are cursing that he will have to retire in a few seasons when he is less than 33 years old. Jordan has just started his second three consecutive titles at this age!

Western attack, Paul dribbles the ball to the front field organization, Guo Xu relies on Yao Ming's no ball cover running position to receive the pass, the person who defends is Garnett. Guo Xu did not directly out of the mobile phone will be horizontal with the ball to open the distance on the outside line.

Garnett went back to keep up with Yao Ming, Wade was in place, and Guo Xu was given a chance to play singles.

This time, he dribbled the ball from the hip to the right hand, then from the back to the left hand. Then he took the left foot and stepped back to the middle. He took a three-point shot and slightly leaned back.

Wade took off a little slower and couldn't cover the ball. Eight to two.

Guo Xulian scored 8 points and the home fans clapped and cheered.

"Guo Xu can score as long as he wants to score, and wade can't defend him one-on-one. It seems that he is going to let go of the shot today," Zhang said

"If he goes on like this, he may break the single game scoring record in the star game today, but it will not give the eastern stars face," Yu said

James broke the layup and missed, and the rebound was snatched by Yao Ming and passed to Paul. As soon as Paul got the ball, his rhythm slowed down and he didn't start a fast attack.

Paul and Yao Ming play pick and roll, after being blocked by Garnett, the ball is divided into the middle. Yao Ming plays iron against Nash's three-point jump shot, and the rebounds in the front court are snatched by Xiaosi and distributed to Guo Xu on the periphery.

Guo Xu once again single, the crotch dribbles to the left hand, this time Wade's attention is in him to change upward, worried that the distance is too close to be crossed, and he takes a step back a little. However, Guo Xu did not change to the right, nor did he dribble behind. He took his left foot back step and shot three points one meter outside the middle three-point line.

Wade rushed out and took off a step slower.

Guo Xu's hand is too fast, just like pushing the ball out with one hand, with high radian and small backward tilt. His action seemed blind, but the ball went into the net hollow. 11 to 2.

Wade's heart make complaints about him.

Damn it, isn't it? Why did the coach arrange me to defend him? It's Nash's job.

Wade doesn't know why, Guo Xu can always do it when he is not comfortable, but it is Guo Xu's practice with him in the cycle of time, and he has found out his rhythm.

Wade defends well, thanks to his physical fitness. He is good at arm extension, able to keep up with the pace of the opponent in defense, always interfere. He has outstanding physical confrontation, is also good at assisting in defense and blocking, and has a certain ability to protect the back court rebounds.

His speed is very fast, straight-line acceleration is very famous in the NBA, the traverse speed is not slow, but after all, he is a height of 193cm, weight of 100 kg of heavy guard, flexibility is slightly less than a small guard.

Wade is not good at defending guards who like to dribble behind the back. At last year's Olympic Games, Chinese guard Chen Jianghua used a simple back dribble to pass Wade. In Guo Xu's previous life, the combination of the crotch dribble and the back dribble is Jamal Crawford's unique skill, Wade was hit in opposition to him.

Crawford's career is the highest score against Wade, he was in the Knicks, 2006-07 season against Wade, just won the championship, 20 out of 30, 8 out of 10 three-point shot, 4-out of 4 free throw, scoring 52 points. Moreover, Crawford missed the first four goals of the game and hit 16 shots in a row.Now Crawford, who is in the Hawks, plays four games a season with the heat. Although he has not scored 50 +, he has twice played 40 + against Wade.

Wade felt very shameless, and Guo Xu's defensive side let him go two steps away, an absent-minded appearance, he received the ball on the left side of the dry pull three points, Guo Xu did not jump, just reached for a meaning, the ball entered. 11 to 5.

After the goal, Wade was relieved. Fortunately, Guo Xu didn't try his best to prevent him from shooting, otherwise he would not be sure to shoot. This season, his regular season three-point shooting rate of 31.7% and the number of 1.1 hit a career high, almost all easy shot, the most accurate.

East army changed defense, James to deal with Guo Xu, let brother wade to defend Xiaosi.

Paul secretly sighed that the gap between himself and Guo Xu is still very large, his scoring ability can not make the opponent forced to change the defense.

During the training of dream 8 team, Paul had a good relationship with the three swordsmen of the wind and dust. He often exchanged views, and it was difficult for him to score in the face of Wade's defense.

Guo Xu started to run without the ball. Under the cover of Yao Ming, he received a pass from Paul on the right side. James was very active in chasing and defending, but it didn't work. Guo Xu's ball was very fast, and his hands were given to Xiaosi, who was in the middle of the air.

Wade defense Xiaosi height is very difficult, short half head, no matter how much he jumps to cover the inside line, he has to take off ahead of time. The quality of Xiaosi is not vegetarian. When he gets into the basket, he scores with one hand, and Howard follows Duncan. 13 to 5.

To the star game, "Warcraft" has become a "happy beast", he can not go all out to make up for defense, assist defense.

Eastern attack or single play, Garnett single Duncan jump shot missed, Yao Ming grabbed the rebound.

In positional warfare, Guo Xu first catches the ball by the cover on the side, and then points the ball to Xiaosi standing in the middle. West lead more than one, Xiaosi also began to perform, facing Wade jump shot three points, no fake action, the shot is very firm.

This kind of ball Wade can't cover, the home combat Xiaosi has specially practiced three points in training, wants to prove his comprehensive in this way. He was well prepared and scored. 16 to 5.

The audience gave Xiaosi a warm applause, and the two stars at home arranged all the scores in the opening ceremony of the western region.

Wade has already wanted to curse his mother. During this period of time, the Western attack is all around him. It is clear that Nash is defending the black hole. Why not attack him?

Shit, don't hold me alone!

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