Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 859

The sun's team building idea is the same as that of the Spurs. No matter who the role players are, the team should have the internal and external core that can form a triangular system at the offensive end. As long as this mode is maintained, they are easy to play their strength, and the sum is greater than three.

After Marion and Joe Johnson left, Roy made up the gap and he improved every season.

The sun Trident is stronger than Pierce, Garnett and Ray Allen. Although the three are called "big three", Garnett is the only player who can compete for MVP in the regular season. The other two are ordinary all stars and have no experience of winning the championship.

The Spurs are the same, Duncan can compete for MVP at the peak, Ginobili and Parker are ordinary stars.

Sun's three giant configuration plus the depth of the two teams' excellent lineup, how can we not win? The lack of reputation of role players does not mean that they have no strength, as long as they are suitable for the team system.

On November 17, the Suns beat the Jazz 110-102 at home. The difference was not big, but they staged a dunk contest.

Jazz's Deron Williams and OKU were absent due to injury. Ronnie price was the starting point guard and Jerome Collins was the center. Naturally, he couldn't withstand the impact of the sun's outer line. Suns team 21 dunks in a single game, this item got 42 points, hit rate is super high.

Price played 27 minutes against Guo Xu, 6 shots 1, 2 points and 4 assists, substitute Brevin knight is an incurable defense black hole. The jazz is short of Millsap, Matt Haplin's condition drops, the reserve lineup is also worse.

The Suns have no players injured and are strong. They took all the top five goals of the day, all of which were smashed by Guo Xu after breaking through.

The third place is little Jordan's left baseline to catch Guo Xugao's one handed chop button; the second is little Jordan's middle air cutting and blocking Jazz center kupfers; the first one is Guo Xu's high throw in the counterattack; Gerald Green follows the head frame's empty catch, hands slam, and a drifting pull rod action.

Green is a dunk fanatic, he can dunk when never layup, fly to play, than dunk the whole team is convinced of him.

On the 20th, the sun's home team beat the Blazers and won 12 games in a row. It's too easy to play such a weak team.

Then the Suns fly away to play against the Lakers on the 22nd and the Clippers back-to-back on the 23rd.

Guo xushun attended the premiere of "Twilight" in Los Angeles on the 21st. He joined Megan and dadario. Reporters were reluctant to cover the main characters. Most of them were surrounded by them.

Reporter asked: "Jason, miss dadario attended the Oscars with you last year, and later lived in your villa. This year, you often live together. Can you tell me something about your relationship

Guo Xu shook his head. "Our relationship is a little complicated. I don't know how to describe it. I can only say that it's very good We talked, and we're going to keep the status quo. "

Megan took the joy of dadario on the side, and also refused to say clearly about their relationship, but did not deny some of the reporters' conjectures.

Many people on the Internet have guessed that dadario is the third party they share, which can be regarded as the most powerful player in Hollywood. If they don't deny it, they can be regarded as acquiescence. The reporters are very excited, and there will be some lace news to attract attention tomorrow.

Among American celebrities, there are playboy like little plum and slut like Lindsay Lohan. It is quite common to have playful people. But bisexuality also has the tendency of pure love, three people live together without fighting, unheard of.

Most of the fans on the Internet choose to support Guo Xu. They think he is super personality. Even if he is a playboy, he is also a responsible playboy. And he's very generous and can tolerate his girlfriend being bisexual. The most important point is that the three of them have made a movie together, and they all look good on the screen.

In the final analysis, it's a face watching world. The two female stars are very sexy. Guo Xu has long been known as the first type man in North America's sports circle. The three of them live together and the fans can accept it.

If Denny Tejo hugs two beauties, or two ugly girls are with Guo Xu, fans may think they must die.

Today's "Twilight" is such a face watching movie. The childish plot is not important. It is enough for a group of people to fall in love with a vampire, a werewolf and a mistress.

The production cost of the film was only $37 million and was completed in two months. Now that it's about to start playing, Robert has no confidence. He suspects that such a magic love movie can't make any money. After all, he doesn't even have a famous actor.

Guo Xu confidently told him that he would be angry.


"Because we can attract some Harry Potter fans, maybe a lot of people want to see Cedric become a vampire after being killed by Voldemort."

“……” Robert Pattinson, who played a supporting role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, is really the biggest actor in the cast. Cass has a poor cast.

The original version was produced and released by Pinnacle entertainment company, which did not receive much attention at first. Now it is produced by tomorrow's company and released by Disney Company. The publicity efforts have been strengthened and the fire has not been shown yet.Every movie produced by tomorrow's company has never failed at the box office. The worst movie "happy death day 2" has more than 50 million dollars at the box office, which makes fans have great interest in entering the cinema.

The plot and the original are exactly the same, the director is also the director, the shooting location is the same, the biggest change is that the female host changed to Teresa Palmer. It's a little bit like Christine's.

Christine's face is sharper, Theresa is a little rounder, and her figure is much better. Christine is one of the top ten flat chests in Hollywood.

To be exact, she is the second level of "a pair of a, can't afford". The first is Keira Knightley, who is incomparable. She's almost concave. She goes to the beach to play bikini and looks like a man with abdominal muscles.

Megan snickered a few times when watching a love movie. The smile was very strange.

Guo Xu asked curiously, "what are you enjoying? Is there anything to laugh at? "

"A vampire is not afraid of the sun, but will shine in the sun. Isn't that funny enough?"

After a while, Megan laughed again. Guo Xu asked why. She said, "I think Bella can feed Edward every month's menstrual blood, or it's a waste."

Guo Xu can't help but give her a hand knife in the forehead. It's disgusting. If she is Bella, the vampire must kill her.

Nearly two hours of the film quickly finished, won a lot of applause, most of the female audience feel good, because it is an elegant and aesthetic, 100% feminine temperament of the film. In a most idealistic way, the film shows the most beautiful love mode in women's heart completely.

Most of the men didn't feel the charm of the film. Robert was relieved to see that the response was good. He doesn't care about making money. He wants to keep the record of selling every movie of the company. He wants to see when it can last. This will make him feel very successful, just as NBA stars want to build a dynasty in a row.

After watching the film, Guo Xu and others were interviewed again. He praised the actors of the film and interacted with them for a group photo.

The box office on the day the movie was released was very gratifying, but the comments on the Internet were two extremes. Young women liked it very much, while critics thought it was a piece of shit. No matter what the critics say, little girls are willing to contribute to the box office. The fire is doomed

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