Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 818

"Chloe" is a great success, with an investment of only 8 million yuan, and its competitors' sci-fi films are 10 times of theirs. Teleporter is hard to make money and has to hit the box office, while Chloe made a profit by pre-sale before it was released.

The company has announced a remake of the French film Natalie, directed by Anne Fontaine in 2003. As a result, fangting praised the remake of Chloe because she was not satisfied with her own Natalie.

Not many people know about the original version, only the gimmicks are attractive, and there are many illogical places. When most people see the name of the movie, they first think of Hollywood actress Natalie Portman.

However, despite its high reputation, "Chloe" can't win "teleporter" at the box office because it's not suitable for seeing in the cinema. The box office of 14.55 million in the first week has been very eye-catching, and it is easy to break 50 million in the world. In addition, the disc market is making a lot of money.

The actor's acting skills have been highly praised, and "sky gray" Stella grey has also caught fire. Many people on the Internet want to know who sang the female version of the theme song and the final song. Looking up her information, she felt that she sang better than Guo Xu.

But she didn't know, and she didn't have an interview with the reporter. We couldn't find her. She went back to the mountains to cultivate immortals. She did not intend to go out of the mountain without getting through the two channels of Ren Du.

Online movie fans generally give the movie a high appraisal, and they don't get tired of discussing it for a week.

"When I went into the cinema, I thought it was another family comedy like" the dancer's innocence ". I didn't expect that the three main characters had a good acting performance. The performances of Jason and Megan made my scalp numb. They were really amazing."

"After watching this movie, I realized that Megan had acting skills. Before, people were always attracted by her appearance and figure, and ignored her acting skills. She's never taken a bad film since she came out. "

"The story feels like a real one. If Jason Guo doesn't play basketball and chooses to enter the music world directly, maybe there will be such a life. The paparazzi have no integrity."

"At first, I thought Megan would be a third party. Later, I found out that she was the original match. Jason was the third party. The seemingly most stupid and sweet person was a selfish schemer. The movie was a bit scary."

"I think Jason should take the movie after Megan. They will definitely get the Oscar nomination next year. Let's see how many awards" Inception "can win this year."

As a commercial film, "Inception" is undoubtedly very successful, this time won a total of eight Oscar nominations. When the official announcement, everyone was stunned. Guo Xu himself won three nominations: best original script, best original score and best mix. This is against heaven.

In addition, the nominations include best picture, best photography, best visual effect, best sound editing and best editing.

In addition to the best picture and script, all the others are technology awards, which are also consolation awards. Best actor and heroine, supporting actor and best director have nothing to do with them.

Guo Xu is not angry that there is no nomination for the big prize. Unless the Oscar judges are crazy, he will never win the prize.

What would Hollywood actors think if the ticket playing NBA star won the grand prize? There's got to be a bunch of people getting pissed off, right?

On the 28th, Guo Xu, absent from training, went to Los Angeles to attend the Oscar ceremony. He walked along the red carpet with Megan and dadario, which increased the attention of Chloe, which is still on the screen.

Fans are a little confused, isn't this malicious media hype? It's not that the reporters interpreted Megan as bisexual. Are these all true?

In any case, the three of them have become the most eye-catching stars, more eye-catching than big name movie stars, movie emperors, and hot candidates.

"Inception" is not to accompany the running, won four small awards, the best photography, the best editing, the best mix, the best original score.

Guo Xu twice took the stage to receive the award and delivered a short speech. The discussion among online fans has never stopped, and the ratings of the live broadcast have improved a lot.

"It's already obvious that playing basketball is Jason's sideline, and his main business is music. Will Grammys be far behind if the Oscars are won?"

"The biggest suspense in Jason's career is in which field he is more successful. He has six championship rings and three Oscars. Considering that he won't play for a long time, I think he won more Oscars than championship rings

"The criteria for the selection should be changed. Some of the people nominated by the film emperor are obviously not as good as Jason."

"There's a black curtain! The best script is Juno. What kind of junk is that? Can anyone read it? "

Many people are unable to express the meaning of Juno. The story is about a girl who is unmarried and gives her child directly to others. When nothing happens, she continues to live. This is a responsible performance? It's easy to mislead minors.

This film somehow mixed into the best film of Oscar. It has to be tortuous, miserable, and repentant. Most of the audience can't see the depth. It's just that the two children made a mistake carelessly. Through everyone's efforts, the problem has been solved perfectly.In fact, Juno's success is due to the American environment. There are too many mentally retarded middle school students who are unmarried and pregnant first. This movie can give them a solution, that is to give birth to children, send people, and then they can continue to wave. As long as a child is born, it's not abortion, it's a symbol of human rights

NBA regular season continues, the Suns lost a lot of games in the second half, Brandon Roy knee injury, team lineup is not neat.

After being selected as the all star, Roy made more breakthroughs when he was happy. He didn't have to do surgery. He was absent for about 8 weeks due to conservative treatment. He could only come back to the tournament as soon as possible.

Backup center Valerio was also injured, he is essentially a glass man's physique, this year he is a contract year, want to play better data to fight for a big contract, the offensive side is very desperate, the result because of shoulder injury season reimbursement.

Don't look at Valerio's data is not obvious, without his suns, it is difficult to deal with the inside line of the restricted area. Xiaosi and gotat, who are in the big list, have the same confrontation ability, like the power forward more than the center, and the overall defense is worse.

Roy's absence has a greater impact on the team. He is the team's second attack point and organization point with the ball. He does a good job in passing to Guo Xu. His comprehensive ability at the offensive end is better than veteran Grant Hill, wiggler bell and Parker.

As for Eddie Jones and collies Williams, they are in a serious state of decline. Send can break points Luo Rui and Guo Xu partner, two 183cm point guard defense will be much worse.

In order to avoid further injuries in the team, the Suns coach group increased the rotation of players, like the Spurs strictly control the star's appearance time, even if the substitutes can not withstand, also let the main players rest enough to return to the field.

This kind of rotation play, plus the western strong team all strengthened the lineup, enhanced the strength, the sun's second half record was surpassed by the rocket.

Guo Xu's data has been improved a lot after Roy's absence. If the team wants to win, he needs to shoot more. Without increasing the playing time, his score has been improved.

Guo Xu played 35 minutes per field, with a shooting percentage of 50.7%, three-point shooting rate of 42.9%, and free throw shooting rate of 90.6%, and entered the 180 club. He only shot 19.1 times, 28 points, 3.6 rebounds, 11.8 assists and 2 steals.

In the end, the Suns ranked second in the West with 60-22 record, the Rockets ranked first in the West with 62-20 losses, and the eastern Celtics achieved 66-16 best record in the league.

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