Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 808

Guo Xu rarely jumps in defense and looks lazy, so his defense will never be recognized by experts.

But his defense is often able to play a good effect, are aimed at the characteristics of the other side.

Before the game, the first teaching assistant sibodu especially stressed that Ellis was overplayed. His shooting rate of large-scale medium shot was only 39%, which was much less than the threat of his breakthrough. The medium distance 46% was good, and the shot was very few, accounting for less than 10% of the attack. His three-point change, field average 1 shot, only open to throw, 30.8% of the shooting.

Xiaosi grabs the backboard in the back court and passes it to Guo Xu. Valerio walks through the half-time and suddenly gives Guo Xu a cover in the midfield.

This is a tactic that the Suns make opponents more headache. If other guards play pick and roll at this distance, there is no threat, but Guo Xu is different. Two meters outside the three-point line may snatch shots, and the shooting rate of this distance is more than 40%.

Inside players are very difficult to help guards in this distance, Odom and dare not let him shoot casually, so out of the three-point line and Guo Xu maintained two steps of distance, can jump up at any time to interfere.

Guo Xu got rid of Ellis and sprinted at full speed. One meter before the three-point line, Guo Xu slowed down, held the ball with his left hand, drew his right hand closer to a slight stop, and immediately accelerated to change direction and passed Odom. This fake move, he shook two people, Ellis were blocked by his teammates, can only chase from behind.

Guo Xu took to the right side of the basket and attracted Bogut to make up defense. He jumped out of the baseline and passed the ball to Xiaosi on his side.

Xiaosi leaped to catch the ball and scored with ease, 95-99, Guo Xu's 15th assist.

Buckley said: "this is the strength of the first point guard in NBA history. Strictly prevent shooting, he will assist his teammates. It is difficult for opponents to prevent his passing. He always has a way to drive the team."

Smith said: "after Jason entered the league, it's very common for a guard to make 20 assists in a single game. I think he's got more than 20 assists today. He is not only the first point guard now, but also the first person in history

Buckley said with a smile: "if he leads the Suns to defend the title this year, Michael certainly dare not say that he is better than him."

"Zen master" Jackson was silent on the sidelines of the court, sighing at the fate of people. For a player like Guo Xu, the best choice is to be with him on the same team. It will be a headache to be an opponent. The Lakers had a chance to keep Guo Xu in the team until he retired, but they gave up easily.

The Lakers attack, strong side triangle attack routine did not play out, Valerio Bogut resistance in the forbidden area.

In the league, all centers are difficult to play efficiency, Bogu unique four times in the sun defense hit rate less than 45%, Xiaosi reimbursement of the season had 28.6% shooting rate.

It's not only Bogut who can't play Valerio, but the stars like Duncan, Howard and Yao Ming will be reduced in attack efficiency, and the shooting rate will be lower than the average level.

The data of blue collar meat shield center is not very good, but if you want to win the championship, there must be one in the team, which can deal with the opponent's inside attack. "The effect is not something that can be represented by data." it's about people like Valerio.

Odom to Ellis in the middle of the cover, received the ball against small breakthrough, into the basket was Vallejo's bag.

Odom points the ball, Bogut left to catch the ball, valejo turned to prevent shooting, stretched out a slight interference, Bogut's mid shot was out of the basket, Xiaosi grabbed the backboard.

Bogut's style of practice is a little similar to that of the Nuggets' neineinei. It looks good to hit more than 40% of the middle shots. In fact, he has very few shots, averaging only 2.3 times per game. He can occasionally show a free shot, not conventional weapons, which makes him look very comprehensive, but is far from "no dead corner shooting.".

Sun positional war, Guo Xu holding the ball half a time and varejiao play pick and roll, Odom actively change defense, reduce the center of gravity to maintain distance, Guo Xu did not cross.

Guo Xu took to the right side, Xiaosi gave him a cover, this time blocked Odom for half a second, Guo Xu changed to get rid of Bogut did not change defense, he had to deal with empty cut Valerio.

Ellis went all out on the defensive end, chasing and defending in place. Environment makes people, the Laker coach group is to attach importance to defense, Ellis defensive attitude than joined the warriors no less.

Guo Xu is not worried at all, and it is enough to get a chance to challenge Ellis on the right. He is confident that he can single out all the league's outside defense experts, Ellis this is not an expert guard enough threat to him.

He dribbled 45 degrees to his left hand, took a look in the direction of midfield, and suddenly changed to the right side to make it a success.

Ellis defensive consciousness is not good, easy to eat fake action, Guo Xu eyes and shake his shoulders to his center of gravity to the skew.

Guo Xu attracted the defense, stepped on the right side of the forbidden area line high jump, large pull rod drift to the left side to avoid Bogut's cover, the right hand backhand layup hit the cricket. 97 to 99.

Buckley said: "this attack is likely to make the top five goals, and occasionally Jason will use this way to remind everyone that he is not really a floor player."

Smith said with a smile: "he is not a one-on-one defense after his injury. He is not only fast, but also has a dunk King level bounce. He can make movements in the air, lay up and pass.""And no one will dare to foul him maliciously," Buckley said

Coach Jackson sat on the sidelines of the court, but the gap was close but didn't call a pause, allowing the players to play freely on the court.

The main purpose of triangle attack is to create singles opportunities, so that the opponent is not good to wrap, attack tactics have nothing to adjust. As for defense, Jackson couldn't think of a better way.

Artest to the left side of the ball single shot Roy, face frame probe step into a step to stop the jump shot in the interference of the deviation, Odom grabbed the front court rebound, the second attack throw into the ball. 97 to 101.

Sun attack, Guo Xu outside play pick and roll, attracted Odom change defense, the ball to the left side of Xiaosi.

The small Si takes the ball to vacillate, holds the ball surface frame breakthrough to enter the basket, dodges Bogut to cover the basketball to enter. 99 to 101.

Odom mobility is strong, suitable for anti pick and roll, he was attracted by Guo Xu, Bogut is responsible for the main defense Xiaosi, mobility is poor by a level, about equal to dislocation.

When the Lakers attacked, Ellis couldn't get rid of Guo Xu and had to divide the ball if he couldn't break through. Odom's high position should be passed to Joe Johnson, who was close to Parker, turned the ball to the baseline, and the jump shot missed the basket.

Just looking at the efficiency of singles, Joe Johnson can't compare with Kobe. He is limited by his physical fitness and is hard to get rid of the interference. Most of his shots are made against the defender and his feeling is unstable.

Valerio grabs the rebound and passes it to Roy, who passes it to Guo Xu.

Guo Xu does not wait for his teammates. He dribbles the ball to essley at the right corner. He dribbles the ball to his left hand and changes direction to the right side. After that, he draws Ellis to take the ball with his right hand and strides over to the basket. He picks up the basketball with his left hand. 101 to 101.

Smith said: "Jason's personal 29th point, led the Suns to tie the score, Jackson should call a pause."

Barkley said: "I don't think it's very useful for him to call a pause. It's already the strongest attack line-up of the Lakers. In the end, it's all about the stars and the offense. They can not succeed in defending Jason alone. No one in position 1 is faster than Ellis

The Lakers attack, two inside line pull out to team-mates cover, can not create space, pass several times, nearly use up 24 seconds, Joe Johnson's outside line hastily shot out of the way.

Sun positional war, Guo Xu with half-time to attract the package, homeopathy to Roy, the latter left 70 degree jump shot three points, the outside line finally into one. 104 to 101.

Jackson asked for a pause

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