Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 802

A very warm comedy, but the ending is tearful.

Austin's superpower has a flaw, after the baby is born, he can't cross to the time before the child. After the birth of the child, the gender has been set, and he may change if he goes back. It is not that he raised a child with feelings. And he can't change the past so that the child doesn't change.

In order to prevent her sister from having a car accident and get rid of the scum man, Austin uses his super ability to take her back to the party where they met in the past. As a result, her daughter becomes a son.

To solve this problem, he can't change his sister's meeting with slag man, so that his children will not be changed. In fact, he can choose to save only the sister who was in the accident, so that the child will not be changed, but he did not do so after thinking because he wanted to save his sister's whole life. The accident is a lesson.

Therefore, he chose to let his sister have a car accident, and then "sit still" with his wife in the hospital to reflect and reflect on his sister.

Later, the man's father was found to have advanced lung cancer, but he even said that he could not go back to the past to quit smoking, because he smoked so handsome that he could get to the man's mother.

Soon the man's father died, and when everyone gathered downstairs to go to the funeral, Austin said, "wait for me for two minutes.".

He went back to the past and met his father. As soon as he opened the door, he asked him directly, when did you come from? It is better to know a son than a father.

The woman wants a third child, the reason is: "if one is very smart, I don't want the other to feel inferior all his life. If we have three little babies, two little fools are still very happy."

But if the third child was born, Austin would not be able to go back to see her father. He finally agreed to Rachel because he loved his wife very much.

In fact, this reason is more nonsense. If they have two children who are very smart, the rest of the fool will be depressed to death. What's more frightening is what two fools think of the smart one, such as the three children of Li Yuan in the Tang Dynasty

When their third child was about to be born, the man said to the woman again. Wait for me, and I went to see my father for the last time.

He played table tennis with his father for a while. His father had not won for a long time. He asked him, "what's the reward I won?"

Austin replied, "onekiss.".

Father understood immediately. "This is the last time, isn't it?"

They shuttled to the seaside for the last walk. The male was a young figure, and 90% of the female audience in the cinema cried.

Austin's third child was born. He shed tears and said he was happy because of the baby.

At the end of the film, the man changes his attitude towards life. He spent the day first, then repeated it, looking for neglected fun.

Later, he took each day as his last, and did not repeat it.

For us, the past is a memory, the future is far away, only now is what we can grasp.

We should remember the past, whether it is sweet or painful, but after all, the past is only the past. If we are too immersed in it, it can only affect our steps today.

Super power is just a gimmick. What the movie really wants to express is "feel every day with your heart and love the people you want to love."

At the end of the screening, all the audience applauded warmly. Austin hugged Guo Xu excitedly. This time, he was really on fire.

He likes acting in movies and wants to be a star. From graduating from high school to now, he has been in the entertainment industry for nearly 10 years. Before that, he could only do supporting role in the film or not act in the mainstream American TV series. Seeing his friends become the world's top stars, he is also a little uncomfortable.

Now Guo Xu has given Austin a suitable script. He has asked Liam Neeson, who has been nominated for the film emperor, as a supporting role to make him famous. This is more moving than the content of the film. Guo Xu, who was absent from training in order to take part in the field leave, flew to Los Angeles for the premiere and flew back tomorrow to take part in the competition directly.

And this is just the beginning. There must be big productions for Austin to shoot.

"Time and space traveler" was released for four days in the first week, and became a big black horse in the festival. It grossed $25.2 million in North America, with a high reputation.

The original film's box office is not so good, because it was made by British people, and its humor and style are inclined to European films. Hollywood has always discriminated against foreign films. Rose, the man in friends, is regarded as a kind of eccentricity because he likes to watch foreign films.

Even in the United States is very popular foreign language film, Hollywood would like to make money will choose to remake it into American style. For example, difficult brothers and brothers, Infernal Affairs, and even more outrageous is the violent block 13. The plot is almost the same as the French version, except that the main character is changed into Paul Walker and remade.

Compared with the original version of "time and space love traveler", Guo Xu's magic version completely changed the protagonist's character, highlighted the male's psychology from the details, and made him become the main line and the most eye-catching person in the film.

Austin's many years of entertainment career is not idle, as early as the day after tomorrow, many people praised his acting skills. He can't be blamed for his baby face and big and strong body, which are very contradictory in a person.Can you imagine Xu Jinjiang's body matched with Su Youpeng's face and then act in "huanzhu Ge Ge Ge"? Erkang wanted to grab the show, but he couldn't stop him. MONDAINE, whose head grew into playing cards, was not the most strange.

The original man has a bitter face from the beginning to the end. Rachel is much better than him, and his sister is much better than him. This time, Austin is the most brilliant. People who have seen him think that he is a good match for Rachel and can be compared with the notebook.

There is no suspense about the movie's global box office breaking 100 million. At first, because the main character is not famous enough, some people may be hesitant to see it. Once word-of-mouth breaks out, it is no problem. This schedule is easier to achieve good results.

After watching the movie, many fans not only talk about the actors and the plot, but also talk about Guo Xu. Although he doesn't have a guest role, he can attract fans by hanging the name of the screenwriter.

"Will the best original screenplay for next year's Oscar be the competition between inception and space time traveler? Then Jason will look great

"This is Jason Guo's challenge to the whole entertainment industry, and his achievements as an amateur are extremely high. This year, he and Megan are the box office blockbusters, and the script has become a hot one. "

"It's been a long time since I saw this kind of movie that can make people cry. Jason Guo's brother is very handsome, his first love and his sister are also very beautiful. The casting of this film is perfect."

"You know what? Austin was the head of the Michigan school team in high school. Later, he quit because he wanted to develop in the direction of film. It is said that Jason and he have always been classmates. They learned to play basketball with Austin in junior high school

After discovering this, netizens discussed Austin's ball skills. Since he was the elder brother of Guo Xu and Jason Richardson in high school, his playing skills must be very good. It is estimated that he has the strength of a superstar.

He did not go to the NBA to play, it is estimated that he is too talented, do not want to do these things without challenges. After all, if you go to play, it's easy to enter the NBA with Austin's strength, but it's not challenging. It's meaningless for a person like him to challenge.

Many netizens asked: Austin went to the NBA, who can prevent him?

After reading the comments on the Internet, Austin didn't know what to say in an interview. Many Chinese netizens gave him the nickname "Tintin". He felt that he was a sissy.

Anyway, he was angry

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