Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 796

In September, some people in the NBA were happy and others were worried.

The people who support the Rockets are happy because they bought Luis Scola from the Spurs for a small price. The 206cm tall and 109 kg floor flow power forward won the MVP in the US championship.

Scola's strength has been unanimously recognized and affirmed. In the absence of several Argentine stars, Scola led Argentina to overcome all difficulties and share the tickets for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games with the United States.

In Argentina's ten games, Scola averaged 19.5 points and 7.5 rebounds. In the final against the United States, he beat any member of the United States, scoring the team's highest 23 points.

Argentina lost only two games to the United States and won the remaining eight games. In the two tough matches between Argentina and Brazil, Scola has become the Savior of the team. In the first game, he led the team to catch up in the last quarter, dragging the game into overtime and finally reversing it. In the semi-final, he took over the game and smashed Nei Nei.

Rocket's luck came, experts predict that Scola will become a qualified starting power forward in the new season. Manager Morey gradually became famous, he helped the Rockets to pick up leaks last season and got spanolis, becoming the sixth person in the team.

This summer, Yao Ming also got a full rest, did not represent the Chinese men's basketball team in the Asian championship. In order to prepare for next year's Olympic Games, China sent two teams to participate and only won 10th place.

For the Rockets is also good news, Yao Ming has sufficient physical strength for the new season.

Supporters of warriors are also happy, many experts think they will be the champion team next season. The newly added Kobe and the sixth man Barbosa have been selected into the best lineup of the US championship.

Brazil failed to get Olympic tickets. Barbosa was the biggest highlight, averaging 21.8 points and 2.8 assists per game, winning the U.S. Championship scoring champion. However, looking at the data, he is not much like a point guard and prefers to score on his own.

Kobe has averaged 15.3 points, 2 rebounds and 2.9 assists in 10 U.S. Championships. Anthony is the number one scorer, averaging 21.2 points per game, James is the number two scorer, averaging 18.1 points per game, and Kobe is in third place. He is selfless in the national team, sacrificing personal data and willing to do everything.

Kobe was also very hard on the defensive side, and his new warriors teammate Barbosa scored only 4 points against Brazil.

Kobe said in an interview that the warriors will also actively cooperate with his teammates. He will prove that he is not as unique as the group of brain disabled black men who should be hammered and broken on the Internet. He will help the warriors win the championship.

That's not to say. Kobe is really ready to cut down and play in the right way. Last season it was a little bit more than just because he wanted to be the top scorer and he did it. With the scoring king, he will focus on the championship.

Staying in the Lakers this year, Kobe will also become selfless. In his previous life, 2008-10 was the peak period of Guo Xu. His playing method is very reasonable, he can shoot suddenly, and his hit rate is stable. He can drive the whole team to the finals for three consecutive years.

What's more embarrassing is that the rhythm of Kobe's outburst this life is not right, and the strength of encountering the Eagle County incident is less, and the scoring king came a year late. This is what "Saiweng lost his life, what is not a blessing".

Kobe didn't get 35.4 points per game, and his popularity was completely suppressed by Guo Xu. He also had a bad relationship with teammates Artest and Bogut. These factors made the Laker management lose patience with him. Which two is a potential outstanding champion show, the other is a super cost-effective star small forward, which are not satisfied?

A player who can't win the ball is blamed on his teammates and thinks that he is not wrong and still scolds the boss is suitable to be the core?

Don't say it's old buss. Even if he is determined to save the earth, Buss light year flying to the universe can't save Kobe's character

Kobe was forced to stay in the team in the previous life. It was lucky for the Lakers to rob Gasol. If Kobe didn't have the veto power, he would have been sent to Detroit in 2007.

Kobe made so many problems, he was embarrassed, did not use the trade veto to go to the warriors. Let him persuade Artest and Bogut to stay, he is absolutely shameless. If the team doesn't send the two men back to Garnett to help him, he has to leave to fight for the championship elsewhere.

Kobe, who stays in Los Angeles, is always compared with Guo Xu and O'Neill. Now that the three giants of the Lakers are gone, this topic can also be ended.

The rockets and warriors are regarded as the teams most likely to threaten the suns in the West. Experts believe that the Suns' lineup has been weakened. Leaving Marion did not bring in stars. Only veteran, hill, still has injury risks.

In the East, the Celtics, who could threaten the Suns, signed heat forward James Posey and cavalier guard Eddie House as substitutes for the big three.

The Cavaliers, who lack salary space, have not been strengthened, but have been dug in the corner. Position 1 has become weaker and the prospect is not optimistic. "Little emperor" James became a sad man.

The most depressing person is Shaquille O'Neal, who was traded by the heat. He has obviously entered a decline period and has a huge contract. There are not many teams that want him. Only the bad teams are interested in him. They want to attract fans to the stadium to watch the ball by relying on his popularity. By the way, he can select high ranking rookies in the coming year.O'Neal was sent to the Pacers for Jermaine O'Neill and defender Travis Dinar.

O'Neal suffered from frequent injuries, and the Pacers' management knew that he was no longer available, so it was better to send off and train new talent in the future as soon as possible. In the same period of decline, O'Neill is more popular than him.

O'Neal knows the Pacers don't have the strength, it's hard to get into the playoffs, and it's hard for him to get into the all star game after joining this kind of team. As for the championship, unless he joins a strong team after his big contract expires. Now NBA offensive and defensive conversion rhythm is very fast, strong teams do not want O'Neal such a slow, hard to pick and roll big man.

As long as O'Neal is around, the team can't play or defend the fast break. Given that O'Neal hasn't been full-time since 1995-96 and missed a lot of games every season, no manager will bet on his return to the top.

After seeing the news, Guo Xu comforted O'Neill with a few words, suggesting that he should be lazy in defense and play pure health basketball instead. He should buy five kilograms of wolfberry in the new season and soak it in water at the sideline when he is resting.

When aopang's contract expires, he will join the Suns, and they will win the championship together. Now the sun can't afford his big contract of 20 million annual salary.

O'Neill is no longer concerned about the championship. He wants to be in a movie.

"When are you going to make a movie with me? You are the hero of science fiction blockbuster. Let me play the leading role again? I've never been in a movie with a box office of over 100 million. "

Guo Xu said with a smile: "how about shooting together in 2009? I have a general idea of life comedy which has nothing to do with basketball. I thought about it when I was recuperating. Not next year, I have to go to the Olympic Games, promised the manager of the Basketball Association

"OK, I'm sure I'll find time in the summer of 2009. What's my role?" O'Neill asked.

"You just play yourself, and I'll play myself in the movie. Megan will guest star."

"Is it a documentary? There won't be box office for this kind of film, will it? " O'Neill was a little disappointed.

"Of course not. I'll send you the complete script. You'll be absolutely satisfied."

Guo Xu has been in the cycle for nearly three years, and he has spent a lot of time speculating, which is also an interesting life

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