Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 759

Guo Xu immediately got up, turned on his notebook computer and went to the living room to check the information. He was sure that on May 31 in his own world, everything had not changed. He saw and had an impression on the big news of NBA yesterday.

After the Spurs led, the public was very low-key, not to say that they must eliminate the sun, which means that they will not underestimate the enemy, more difficult to do. There are also people on the Internet to analyze the possibility of Guo Xu's early comeback, all feel that he can't play.

The most posts on the forum scolded Vujacic, and the 78 winning team failed to reach the finals was also a record. Sun fans and potters want to kill Vujacic.

The funniest thing is that Vujacic has not been able to return to Slovenia. The news said that he was suspected of gambling and was investigated. Otherwise, people could not understand why he, a marginal man, dared to seriously injure the first NBA man. Recently, Vujacic has been hiding at home, afraid to go out and be beaten. There are a lot of cooking secrets in Los Angeles.

What happened in the villa was almost the same as yesterday, what the servant said at breakfast, the breakfast prepared by the chef and so on. The difference is that Megan is very curious about the sun lost, why Guo Xu is in a good mood and smiles all over his face.

"If you lose, you lose. It's not the end of the world. On the plus side, I have a longer vacation and more time to play." Guo Xu took a breath. "Or maybe it's a year or two off."

"Are you going to retire directly?"

"If you don't believe it, I'll have to stop for at least two years." Guo Xu said with a smile.

Into the cycle of time, he has no pressure, because he can't get out of the dream.

He didn't call the team doctor Carter after dinner. He tried once and there was no need to try the second time. Carter must not allow him to return. Before the end of the time cycle, he could not return, wasting spitting.

He pondered over two issues.

First, what are the conditions for breaking this time cycle?

If he only leads the team to beat the Spurs, then his waist is not sour and his legs are not painful. He should be able to finish the cycle immediately. If he is healthy, it's easy to clean up Parker. The Spurs will not be his opponent. Why not go out?

Second, in the cycle of time, does he need to avoid eating?

Eating messy food outside will affect the body's recovery. His quality in the cycle has never been improved, but not decreased. So eating Sichuan food, hot pot, seafood and so on should not make his injury worse. He died in circulation and was fully recovered. What could happen if he ate something?

Thinking of this, he got excited, and the fifth cycle came after more than a year. It's still this kind of life. Even if it is his own world, he does not care about the eyes of the outside world, anyway, no matter what he does, no one will remember.

Then, take time to find a private detective to determine the location of Vujacic. Go and give him a good beating and break his three legs. It needs to be done at night, otherwise if the police come to the door too soon, he will have to stay at the police station for the night. That's not pleasant.

He might be able to drive out of town and spend the night in a small town hotel? It's also exciting and interesting to avoid being pursued by the police.

Guo Xu has not never done this kind of thing. He has done a lot of drag racing. He has been arrested by the police for stealing luxury cars. He has done many magical things in the cycle of time.

You don't have to go out with Megan. Alexandra dadario is in Los Angeles, and imeber Hilde is not. She recently returned to her parents' home in Texas. Dadario also told him about it on the Internet yesterday. I don't know if she is bothered by her nagging and wants to come back when there is a publicity campaign for the film.

What if I went to Kobe's house and robbed Vanessa? It's so evil that he should have this idea. How about integrity? What about the bottom line? Although it's a time cycle, you can't do what you want.

Megan on the side asked, "what do you think? Smile and frown

"Just thinking about the game. I want to do a test this afternoon to see if I can play Guo Xu replied.

"Don't you say you don't care about the outcome? Why are you fighting again? " Megan frowned.

"I promise I won't play tomorrow, but it's OK to have a try. I'm rusty after listening to Thomas."

In the time cycle, Guo Xu is still more cautious, to the villa court jogging warm-up, and then tried dribbling and shooting.

Although his leg didn't hurt at all, he soon found something wrong. His shooting target was still there, but his physical fitness dropped sharply.

To what extent? He probably can only jump less than 20cm. Robert watched and said that he was just a little off the ground. 20cm was visual, but it was not much better.

Guo Xu believed that even if he was seriously injured in the cycle, he could recover the next day, so he tried to do his best after warming up. As a result, his legs were OK, and people still couldn't jump up. It's impossible to dunk. Layups are the most basic "civilian layups" for students.

For the 183cm high point guard, such a jump is disastrous, Yao Ming's data jump in NBA before the draft is close to 55cm. Now Guo Xu's bounce must be the bottom of the NBA.

He tests running speed even more collapsed, three quarters of the sprint in the outside players become slow.How slow is it? It is estimated that he is the "human peristalsis essence" of No. 1, and the first team is the slowest 30 teams, and the substitute is also compared with the veteran. This is the level of Stockton at the end of his career.

Now NBA is the era of small ball, a "fast" word is particularly critical. The attack speed and efficiency should not only be fast, but also the return defense speed must be fast. In a word, in 48 minutes, the players should be ready for the infinite turn back run.

The good news is that not every player in the NBA has an explosive athletic ability. Some of them, because of their own reasons, want to be fast and can't get up quickly, but they still play a good level.

, for example, Kell Anderson, who is the essence of human creep in the future, is really slow. It's harder for the audience to see him break through than constipation. His breakthrough is 100% slow three beats, the opponent must have the rhythm of square dance to break the ball. However, Anderson is so slow that there are teams who want him and signed a middle class in the summer of 2018.

Therefore, the player's slow speed does not mean that he can't play basketball well. Point guard also has an example. In 2011, Jason Kidd's speed was already Rockman level, and helped the Mavericks win the championship.

Guo Xu wants to understand the difficulty of this cycle. His current physical quality should be the amount of exercise he can bear when he goes out of circulation with injuries. If he exceeds this intensity, he may GG.

If he plays with this physical quality, he can't even play 70% of his usual strength, and he can't find the familiar rhythm of the game. In such a state, no matter how good his skill is, no matter how accurate his shooting is, he can't shoot more because it's hard to create a mobile phone club. Now he is equal to the weakened version of NASH.

In addition, his quality decline will become a black hole at the defensive end. It will be very difficult for a guard to defend Parker at this speed, and he can't jump up and interfere with Parker's shooting.

In general, think about the retired season Stockton, he can still get 10.8 points, 7.7 assists, but Malone and can not lead the team through the first round of the playoffs. Guo Xu and he are not a type of point guard. They are good at attracting the ball after being sandwiched, not directly assisting teammates.

Guo Xu is not even as good as Stockton, because he is not good at personal confrontation. What if he is hit by the other side and injured again?

After thinking about it, Guo Xu felt that this time cycle was more difficult to break than the last one. If he wants to drive the team in this state, he can only work more on the offensive side. Break through at a slow pace and deliver assists at a slow pace.

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