Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 722

Because of the world championships, NBA training camp started later this year.

Some changes have taken place in the Suns coaching team. First assistant Larry drew was poached by the Hawks to become head coach.

Hawks are fast break, the management believes that drew with the sun has won three consecutive titles, D'Antoni will certainly be able to better coach the team.

The Suns recruited Tom sibodu as the first assistant to replace drew, a famous defense coach in the league. Many coaches want to work in the sun, and the management can choose the right person. Brian Colangelo chose the best defensive player to complement d'antony.

This is not Guo Xu's suggestion. He made movies at that time. Brian knew basketball and knew who to look for.

After Jeff Van Gundy was dismissed, sibodu didn't leave the rockets and assisted Nelson for another year.

As head coach of the Rockets' Summer League, he led the Rockets to a total victory for two consecutive years. This summer the king invited him to be the head coach, sibodu actually declined, chose to be an assistant in the sun, very personality.

From this point we can see that sibodu's vision is good. Joining the king is a big hole. The shabby lineup will certainly not make any achievements, which will affect his future development. It is better to gild the sun first.

He signed a three-year contract with the Suns, as long as he won the championship in the Suns, there was no strong team looking for him.

On October 4, the sun held a media day at the main stadium. The players appeared together and accepted media interviews.

Speaking of the new season, Guo Xu said: "I think shooting movies in summer has helped me a lot. First, I relaxed my mood. Second, I haven't played basketball for a long time. Now I have a strong desire to play."

No reporter refutes, he now even said smoking long speed, drinking long bounce have fans will believe.

"How do you feel?" the reporter asked

"Not bad, I can find the rhythm of the game very quickly. This season the Suns play better than last season, our team has a lot of people who can score, my task has become simple again

Reporter asked: "this year the sun changed half of the people, how do you evaluate the new teammates?"

"Rookies have great potential, veteran players can also use experience to help the team, they are suitable for the sun's offensive system, will soon integrate into the team."

"Which teammate do you like best?" the reporter asked

Guo Xu said with a smile: "Brandon Roy, I have seen him in the NCAA game, the ball style is very suitable for the sun. I'm willing to pass to him and help him get the rookie of the season

Roy is beside listening to the exuberant heart, Guo Xu's speech is too good to listen to, or how to lose a circle in the holiday? Don't talk about women, men are easy to fall in love with him. Best rookie award players have only one chance in their lives and they all want it.

Reporter asked: "Roy's template is Karen Ross. Do you think he can reach that height and become an all star in the future?"

"He plays in the Suns, with Amare and Shawn attracting defense. I think it's too low to take Ross as the template. His template should be Kobe. You know, even the guy whose draft is lower than him is Pippen

The reporters all feel that they have dug up big news. Guo Xu's evaluation of his new teammates is really high.

In fact, the rookie's template is the strongest, is the famous point guard Tim Hadaway, because his breakthrough is very strong, good at cross step change. But no reporter thought he could reach that height, nor did he ask Guo Xu this question.

The reporter asked about the player's injury, let coach d'antony talk about his views.

"We want to avoid this as much as possible. We will take more rotation this season, reduce the playing time of Amare and Sean, let them adapt slowly and get back to the feeling of the game," he said

New people interviewed, all praise Guo Xu, Lori is ready to worship him as a teacher.

Guo Xu was not polite. The next day, he instructed Lori in the public training class. Two people were opposite each other, and Lori was particularly miserable.

Lori is now completely relying on his body, his sophomore season average 11 points 4.3 rebounds 3.7 assists 2.3 steals the data is not brilliant, so the draft ranking is not high. Compared with the rookie of the same year, he also looks like a small person.

NBA is a gathering place of basketball elites in the world. Only real basketball experts can become superstars here. Guo Xu doesn't practice basketball in a summer, and can play with Lori with his experience.

He used two moves, the crotch dribble to take the step three points and the crotch dribble to break through. Lori suffered a lot. Guo Xu chooses the next step according to Lori's movements. When Lori retreats, he also withdraws and shoots. When Lori comes forward, he changes direction.

Luo Rui can also catch up with the speed of the problem, can not casually reach out, a hand finished, Guo Xu hit with the ball is a foul, throw the ball on the free throw line.

This is Guo Xu's live teaching. "Follow the people do not reach out, if you like to steal, rookie season can not play a few minutes, all foul."

"Don't jump around. You can defend and interfere with the shooting. If you jump so high, you want to give someone a free throw. If you land on a person's foot, you will be useless.""If you have a chance to stop the jump shot and jump in, the first choice is to score the ball. Don't lay up against the big man. Can you hit a high percentage like this? Your teammates have the ability to score

When he finished, Lori was sweating.

D'antony called him to his side and asked with a smile, "how did it feel to meet a star for the first time?"

"It's terrible. Fortunately I joined the suns." Lorry sighs.

"You don't have to be afraid. He wants to help you improve. After you get used to playing with him, you will feel that many guard stars do not live up to their names." D'antony said with a smile: "your shooting is not good, usually more practice, a little bit of practice."

Lori was relieved and immediately figured it out. Not every defender is as good as Guo Xu, but he is 41 points per game. It's normal that he can't defend himself.

According to Lori's scouting report, most experts agree with his explosive power and ball control passing skills. He likes physical confrontation with opponents, never afraid to rush into the forbidden area and launch hand to hand combat with opponents. But his height is limited, 183cm always into the inside line, the efficiency is impossible to be high, the breakthrough is more powerful, that is, Iverson's inefficient 2-point play.

If he can't shoot well, he can't be a star.

After Lori's exit, Guo Xu changed to the main point of the ball, there was no need to abuse David Wesley, the family came to provide for the aged, not to be abused.

He passes the ball to Roy to attack with the ball. He plays without the ball and runs under the cover of his teammates to find the ball and get it out of the mobile phone.

The result was gratifying. Several members of the coaching group chatted and felt that they had found treasure this time. Guo Xu and Roy are natural partners. They have a good chemical reaction when they cooperate for the first time.

Roy can hold the ball, pick and roll with his teammates in the high position. He knows the weak side and observes the movement of his teammates. He attracts the ball to the middle road after changing defense, or to Guo Xu, who slips the baseline.

When Guo Xu is on the strong side, he can attract defense at the bottom corner, slip the baseline to find a big man to cover for the weak side to catch the ball. The opponent's pursuit and defense are slow, and his jump shot is three points, and the pursuit and defense are in place. He plays single with the ball. As long as varejiao or Xiaosi take two steps and stand in the low position on one side, the opponent will not be able to wrap up and will be free.

This is the usual routine of the three big Lakers, and the Suns often play. Roy and Guo Xu through the phone, the holiday in addition to practicing shooting, but also looking for a lot of sun game video, very hard.

He has a very high ball dealer. He can play as much as Joe Johnson does and imitate him directly. This is a short cut into the team, Roy played very smart, Howard to leave did not learn to play like this.

Can such a person not be an all star?

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