Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 71

On the night of the 13th, the Lakers held a press conference to announce the signing of four new players and display their jerseys. Guo Xu is the only leading player, and the other three are all foil.

Nearly a hundred reporters came to the scene, almost bursting the small training hall. All kinds of long guns and short guns filled the press box. It can be seen that all media attach great importance to Guo Xu.

Audrey Jones from ABC Radio also came. She didn't expect that there would be so many people today. According to this development trend, she would like to interview Guo Xu again.

In addition to the reporters who usually work with the Los Angeles team, most of the extra reporters come from the mainstream American media, such as news channels. There are also some international media, such as European media and Asian media with rare traces. They all appeared in the Laker training hall today. This situation is very similar to the story of Guo Xu's "Lin madness" in his previous life.

When Lin Shuhao broke out, five Chinese players had played in the NBA. Now Guo Xu is the only Chinese American in the NBA.

Lin Shuhao's peak is as short and gorgeous as summer flower, and finally returns to ordinary. He has never broken any records, has not been selected as an all star, or even called a second rate star. Guo Xu's career has just begun, and he seems to have unlimited potential to break the record.

No matter what height Guo Xu can reach in the future, they are willing to hold him up. In the end, if his strength falls from a high place, the media will form a group to trample on him, and all the news is news.

Some people asked Guo Xu how he felt about breaking the record in the summer league. Some people wanted to know how he felt when he was selected as the last place. There were also reporters who asked questions that were tricky.

A male reporter from China asked, "according to the information, you are of Chinese descent, do you know Chinese?"? Do you know China? "

Of course, Guo Xu knows China and the huge Chinese keyboard warrior community in the future. This question must be answered well. Otherwise, some keyboard warriors will say that he is a "banana man". From now on, he looks like a "mountain patrolling goblin" treating "chop Ji Wan". It is a naked hatred and a bitter hatred.

No matter how white Guo Xuchang is, he is of Chinese origin. White Americans care very much about the purity of their lineage. As long as you have mixed blood with other races, you are not white. Even if you are one sixteenth of Chinese, you are also of color.

"Banana man", also known as ABC (American born Chinese), originally means Chinese born in the United States. Although they have black hair and yellow skin, they don't know Chinese and speak authentic American English. They have been influenced by American culture and education since childhood, and their mode of thinking and values are also completely Americanized, which is different from their predecessors who immigrated to the United States.

Then the problem comes that "banana man" will be despised by some Chinese keyboard warriors. When Guo Xu's previous life, Lin Shuhao, broke out in 2012, he was sprayed on the Internet, and even called him a traitor.

I don't know what Xiao Linzi has done to China, or he has practiced the anti evil sword spectrum In fact, he can't speak Chinese, dialect, and Chinese characters.

Later, Lin Shuhao proved that he could speak Chinese, but he was not very fluent. As a result, he was still spurted. The reason is that you can join Chinese nationality? You banana man!

I have to say, there are some brain damage sprays you can't afford, they are really good at disgusting others, and you can't stop them.

Of course, if Chinese Americans can identify with Chinese culture or promote Chinese culture, normal Chinese netizens will still welcome and praise them.

Guo Xu answered the question directly in Chinese. "I know China very well. If you don't believe that you can compare Chinese with me on the spot, I can tell you a story about the red carp and the green LV donkey Ah, bah, forget it. It takes too much time. I'm afraid you will be thrown out by the security guard. "

When he spoke standard Mandarin, the Chinese reporter could also make a Chinese joke, showing a surprised expression. "Your Mandarin is very good. Who did you learn from it?"

"My dad." Guo Xu simply replied.

Other reporters were a little impatient, and the Chinese reporter quickly asked another key question. "Would you like to make time for an exclusive interview with the Chinese media?"

"Of course, just contact my agent. You can choose the place." Guo Xu said with a smile.

He hopes the Chinese fans will know him, which will make his popularity soar. The development of basketball in China is about to enter a golden period. The influence of NBA in China and the number of Chinese fans will increase greatly.

A foreign reporter then asked, "do you have a goal for the new season? How high do you think you will be in the NBA in the future

Guo Xu thought for a while and said, "my goal in the new season is to be the best rookie, and my goal in the future is to be an all star."

Reporters immediately felt that this trip was worthwhile tonight. Probably everyone has ambition. There are very few people who dare to speak frankly. Guo Xu shows extraordinary self-confidence.

He certainly dares to say that this goal is not difficult to achieve. In his previous life, the performance of 2000 rookies was generally bad, the data was bad, and the best rookie lineup couldn't even get together five people who scored double.

The best rookie was Mike Miller, averaging 11.9 points, 4 rebounds and 1.7 assists per game. He was a pitcher in the magic team.Although the Lakers have OK combination, Guo Xu can not have too many ball rights, but fisher can score double, he firmly believes that he can also, as long as more assists, more than enough than Miller. The only variable is Jason Richardson, he can get what data in the bulls, Guo Xu can't guess.

The reporter asked: "your registered height is only 180cm, but you have set two summer league records, which has inspired many people. What's your secret? Do you have any special advice for the little guys who love basketball? "

Guo Xu said with a smile: "small men have advantages. If you really love basketball, practice hard. When you learn to use your own advantages and use speed to pass those big men, you will be half successful."

"And the other half?" Asked the reporter.

"You have to put the ball in."

"Did you choose number 58 because of the draft sequence?" the reporter asked

"Yes, I want to leave a memorial. The number 58 is not terrible. People should not lose confidence in themselves because of one number. The identity of the last rookie is an incentive for me, and I believe many people will regret not selecting me in advance

Reporter asked: "is it your childhood dream to enter NBA?"

Guo Xu shook his head: "no, I was very introverted when I was a child and didn't like to talk. I have two good friends who like playing basketball. My family asked me to go out and play with them and communicate with people. Basketball has changed my life

"What is your friend's strength?" the reporter asked

"Jason Richardson was selected by the bulls in the fourth place, and I think all fans will know him in the future. He is no worse than Jordan just by watching dunk. Another friend of mine, Austin Nichols, now lives in Los Angeles and dreams of becoming a Hollywood star. His second film will start shooting this month Guo Xu didn't forget to help friends to promote, we are the combination of ox X.

The reporter asked: "is there your idol in the league? Who do you think is the best point guard? "

"My idol is Jordan, he is the best player in the NBA," Guo said. The best point guard, I think, is Allen Iverson. He's about the same size as me. He's not only the top pick in the draft, but also the top scorer. He has a lot to learn from. I'm looking forward to playing against him in the NBA

Iverson won more All-Star votes than O'Neal last season, second only to Carter and moning, nearly twice as many as Kobe. He is the most popular point guard, there is no one, 183cm point guard is just a kind of saying, which coach dare to let him to defend the opponent point guard?

The reporter also asked about some basketball off court topics, Guo Xu's hobbies and so on. He had too many hobbies. He talked about a series of them. Lei's reporters were not light.

An hour later, in a burst of applause, the press conference ended smoothly.

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