Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 630

The Suns lead the league with 6-1 record, and reporters don't know how to evaluate Guo Xu.

Guo Xu used to say that "the game is for five people" and "no brother, no basketball". As a result, in these two games, he broke the opponent by himself.

Last season Guo Xu three regular season MVP, everyone thought that he had reached the player's peak, that is Jordan has not won the honor, because the sun's record is too good, can't give other talent to Guo Xu.

In the summer, the media had premeditated propaganda about other suns stars, trying to prove that Guo Xu was overestimated, because the league could not let him win the regular season MVP for the fourth time in a row.

If this happens, Guo Xu will set a terrible historical record, really surpass Jordan and become the first person in NBA in the eyes of many people. Although he has fewer Championships than Jordan, no NBA star has ever played MVP four times in a row.

How terrifying is this record? The famous Chamberlain won only four regular season MVPs in his career, and three games in 1960 and 1966-1968.

With Guo Xu's performance this season, if he doesn't get hurt and keeps playing like this, the data must be terrible. If the sun's record is good, can MVP be awarded to others in the end?

At the press conference, a reporter asked Guo Xu about the topic of winning the MVP.

Guo Xu said with a smile: "I don't think about winning the prize now. What I have to do is try my best to help the Suns win. After seeing all my strength, after this game, no one will say that the Suns can't make the playoffs, right

The reporter asked: "will you give priority to individual points in each game next?"

"Yes, I'm going to play like this every game. Until the end of the season, many people forget how we eliminated the Timberwolves in 2004. I'm going to tell them with my actions that I don't just brush assists, I also brush points."

The reporters in the meeting took a breath, and the fans of other teams had to pray for the teams they supported.

Guo Xu, who was questioned as "brush assist", was very strong. He led the team to win two championships easily, but he could save some face for his opponents in most games. "Brush score" Guo Xu is the devil, even the audience have this feeling, how miserable his opponents are.

The nets are all very depressed in the interview, and no one wants to be the background board for opponents to cut high scores.

Kidd refused to comment on Guo Xu and ended the interview with a few perfunctory remarks. He felt that he was more disgraceful than when he was raped by his wife, and his historical status was greatly reduced.

After the game, many people on the Internet began to discuss whether Guo Xu could win the regular season MVP four times in a row. If he doesn't win the prize, who else in the league is eligible for it?

President David Stern called Union officials to a meeting to discuss Guo Xu.

NBA now appear monster, we think about how to do it.

After a discussion, it was suggested that Guo Xu and the Suns should be suppressed instead of giving him star posts and home posts, and then they were despised by everyone present.

It's not easy to hold up a superstar. Guo Xu's commercial value is almost breaking through the atmosphere. His business value is the top of a group of ordinary all stars. Do you want to suppress him? Do you still make money when you press down the NBA?

It is impossible to suppress it, not only because of money, but also because of the sensational effect caused by Guo Xu.

He attracted everyone's attention, when the League reduced his star sentry? Wait for the fans to scold you to death.

Fans will not only scold the league, in this case, the League touts who, several stars with more whistles than Guo Xu may also be scolded. At present, the number of cookers is 6 billion, and many of them are invincible.

Recently, a lot of brain damage cookers have called the "emperor" elected by the league as "orangutan". The reason is that you can see how James looks like an orangutan. What do you compare with the handsome man?

At present, Jamie, who has just formed a scale, is not easy to refute, because James is really ugly, unlike the orangutan, but he is also an old man. Guo Xu is really recognized as a type man. He has a good image and fashionable clothes. He doesn't rely on blowing. He has long, sharp nosed faces

Compared with the two, fans will definitely support Guo Xu. James is a strong Challenger at most.

70 + in a row is so amazing that the wily stern has never seen such a thing.

There are only 17 players who have scored 60 points once in NBA history. There are only four players in active service, including Guo Xu, Iverson, McGrady and O'Neill. We can imagine how difficult it is to score 60 points in the NBA. Kobe and arenas are likely to do it in the future, and now they are only 50 +.

As for 70 + in a row, Chamberlain was the only one who could achieve this in NBA history. Coincidentally, both of them have the miracle of 100 points now.

Chamberlain has averaged 50.4 points per game in a single season, and he has scored 70 + seven times in his career, and Guo Xu has also scored 70 + three times.

In Chamberlain's time, his height, arm length and physical fitness were Superman's existence. The players who played with him were almost 20cm shorter than him. He could dominate the basketball and cut 22 times. It was not so surprising that he was not as amazing as Guo Xu.After the discussion, league officials agreed that Guo Xu could not be suppressed, but MVP could not easily give him.

First look at the record. If the sun can win the top two in the league, then look at the data of the stars in charge of the other team. As long as there is not a big gap between the data and Guo Xu, the award will be given to that person. If the data gap is very large, it will be given to Guo Xu.

If the sun is only the third place in the league, it will definitely not give Guo Xu, even if he is the first in the West. The league is hoping the Cavaliers get the best record, this season began to give the Cavaliers more home guard, star whistle strength.

With O'Neal, the heat brought in Antoine Walker in the summer, looking like a bunch. Cavalier Boozer is only the second round rookie in 2002, or a player trained by the Cavaliers. His trident composed of James and ilgoskas is more worthy of praise, and does not look like a group.

The Hawks are strong, but they can't be promoted, because MVP can't turn to Nash. He is now called the poor version of Jason Guo.

At this meeting, the League also discussed how to use Guo Xu's popularity to run the 2006 Houston all star game.

Guo Xu is obviously not willing to participate in the next day's challenge. If he creates opportunities for home team stars Yao Ming and T-Mac, he may choose to "play soy sauce". With him almost certainly the All-Star ticket winner, the League doesn't want him to be too low-key.

Adam Silva, vice president, suggested, "isn't Jason fond of singing and dancing? Why don't you invite him to perform on the star weekend? We'll contact him now and ask him to prepare the program and use the platform of star weekend. "

Stern asked with a smile: "let him sing at the half-time of the star game? That's a good idea. "

"I suggest that two days ahead of schedule, the star competition is not lack of popularity and ratings, and other big stars can also be invited to perform. I suggest that he perform before the rookie game, that is, to warm up for the rookie game, and attract the audience to the goal field, so that the ratings will be promoted Silva is a talent who is good at showing.

The attention of the rookie competition is not higher than that. At the beginning, it can't attract the audience. Since 2002, there has been a show element. The rookie's performance has finally gained some popularity. Now the audience is tired of watching it.

When there are big names such as Guo Xu, James and Yao Ming, the audience is willing to watch. There are no big names in the 2006 rookie challenge, and the stars are bleak. All of them are role players of each team, and second-class stars are considered as big names.

How low the ratings of the first day can be predicted. If there is no gimmick, the scene may not be full.

The alliance needs Guo Xu

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