Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 628

Last night, Alexandra dadario watched the sun vs. Knicks live at home with her parents and brother Matthew.

Matthew, 17 years old and 190cm tall, is a member of the high school basketball team. His hobby is to imitate Guo xutou's three-point shooting on the basketball court. His shooting speed is very similar to that of Guo xutou, and then he plays iron crazily.

Watching the game, Matthew said several times "if only I could get the autograph". Tomorrow Saturday holiday, he plans to wear the sun No. 1 Jersey to wait at the hotel gate, hoping to see Guo Xu and take a chance.

Dadario didn't tell his brother what happened to Guo Xu. She didn't know whether she should help him to get his signature. If he was allowed to wait outside the hotel, 99% of his wish could not be realized.

She didn't know why she didn't tell her family. Normally, she would show off.

She subconsciously wants to have something to do with Guo Xu. She hopes to make a movie together next year. She feels that if she shows off for photos, autographs and her brother, she will be a simple fan and uncomfortable.

Missing is a very mysterious thing, like a shadow. That night, dadario had another dream about Guo Xu.

This dream was even more strange. She knew it was fake because she dreamed that Guo Xu was playing on behalf of the SVA basketball team in the school gymnasium, and the performance was better than that against the Knicks.

The dream is scattered, the picture is a little fuzzy, but she knows that Guo Xu got more than 100 points and won numerous applause. After the game, they went to have a snack together and then went to the hotel.

On the 13th, dadario woke up before eight o'clock, covered his head with a pillow and kicked his legs violently.

Lost dead, how can I dream of going to the hotel with Jason Guo again? I've had this dream for two days in a row!

She turned on her computer and landed on a website. Yesterday, she checked the information on the Internet and left a message on the doctor's online consultation website, hoping to know what her situation is now.

Three doctors replied, the conclusion is similar, suspected that she has sex addiction, is a kind of morbid.

One of them left more messages. He said: in general, there are more men who are addicted to sex, and it is not good for women to find a normal job. If you are beautiful and have a good figure, you can do a good job in abnormal work, such as being an actor of that kind. Well, it's actually done very well

I'm a serious actor! I'm going to cover myself up like Julia Roberts and never do nude. What a rotten doctor this is! Demery in our days? If you do this, you will fall into the abyss of the elevator.

Ah, bah I'm not sick!

Dadario was so angry that he tried to smash the computer and went downstairs to the living room.

She poured a glass of milk and asked her holiday mother, Christine, "where's Matthew? You don't really wear a Jersey to the door of the hotel, do you? "

"Yes, I said he must not have signed. He is not happy. There are so many people around the hotel door. Even if Jason is willing to sign, how many can he sign? If you go, you may get an autograph. You are in good shape. Maybe Jason just likes your type Christine said with a smile.

Poof, dadario just took a sip of milk and it's all spilt.

Christine frowned. "When you say you're in good shape, you learn from cows?"

“……” Dadario thought about it and made a decision. "I'm out looking for Matthew."

After wiping the floor, she went out with a beautiful blue leisure dress.

Taking a taxi, she took her mobile phone and looked at Guo Xu's phone number over and over again. At last, she sent a message to Guo Xu, saying that her brother wanted to sign. She asked if she could delay Guo Xu's time and meet with her.

Guo Xu was very excited after playing the super game. He didn't sleep late. He just finished washing and was ready to have breakfast. He saw the text message.

Although in reality he intended to be nice to Megan, he couldn't refuse dadario's request. In his opinion, it was only one day before they separated from the earth. If you don't recognize people, it's too dreary, and he's in bed when he leaves the cycle, and he doesn't lift his pants

Dadario was very nervous, holding his mobile phone in both hands, for fear that Guo Xu would not reply to the text message or that he would not have time to refuse.

I'm not going to turn him off when I ask for it? What should I do? It has been sent out.

At this time, Guo Xu returned a message. "Have you had breakfast? Ask your brother to wait for me in the hotel restaurant and have breakfast with me

She looked at it several times, and was sure that she was not excited to jump in the car. She clenched her fist and waved it a few times. She kissed her cell phone twice. She replied to the text message with reserve. "Isn't that good?"

Guo Xu called directly. "Did you watch the game yesterday?"


"I broke the record yesterday. I was in a very good mood, so today I decided to interact with my fans and choose two lucky viewers to have breakfast. You and your brother were selected." Guo Xu said with a smile.

"Thank you. My brother is a fool. Don't be angry if he says something strange." Dadario laughed."As long as your brother doesn't look like Pippen, I won't be angry at anything."

"Ha ha."

Guo Xu soon met his sister and brother in the hotel restaurant. Of course, Ma Xiuchang's is not like Pippen. He is the male version of dadario. Their facial features are basically carved out of the same mold, even their eyes are alike. The difference is that Matthew is taller, with yellow pupils and a slightly thinner face, not so round.

When Matthew saw Guo Xu, he was so excited that he could not speak. Guo Xu shook hands with him and asked them to sit down.

Matthew looked at her sister and said, "my God, you know Jason. You didn't tell me before."

"Your sister and I just met yesterday, and I invited her to audition for a movie," Guo explained

Matthew's mouth opened into an o. "Are you talking about the science fiction blockbuster?"

"Yes, it's that one. It's very suitable for the heroine's setting, so I suggest that she try it."

"The heroine? Is she OK? Does she really act? " Matthew took a deep breath, turned his head and said solemnly, "Anna, I will never laugh at you again. Your acting skills are bad and your expression is dull. I don't know the goods."

Dadario suddenly had an impulse to slap his brother to death. Didn't it make her audition more difficult?

Guo Xu laughs hard. In his previous life, Matthew also became an actor, performing the ultra-low reputation youth fantasy American drama "Shadow Hunter", which was adapted from the Holy Grail artifact: the city of skeletons. His poor acting skills and unsophisticated expression seem to be the evaluation he got.

They had breakfast together and chatted for more than an hour. Guo Xu signed Matthew's shirt and took a lot of photos with them.

After leaving the hotel, Matthew walked in front of him and asked, "did you sleep with him? Why else is he so nice to you? No, I only met yesterday. Didn't you go home to sleep? Are you so fierce, and his car... "

Bang! Dadario couldn't help but punch his brother in the back. "Shut up

Matthew didn't feel the pain, but he laughed triumphantly: "ha ha, I'll go back to school to show them pictures. Some people must be envious of death. I've never heard of him having dinner with any fans before. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend, otherwise you have a chance. "

Dadario sighed at the thought of Megan Fox. Guo Xu's girlfriend is a famous fox spirit. Her film will be released in a few days.

If only dreams were real? Anyway, she has to fight for the movie role.

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