Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 601

Guo Xu has experienced three time cycles and is experienced. He knows how to allocate his time reasonably and doesn't do too many repetitive things.

First of all, he has to find a suitable training program, a shortcut. Even if he doesn't train hard every day, it's necessary to prepare for training in advance. He doesn't want to waste his time in this respect. So he has to contact a player friend to help him practice in the goal hall.

Training in the NBA stadium and training on the concrete ground of the open-air court are two different things. Besides, it's November. Today's weather is normal. The temperature in New York is less than 10 degrees in the daytime and less than 5 degrees in the evening. Outdoor sports are not so comfortable.

In addition, Guo Xu enjoys the experience of interacting with NBA players. He likes to see each other in the cycle of time and be surprised. All of a sudden, a "amateur" player single shot star, even if the audience is slow reaction, than "silly strong" is also silly, will be surprised by Guo Xu's performance jaw. Guo Xu wants to know everyone's expression.

Of course, the other side has no memory, he has, once the number of times to see it is not interesting. Fortunately, there are two teams here, and he can play in the Knicks after playing enough on the nets.

When the phone rang, Guo Xu knew it was Jason Richardson as soon as he heard the voice saying hello there. He still used this number as expected.

Last time Orlando time cycle Richardson is the same number, can contact, but the distance is too far, two people did not meet.

In the use of electrical appliances, Richardson is a very old-fashioned person. As long as things are not broken, they will not be changed, such as mobile phones, mobile phone numbers and home appliances, no matter how rich he is.

"Hi, I'm Jason Guo."


"Jason Guo, you can't hear me? We live next door, go to primary school together, and my family runs a restaurant. "

"Are you Jason Guo, who runs a Chinese restaurant at home? How could you have my phone? We haven't seen each other since primary school. Aren't you an actor? " Richardson was surprised.

It's Guo Xu's turn to be surprised. "Aren't we neighbors? I haven't seen it since I graduated from primary school? "

"Well, you moved. You acted in several films when you were a child. I envied you very much at that time."

Guo Xu took a deep breath. It seems that the world itself is not a simple teacher. He is better than he imagined. "Jason, I need your help. Are you free today? I'll treat you to dinner and meet. "


"It's very important. I'll confirm my location and send you a text message later." Guo Xu insisted.

"You don't know where you are?" Richardson said curiously.

"It's hard to say, that's why I have to meet you. Don't refuse. I know you don't have a game today. Even if the training is over at noon, the nets have two days off against warriors at home. You don't have to eat the team canteen? "

"All right."

Guo Xu knows that Richardson wants to refuse. After all, the world is not familiar with each other. How important can primary school students who have not been seen for many years? But Guo Xu knows his character. He is not good at rejecting people. As long as he sticks to it, he can convince himself to see what his neighbors have become.

Guo Xu wrote down the address of his apartment before he went out, and took his wallet and bank card with him. This is a rich man. He has $600 in cash. He can spend a day without a bank card.

There are also many clothes in the apartment. Guo Xu changed into a more handsome casual dress.

He had the key to the car. He went downstairs and found it was a Ford. It was not the kind he liked. He thought about it and didn't drive out because he was not familiar with the environment here.

After a while, Guo Xu found the entrance of the school, the name of which is "New York Institute of visual arts". Guo Xu immediately felt that his name was a little familiar. He seemed to have heard of it in his previous life.

Is this a famous school? How can I be a teacher here?

Many Chinese people have heard of this name in the past life. Under the arrangement of her father, Bai Fu's affectionate boyfriend he Yichen left school to study in the United States.

More than half of the artists and designers in New York are said to have graduated from SVA. The entire campus of the college is located in Manhattan, the most central cultural and Art Center in the United States, spanning the East and west sides of New York City.

There are also film and video majors in the University. Guo Xu can be a teacher in the University. He is very curious about how his predecessor did it. At the same time, he was also relieved because he could not figure out the age of Lucy who was in the same bed before, and she was too young. Now it should be a college student, not a high school student. The difference in age between the two is not big.

As soon as he saw the landmark building, Guo Xu confirmed that he was in Manhattan, New York. The time cycle did not send him to other cities. He was not far away from the hotel where he stayed with the Suns last night.

Guo Xu thinks that maybe he has some kind of super ability. He can feel the parallel world in the same position at the same time, and then replace him. The dream place has something to do with this. If the parallel world's own has not been to a certain city, then he can not cycle here, there is a certain contingency.

He sent Richardson a text message to set up a meeting time. Richardson wants to train first, Guo Xu said to wait for him outside the basketball court.The nets are called New Jersey. In fact, it is located in East Rutherford. It is just a small town in New Jersey. According to the latest census, there are only 8811 people in the suburbs of New York City, 11 kilometers away from Midtown Manhattan.

Located in two cities, they only need to cross the Hudson River, half an hour's drive to meet. That's why a lot of people study and work in New York, live in New Jersey, and houses across the river are much cheaper. The sports match between New York and New Jersey will also be called "City Derby".

Guo Xu found an Internet bar and waited for the net team training to finish. Richardson said he had been in movies since he was a child, so he looked up his name on the website, as well as information about the actors.

It turns out that he did act in movies, became a child star when he was a child, and made some films when he grew up.

The reason for the historical deviation is that when he was in the second grade of primary school, he played a leading role in the drama and fell in love with acting.

Guo Xu remembers this, and his own world has also had a choice. This drama is the ugly duckling. At the beginning, the role is very self abased and doesn't like to talk. The teacher wants him to play it, but he refuses and dare not go on the stage to face so many audiences.

In this life, I don't know why he agreed to perform the drama. With the encouragement of the teacher, he performed very well. His life is also like that drama, from inferiority complex, autistic to the bottom, counter attack has become a confident person.

He has acted in a number of TV dramas and small budget films, all of which are rotten films that Guo Xu has no impression of. He plays the role of a child with a good image all the same. Unfortunately, he has no chance to act in such a popular film as "the little devil is in charge".

He also appeared in "the clown's return", which is not a movie version, but a TV series adapted by ABC Radio Station of the same name. The novel tells the story of seven children fighting a killer in a small town in Maine, who committed the crime in 1958 and again in 1985. There are also small actors and big actors.

Guo Xu made a lot of money for his family. In order to facilitate his acting, the family moved to Los Angeles after he finished primary school. Richardson only knew this, and then he cut off contact.

When he grew up, Guo Xu showed the characteristics of Chinese Americans, as well as acting, but his acting became narrower. All of them were small characters in TV dramas, and they were not very popular. Probably because he was a celebrity and graduated from this school, he was only 24 years old.

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