Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 592

Smash Parker took the ball to the three-point line and passed it to Kobe without observing the Suns' defensive position.

From this point, we can see that the offensive system of the Lakers does not need point guard organization, which has not been needed. Take the ball at half court and then wait for the ball.

When used to the core of Payton naturally can not integrate into the Laker system, 2004 playoffs state is completely absent, can not find the rhythm of playing.

The Lakers helped the Suns indirectly. If it wasn't for them to let Payton see his decline and be willing to retreat to the second line, Peyton would not have joined the suns and couldn't accept becoming a 10 minute substitute.

Kobe Bryant takes the ball under Odom's cover and turns to the left side, which is the weak side. The sun's defense strategy is man to man.

The players pulled apart, only Kobe and Bogut were on the side, and then Kobe was depressed to find that Bogut was back for the ball at 45 degrees in the penalty area.

As long as Bogut stands in this position, it can reduce Kobe's attack efficiency, because Kobe's efficiency is very high both in the face frame and the back body at 45 degrees. He can turn back to jump shot, and can hold the ball to break the baseline.

Moreover, the top defense of Valerio Bogut behind, Kobe if the bottom line, it is easy to be bell and valejo's package.

Kobe frowned and saw through Bogut's ambition at a glance. No matter how he played, Bogut wanted to force Kobe to pass the ball and use him to make himself easy to score.

Kobe hesitated for a moment. The guard reached about 70 degrees. He leaned back against Bell, turned around the frame, raised the ball with both hands, and shot the ball through the basket.

Varejiao immediately turned from the top of the defensive, and grabbed the backboard.

Kobe is depressed. Bogut is the No.1 player. Rebounds can't even win the Suns' playoff list.

Bogut was also depressed. Lao Tzu's opponent is just a blaster who can't even get into the playoffs list. You know, I couldn't play Marcus Camby in the last game and a marginal man in the sun today?

The Suns attack, Guo Xu took to the front court and varejiao in the middle to play pick and roll. The Lakers are also man to man tactics, and Odom is the one who comes out to defend the pick and roll.

It's impossible for Jackson to get a shot from the guard, even if he's got a big shot, he'll never know.

The reason for using man to man tactics in the beginning is that the Suns counterattack a lot, and the joint defense often fails to set. Second, Bogut is not experienced enough. The sun's outside players may not know who to defend after running two laps.

The shortcomings of man to man tactics are also obvious, prone to weak side and dislocation, because the sun has the fastest power forward Marion in the league.

Guo Xu attracted Odom to change defense and left, taking a little space to transfer the ball to Marion at the bottom corner. Bogut stood close to the forbidden area, but rushed out to interfere slightly. Marion caught the ball and made a three-point hit. 3 to 0.

When the Lakers attack, Kobe waves to Bogut, directing him to pull out to attract defense and make way for position.

Bogut reluctantly came out of the low position to give Kobe a no ball cover, Kobe to the right to receive a pass, bell in place. Kobe leaned back against Bell twice, turned to the baseline and jumped back to the ball. Three to two.

The fans at home applauded Kobe's brilliant goal, and his record was not good. Kobe was the only attraction of the Lakers. His singles action was too much like Jordan's and his posture was picturesque.

Sun attack, Guo Xu and Valerio play pick and roll, weak side attracted Odom change defense, hit the ground pass to the bottom line Marion, Bogut defense out.

Marion held the ball in his hands, started to change direction and passed Bogut. In the second step, he got rid of the ball completely by speed, went deep into the basket, jumped up and half turned, and smashed the ball with his right hand. Five to two.

This kind of ball can't be counted as Guo Xu's assists, but it's a successful organization. Marion's playing Bogut is misplaced.

The Lakers attack, the ball passed to Kobe, he in the right side frame three threats, after the bottom line, forced layup caused bell fouls, two free throws. Five to four.

The Suns don't help defense, they take care of their own people.

The Suns are still the same old pattern. Valerie Jola went out of the three-point line to pick and roll Guo Xu. This time, Odom went to defend Marion, otherwise Marion might score continuously, which is equivalent to the swing man single center.

Guo Xu immediately changed his playing method and moved one step to the right side, and made a quick three point shot. Bogut, like in college, is standing near the free throw line waiting for the guard to break through, and then he can use his height to prevent interference.

A lot of NCAA out of the inside line, like to stand near the forbidden area to keep distance, mainly to prevent breakthrough. Because NCAA is good at shooting three-point guard is a small number, most people have no range to rely on breakthrough, even if there is range, they will not shoot.

Guo xute's basketball experience is not good at the edge of the University.

Parker is also very hard to track and defend Guo Xu. He is a tall point guard with height of 193cm and weight of 86kg. His sensitivity is inferior to that of a small guard. He is blocked for one second by the screen.This time difference Guo Xu can solve the problem, he hands very easy, the ball hollow into the net. Eight to four.

The Lakers attack, Parker and Bogut play pick and roll, Guo Xu from the inside to avoid the outburst, block in the breakthrough line.

Parker has enough space and height advantage to shoot, his stop jump shot Guo Xu certainly can't cover. Unfortunately, he did not have enough confidence and hesitated to pass the ball to Odom in the middle.

Marion saw the opportunity to rush out and poke the basketball, he single under the fast break to get rid of Odom by speed, his hands into the basketball. 10 to 4.

Buckley said with a smile: "the Suns now lack two interior tactics and played the same as last season. The change is that Marion has increased the number of shots, and they easily suppressed the Lakers in the beginning."

Smith said: "the huge gap between the No. 1 position is doomed to make it difficult for the Lakers to win. Guo Xu started by organizing the pass, but he didn't go up by himself."

Barkley Zan said: "he usually wait for his teammates to fail to open the single, very selfless, otherwise Parker will cry against him, now the league has no guard to defend him."

When the Lakers attack, Parker passes it to Kobe after half-time and stands on the outside line to wait for the opportunity to catch the ball and shoot. This kind of play can let Guo Xu rest for a while on the defensive side and put more energy on the offensive side.

Bogut ran to the left low position again. He had already caught Valerio. He could take the ball comfortably. Whether it was turning to the bottom line to get into the basket, turning to the bottom line to shoot, or turning to hook in the middle, he was very skilled.

Bogut is not the best player of the season compared to his body, but he has excellent strength and basic skills, and is very efficient when training with his teammates. He didn't think Valerio, a man on the edge of the sun, was much better than Turiaf, who was in the front of the second round.

Unfortunately, his position was in vain again. After receiving the ball, Kobe made three threats, made a false fax, and took a step to the bottom line. He stopped the jump shot without getting rid of the defense and went out under the interference of bell.

Top defense Valerio in this time is particularly easy to get a rebound, just need to stick Bogut on the line, two people weight similar, Bogut from the back is not good to take off.

Bogut's expression was dull when he came back to defense. He can fully understand why O'Neal only shot 14.1 times and scored 21.5 points in the average 36.8 minutes per game in 2003-04 season.

It's a waste of emotion to go to the forbidden area to ask for a place near the penalty area

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