Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 583

Guo Xu played 33.3 minutes before the season. He scored 18.4 points, 2 rebounds, 13 assists and 2 steals. His shooting percentage was 55.6%, his three-point shooting rate was 42%, and his free throw was 90%.

In the pre-season match, the whole team scored double points per game. Marion played 36 minutes per game, scored 20.1 points and 10.4 rebounds in two doubles, with a shooting percentage of 52%.

Howard averaged 34.8 minutes per game, scored 17.4 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists, with a shooting rate of 47.2%. He became the third scoring point of the team and topped the position of Joe Johnson. His scoring efficiency was not inferior to that of "single playing Joe", but his organizational ability was poor.

Bell was able to catch the ball and shoot accurately, and could also participate in the fast break. His three-point shooting rate was 45.4%, and he averaged 11 points per game.

David Lee after the pick and roll, hit, down are good, defensive side he can grab the back court rebounds, a pass to launch a counterattack. He averaged 26.2 minutes, scored 10.6 points, 7.3 rebounds, and 1.3 assists, with a shooting percentage of 59.6%.

David Lee can now play a tactical role, because he is only the No. 30 rookie, which is seriously underestimated. When Guo Xu passes the ball, he scores, which is extremely high.

After reading David Lee's data, many experts were shocked. Why is it easier for him to score in NBA than in university? This is so unscientific!

Blake, Haslem, Valerio, Ariza, Jones and others also played on the field, but the scoring ability was slightly inferior, and the defensive side was very positive.

Two veteran Peyton and kukoch did not appear much, making time to train new players.

In the last game, the Suns beat the warriors by 23 points. Guo Xu broke through the heavy point guard Byron Davis again and again, creating quick break scoring opportunities for his teammates, easily cutting down 15 points, 18 assists and 3 steals.

At the press conference after the game, Guo Xu was interviewed by reporters and became the focus of the league.

Reporter asked: "the sun in the absence of three important players, the preseason achieved the best record, what do you think is the key?"

Guo Xu said with a smile: "the key is that many people say that the sun is over, completely abandoned, and my teammates are angry and go all out to play every game. Although I don't have any desire to win, I can only brush the assists. It's a surprise that the Suns have won

Recently, it was said on the Internet that Guo Xu was assisted by Xiaosi and neineinei brush. He couldn't help but agree, and the whole audience was in an uproar.

Reporter asked: "what is the goal of the Suns new season?"

Guo Xu said lazily: "I think the Internet said that all teams are ready to clean up the Suns, so our new season's goal is to play bad and strive to draw the champion, but from the performance of pre-season, this goal seems to be difficult to achieve."

He is no longer a slap in the face, is to those who do not like the sun pressed on the ground, stepped on their faces. Many reporters at the scene were embarrassed. They had predicted the end of the sun.

A reporter asked: "the Suns still have a vacancy. Will they trade or attract before the opening game starts?"

"It depends on the arrangement of the management, but I don't want to ask." Guo Xu said with a smile.

Guo Xu said this is against his will, but the sun management will not expose, Brian - corangillo was elected the best manager last season, he does not want to let people know that he is listening to Guo Xu's opinion in operation.

Guo Xu can't let people know that he often puts forward suggestions on recruitment. It's easy to be called a football bully by the media when it comes out. Players have too much right to speak in the team, whether in terms of tactics or in terms of introduction.

In fact, if Guo Xu didn't have the right to speak, how could the sun have achieved today?

Sun's lineup depth is simply not understood, even now neinei has also been reimbursed, Guo Xu is still confident to lead the team to win the championship, because the team's remaining 12 players are better than the sun's lineup of the previous 2005-06 season.

It sounds incredible, but it's a fact that even the weakest interior position of the sun has exploded the previous sun.

Valerio and Haslem are good at defending the inside line, the latter also has a stable middle shot, substitute David Lee, kukochi also have stable shooting ability, can open space.

Nash's suns, the entire season is veteran Kurt Thomas plays the starting center, Marion power forward, the replacement is a blue collar named Pat Bock, sometimes by 203cm Boris Dior guest star center. Tim Thomas, who was cut by the bulls in the middle of the season, added a bit of depth to the lineup.

Outside line competition, Guo Xu's personal ability to win Nash, the starting position of No. 2 is bell. Suns also have attack and defense are very good Josh - Howard, quality Superman Ariza, the previous suns starting small forward is Dior, the important backup is James Jones.

Guo Xu is confident that in the playoffs, Nash led the sun out of the sky. But the Suns won 54 games in the regular season, ranking third in the west, second only to the Spurs and Mavericks, and Nash successfully won the MVP in the regular season.

The Suns made it to the Western Conference finals and was eliminated by the Mavericks 2-4.

So the question is, what will the Suns with a stronger lineup under the leadership of Guo Xu, who has a stronger core ability?Everyone's not optimistic about the sun? Ha ha

Guo Xu will let them know what "your uncle is always your uncle" this season.

Before the opening game, each team has two days' rest time. The sun Deli uses this time to determine the last player quota to strengthen the strength of the interior line.

During the pre-season, the sun management did not sign a contract, the quota is still empty. Because people with some strength are playing preseason games on behalf of the teams, the free market is almost empty and it is impossible to sign a contract directly.

Brian corangillo lets scouts keep an eye on the sidelines of each team, and once someone who performs well is cut off, he pulls in for a trial. The inside of the team has to be strengthened, otherwise there are too few players in the new season, and it will be a fatal blow if someone is injured again.

The inside line has already been reimbursed two, at this time who can guarantee not to hurt the third?

Quality interior is not so easy to find, medvedenko joined the Hornets have signed 8 million three years, Timberwolves renewal problem player Eddie Griffin is also the price. Inside players are generally valuable, and Brian would never let Diop go, even though the "big saga" has no attack power.

Trading is not good, big rookies are treasure by each team, even if the ranking is relatively low. For example, last season's Valerio, even if the Suns can't use it, let him be a marginal man and will not give away other cheap teams.

Other teams encounter injury problems, can only randomly choose a marginal player to make use of, the sun is different, they have reborn.

Guo Xu recommended two people, the first choice is Chuck Hayes, who played the pre-season game for the Rockets.

Previous generations of Chinese fans will not be unfamiliar to Hayes, he is a height of 198cm, weight of 108kg center, lost to rookie, excellent defense blue collar. He is an important member of the Rockets, and Yao Ming partner for many seasons.

Before the 2005 draft, Hayes won the MVP at Portsmouth training camp, but no one attended the draft. After joining the Development League, Hayes, who plays for the Thunderbirds, leads the Development League with an average of 12.2 rebounds per game.

Due to the 2005-06 season suffered serious injury problems, Hayes was given a 10 day short contract, he seized the opportunity to stay in the team, and has been playing for the Rockets until 2011.

Things didn't go so well. This life, the coach of the Rockets became old Nelson. He was very dissatisfied with Juwan Howard's defense. He knew that the No. 4 position had to have a civil defense pick and roll. Hayes was directly left behind and signed a year's base salary.

It doesn't matter if "Hai Ye" flies. Anyway, he shoots poorly and joins the Suns soon. D'antony doesn't look up to him.

Guo Xu immediately recommended an inside line with height of 206cm and weight of 102kg

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