Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 58

After getting out of the villa and getting into the car, Megan breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look out of the window to make sure that Guo Xu could not find her.

"What's going on?" asked the fat aunt? Who is the lecher you met

Megan stammered, "I think it's a misunderstanding Don't ask me. I didn't suffer, just It was when he was dancing that he took my hand and put his arms around me

"What dance?"


The fat aunt couldn't believe it and said, "after Tango dancing for a while, you'll corona people. Do you still want to take a folding stool to go to him and fight for it? Are you so impulsive in school? "

"I thought he was the producer and wanted the unspoken rules for me He will dance as soon as he meets, and then he doesn't know what he will ask for And in the end he wants to kiss me Megan had no confidence to find a reason.

"How old is he?"

Megan stayed for ten seconds, decided to go on and say, "maybe 25?"

Fat aunt really wanted to slap her on the back of the head. "25 year old producer, did you meet Leonardo DiCaprio?"

I met Keanu Reeves, but the face is not so long, is the smiling, sunny version. Megan said.

She didn't dare to say that each other might be less than 20 years old, but she wore clothes similar to the producer and shrank in her seat to play quail.

She was born in an ordinary family in Tennessee. She was the second daughter of the family. She was not well-off when she was a child. Later, she moved to Port Saint Lucie, Florida, which was not a big place. She had never seen the world before. She came to Los Angeles for the first time. She went to a party with great caution and was a little nervous.

Looking back on the dance scene, Megan's face was burning hot, and it was as if she was going to burn.

After a while, the fat aunt said with a smile: "thanks to this matter, your role has been decided in advance. They want a pungent supporting actress, and they think you are very suitable."

"Oh." Megan was absent-minded and responded with drooping eyelids.

The fat aunt couldn't help but stretch out her hand and give her a twist in the ear. "Are you not happy? This is a movie. How many people can act as soon as they enter the entertainment industry? All TV plays have to start with a trick. "

"This role is not the same as me at all. The spoiled rich lady uses all kinds of dirty means to attack her rival in love..." Megan pouted and ducked to the window. "You don't have to pinch my ears anymore."

The fat aunt was driving seriously. "I'm teaching you for your mother. If you want to mix in Hollywood, don't pick and choose. You are not qualified to choose roles. In a few days, I will help you sign up for the performing arts school and study hard."

"Don't worry, I'll be able to play this part better than the Olsen sisters." Megan doesn't think the two sisters have acting skills, but she has an advantage in her image. People who have just entered the entertainment industry are so confident.

"I want to go out the day after tomorrow. Iris asks me to go to St. Catalina Island," she said

"No boys with you? Your mother told me to watch you

Megan's mother couldn't follow her daughter every day. She was worried about her 14-year-old. She asked her fat aunt to take care of her.

"Only iris's boyfriend, the three of us together, even if there are others, I won't be taken advantage of. I'm carrying this." Megan lit the shock device in her pocket.

Fat aunt immediately believed that she had already called a person tonight. She had rich practical experience, and her attack was very black and decisive.

Guo Xu, who sent experience value, was affected. He left the party early with Austin and went back to the apartment to sleep. The next day, they didn't go out. They played video games all day and ordered pizza takeout.

In March this year, Sony launched the PS2. In Guo Xu's previous life, it was the highest selling console in history, with a total of 153 million units sold. People from all over the world have seen this console.

Austin has bought the PS2, which is very trendy, but Guo Xu is more fashionable than him. Many classic PS2 games he liked in his previous life have not yet been released. He felt bored with the Games launched this year, so he proposed to play Nintendo red and white machines.

They reviewed the classics and passed the doubles games such as Ninja Turtle 3, red fortress, double cut Dragon 3, red shadow warrior, hot blood football and hot blood basketball. When they played games as children, adults around them always said that they would not let them play for too long. Now that they are adults, no one cares.

In the evening, Austin received a call from the economy company and got good news.

"Guo, I'm sorry I won't be able to play with you tomorrow. I'm going to take the retest of" holiday in the sun "and meet the Olsen sisters. As long as they are satisfied, I'll be the hero."

"Congratulations." Guo Xu said with a smile. It sounds like choosing a boyfriend. The two women mainly look at the edge of their eyes.

The Olsen sisters are always acting in their own way. Only by choosing a man who has a feeling can they show the right emotions in the film. Their taste is strange enough, clearly their height is only 1.5 meters, but they like big men more than 1.9 meters. It must appear that they are more like children.

Guo Xu is not optimistic about this film. He has never heard of it in his previous life. Maybe he is the most cute and poor in height. He won't give his friends an insight into the future and attack the enthusiasm of the other party. When his career is just starting, it's good to have a film performance.In the previous life, Austin's films were almost all rotten films, and the only high praise was "the day after tomorrow". When he was dressed in a lot of clothes and armed, he looked like Qiuju in a lawsuit, which was very unforgettable.

Even in "the day after tomorrow", his performance is just regular. The camera basically revolves around the hero and heroine. He and a little black follow the gag.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Should I help him?

As a rebirth man, Guo Xu has seen numerous films and can be regarded as a senior film fan. He can recognize any movie with a little fame. He can definitely choose a masterpiece with high reputation and box office, but he can't help Austin in in audition.

Austin's advantage is the size, if you find a group of strong men to co shoot "magic Mike", it will probably become popular. There's nothing wrong with this suggestion. Behind every successful man, there is a bad friend who wants to see him do striptease.

It's too early to say that. Guo Xu is ready to let things develop as before. After Austin has developed some acting skills, he can't make any suggestions. Even if he has the opportunity, he can't let go of his character.

Guo Xu asked: "I will go out to play by myself tomorrow. Do you have any good suggestions? I don't have a contract yet. I'm not rich. "

Austin thought for a moment and said with a smile, "the scenery of St. Catalina Island is very beautiful. You can arrive in an hour by boat. The island is very small. You can walk around on foot. Bring your swimming trunks to show your abdominal muscles Can you make an appointment with a girl

Guo Xu shook his head. "I don't call those at the party. I wipe it. I don't want to hear the word "electricity anymore."

He hasn't officially settled down in Los Angeles, so he can't play with the local influential rich girls. Even if the other party thinks it doesn't matter, he doesn't want to be treated as a playboy by the coach before playing an NBA game. Seriously talking about a love, those girls who love to play are not a good match.

Austin said with a smile, "then I wish you all the people you can talk to on the island and play together? It's easy for you to make friends now. Just go up and chat up. "

"Well, I have a hunch that I will meet a lovely girl tomorrow."

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