Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 579

There are a lot of contracts and deals in the NBA free market. Brian Colangelo often calls Guo Xu to ask if he wants to sign a free agent who has the strength and is willing to join in with a lower salary. The sun has salary space. Signing a middle-class player doesn't have to pay luxury tax in 2006-07.

Many people want to join the sun, Guo Xuquan rejected, the reason is very simple, almost all swing people want to come, the sun can not use.

"Why can't a strong person join in? It's good to sign as a substitute. " Brian didn't understand.

"Last season we had a lot of new players who were not trained and didn't have the chance to play. Isn't it good to give them more performance opportunities in the regular season next season? Two veteran players are enough. If they don't play, they waste money. If they play, they have no potential to dig. They will only decline. For the long-term development of the team, I suggest training new players

"Well, it's up to you." Brian couldn't laugh or cry.

He felt that the conversation between them was very strange, as if he was a player, and Guo Xu was the stingy boss who wanted to save money.

Since Brian knew about basketball and NBA, he never heard of Guo Xu as the core of saving money for his team. Do you think it's fun to have a team of players with a base salary?

Brian wants to sign because this year's NBA New labor agreement has added an amnesty clause. In the free market, there are several players with high cost performance, that is, those who are "pardoned".

Because this clause is from the Knicks "Zhongtou Wang" Alan Houston super bad contract problem, it is also known as "Alan Houston clause".

According to the clause, if the team's total salary exceeds the NBA salary cap, a player can be laid off under the premise of guaranteeing the performance of the contract salary. The player's remaining salary needs to be paid, but not included in the team's total salary. The move aims to help the team avoid luxury taxes, which will give the team more room to adjust its lineup.

The so-called amnesty is to get rid of the high paid players who are not available in the team. Why not lay off workers? According to NBA regulations, after a player is fired, the player's salary is still included in the total salary of the team, and the luxury tax is paid correctly, which is purely to the detriment of others and not to the benefit of oneself.

The Knicks have so many bad contracts that the league wants to help them. Because the Knicks are in New York, the most valuable team in business, David Stern has always wanted to hold them up.

Unfortunately, after 1999, Knicks became a typical example of mud not supporting the wall.

Ironically, Houston was not granted an amnesty. The Knicks chose another player in the team, Jerome Williams, nicknamed "garbage dog.".

Because the League stipulates that teams must insure the top five players with their remaining salary or top five average annual salary. Once the insured players are injured and absent from the game, part of their salary will be compensated by the insurance company. The insurance company will pay 80% of the player's salary when he is absent for 41 or more consecutive games.

In other words, the worst thing about Houston pit is the insurance company, not Nix.

There are a lot of high paid players who have been pardoned. There is one team that many teams want to recruit into the team, that is Mavericks captain Michael Finley.

Finley signed a seven-year $100 million contract with the Mavericks in 2001. By this year, his contract will result in the Mavericks paying at least $50 million in luxury tax for the next three seasons.

Former Mavericks boss faban pardoned Finley, but Finley was pardoned after giving him a loud slap in the face, he chose to join the Spurs in the same district and won the championship in 2007.

Now Finley wants to join the Suns to fill the gap left by Joe Johnson to win the championship. Embarrassing thing happened, sun management refused Finley, even if next season only pay less than $3 million. The sun won't make it public, saving his face.

Reggie Miller has also been "pardoned" by the Pacers, who has retired, but with a year left to pay for his contract, the Pacers have pardoned the greatest player in the team's history in order to pay less than $6 million in luxury tax. Having retired, he can still make some contributions to the team. Miller has won a lot of applause. He just retired and did not go to the strong team to hold his legs.

The Hawks cut "pennies" anfeny hadawi, the God's contract expired in 2006, but the Hawks management can't wait. This man is always injured, inefficient, and likes to rely on the old and sell the old. He is bored to stay in the team.

Hadawi's desire to return to the Suns was also rejected, not every veteran has the chance to realize the dream of championship. Sun sign him completely useless, even he is not a mascot, the whole career can not see where lucky. The Suns don't need to talk about how glamorous Hadaway was at its peak to attract fans.

Sun refused more than one person, it is inevitable that the media will be staring at, many experts on the sun in summer not to strengthen feel puzzling.

Obviously, there is enough salary space. Isn't there an insurance for defending the title?

Even if the sun wants to keep a place, it can cut a rookie in the second round? Will James Jones be a better signing than Finney?

In fact, Guo Xu thinks Jones is better, because Jones is not famous. He doesn't want anyone who affects his popularity.After Durant joined the warriors in the previous life, Stephen curry couldn't get the MVP in the regular season. No matter how good he played, because the warriors' lineup was too strong, curry won't get high evaluation.

Sun now also encountered this situation, Finley is just a role player, but very famous, giving people a strong illusion, which is unacceptable to Guo Xu.

Last season, Finley played 36.8 minutes for the Mavericks, 14.2 shots, only 6 shots, 42.7%, 2.1 free throws per game, 15.7 points, 4.1 rebounds and 2.6 assists.

It is not difficult to see from the data, Finley almost no breakthrough ability, scores all rely on jump shot, nearly 37 minutes to get this point, offensive efficiency is obviously a tragedy.

With Finley's current level, the appearance time after joining the Suns is unlikely to be more than 25 minutes. He is struggling to score 10 points per game.

If the sun mainly trains new players and lets Finley play only 10 minutes, then he certainly has no data. Maybe he will leave the reputation of reducing salary to help the sun establish a dynasty, but what will people think of Guo Xu?

Experts and fans will think that the Suns' lineup is really strong, is a team of all stars, because former all star Finley joined can only be marginal. They have a reference, in the Mavericks, Finley was the team's third scoring point.

In a word, Guo Xu will never cooperate with Finley, who is famous but has no strength. He will stay cool where he goes.

If Alonzo moning, such an old player, wants to come to the sun, Guo Xu is absolutely welcome. Because the kidney warrior Mo Ning has strength, everyone still thinks he can't do it. It's still a good gimmick to help him win the championship ring. It's a pity that moning is dead hearted. His feelings for the heat are very deep, and he's back to the heat.

There are some inner words Guo Xu will not say to anyone, it is always his rotten secret in the stomach.

He only wants two kinds of teammates: one is a rookie with super potential and has become a star or excellent role player in his previous life; the other is a player who has star power but has no right to the ball, and can break out if he is given the ball right, which is seriously underestimated at present.

Guo Xu and these two kinds of people partner won the championship, will get the highest evaluation. It will be labeled as "he can drive the team", "he has the strongest personal ability" and "he can make his teammates stronger". Unless there is a second rebirth, who knows the potential of these people?

This is a shortcut to surpass Jordan and become the first person in NBA history!

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