Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 577

In the next few days, Guo Xu continued to stay in Beijing to do activities, which made fans in other cities very envious.

Guo Xu promised in an interview: "although I can't go to many cities to meet the fans this time, I know the fans are with me. Now entering the network era, you can see my latest news as long as you surf the Internet. I will try my best to lead the Suns to establish a dynasty next year. I will share some good works in entertainment with you. Thank you for your support. "

He also patiently explained why he was only in Beijing. "We must communicate in advance when we go to various places to do activities. The organizer's task is very heavy. We should arrange security in advance. Otherwise, the appearance of stars may cause chaos. In case someone is injured, it will turn a good thing into a bad thing. You can rest assured that I will definitely go to other cities in the future. "

After listening to this reasonable explanation, the fans in other places have no complaints.

It's really a top priority to clean up the hidden dangers, because many Chinese star chasers are crazy.

In Guo Xu's previous life, British star David Beckhams, who retired for many years, went to Tongji University in Shanghai. Only thousands of fans trampled on him, causing at least five injuries. In order to avoid further deterioration of the situation, the Old Bailey decided to end the "Tongji trip" in time. The chaos gradually subsided when he left.

Guo Xu met the fans at Dongdan stadium, and also had a one-on-one match with Wu you, who is the king of Nike and the champion of Dongdan arena.

The 10 ball game soon ended, and Guo Xu won easily 10-0, which showed the huge gap between the best player in the NBA and the amateur player in the street, and he couldn't play at all.

Wu you is only 174CM tall and weighs 68 kg. Guo Xu plays at the offensive end, scores three points, hits the back, changes the direction and smashes the dunk. He hits all 10 shots and swings his opponent once. The defensive end Guo Xu also body crush, he is close to Wu you even the ball is not stable, has three reluctantly shot was blocked.

Guo Xu rarely blocks in the NBA because he is inferior in height. He has not lost for a long time against people who are shorter than himself. He also has dominance in defense. His strength, bounce, arm display are very good, in the NBA against Iverson back to the upper hand, against Brevin knight, Boykins, such as, can be like James tank style strong.

After that, he made a personal performance, successfully staged the crotch change hand dunk, self throwing and self dunking, which let the fans shout for joy.

"In the future, I will definitely take part in the slam dunk contest. I haven't thought of any new tricks recently. If I have a good idea, I'll go. We won't wait too long," he said after leaving the court

Guo Xu was first known as "ordinary people can play the NBA well". After he won the slam dunk championship, no one said that again. He had proved that he was a superman.

In the process of guiding the training of young players, Guo Xu emphasizes that the physical quality of players should be improved first, and the quality must be systematically trained. The body is the foundation, then practice the technique.

If a player's foundation is not good, no matter how many tricks he has, it will be a futile game. On the contrary, it may become a unique skill. There are many examples of this in the NBA.

This theory is easy for us to understand. If we don't have a body, we can't defend and attack. How can we shoot? How can you break through if you can't move? But many people don't like boring physical exercise, so every time Guo Xu talks about the secret, he always says the importance of body, so as to avoid no successor in the future Chinese basketball.

Zhou Qi, who was nicknamed "the great demon" in his previous life, had to go to the NBA and couldn't play the ball. A group of Chinese fans blamed the Rockets for not giving him a chance to perform. As for his small shoulders and small legs, he can't play the data in CBA. The rockets give him 30 minutes per game, and if he can't play 10 games, he will have to be seriously injured.

China's media and fans boast of "the great devil", which is no different from that of South Korea's "Hesheng town". They all went to participate in the draft. The media predicted that his ranking would be in the top ten or even the top six, and the draft result would be the second round. Then he can not play, a group of people complain that there is no performance opportunity, the coach suppressed, but he really can't keep up with the pace of the game.

It's very depressing for Chinese basketball to come to that stage in 2018. Fans can't feel the pleasure of supporting the NBA Chinese home team any more.

In addition to basketball activities, there are television interviews with Guo Xu and Megan, talking about some gossip in life. Megan speaks English and Guo Xu does translation.

When the host asked how they met and how they got together.

They gave an interesting answer, because they knew each other at the party, because they made dancing movies together. This is really "dancing out of my life".

Guo Xu also revealed that Megan couldn't pronounce his Chinese name, and never could. The host asked Megan to read his Chinese name on the spot. Sure enough, she said it was "Guo Shou", and then she read "Guo Shou". Finally, it was a bit like it. It sounds like "Guo SHUH".

This channel became popular on the Internet on the same day. When shooting the TV series "love apartment" in the future, one paragraph may have to change the lines.

Lu ziqiao: "his name is Guan Gu, not Guanggu. When did you see your wife mispronounce her husband's name?"

Woman: Yes, fox in Hollywood

Megan is not a special case. In the eyes of many foreigners, learning Chinese is the most troublesome thing and the most difficult language to learn. Chinese intonation and Chinese characters are both difficult problems. One is that Chinese characters are too difficult to write. They are just like drawing pictures. The other is that if foreigners read Chinese Pinyin, many people will go crazy.Of course, there are also better scholars of Chinese literature, such as "Wolverine" Hugh Jackman. In the movie "Snow Flower Secret Fan", he sang the old love song "give me a kiss" in Chinese, which was dedicated to Quan Zhixian, a Korean. Of course, the latter couldn't understand it, and his expression was like Che Tai Hsien.

Guo Xu stayed in China for a week, tasted the delicious food in the capital, visited places of interest, took a lot of photos as souvenirs, and selected some to send to fans online.

On the last day, Guo Xu announced that he would donate all his income from this week's activities, together with his own $3 million, to the China Youth Foundation.

Founded in Beijing in 1989, the China Youth Foundation is a national non-profit social organization with the purpose of promoting the development of China's youth education, science and technology, culture, sports, health, social welfare and environmental protection.

Among these projects, the most important and influential project is the hope project. This is a public welfare undertaking which is widely concerned by the society. It aims to help children in poor rural areas of China to obtain education opportunities through fund-raising.

Other NBA stars come to China to make money. Guo Xu donated more than 20 million yuan to build hope primary school in poor areas, which won praise from the media and netizens.

People make more money is a number. Guo Xu is certainly willing to do something to give back to the society. In the future, he will participate in more charity activities and become a positive idol star.

Before leaving, Guo Xu gave an interview and said a golden sentence. "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

The reporter laughs, "Spider Man" this line, the movie people all know. Then Guo Xu said another paragraph, which is still plagiarism, but this time people don't know he copied it.

"I think the two words" wealth "are not linked together. In fact, many people are rich rather than expensive. The real "wealth" is that as a member of the society, you can use your money to make the society better, more progressive and more people cared for. Wealth in your heart is wealth. "

This is what Hong Kong's great philanthropist "Li Chaoren" said in 2010. Guo Xu took it and won countless applause.

That night, Guo Xu and Megan flew back to the United States

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