Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 565

After the Suns announced the holiday, Guo Xu and Megan Fox went to Los Angeles together. He was on vacation and Megan worked.

Guo Xu and Robert's $6 million campus film "happy death day" is about to start shooting. Megan hasn't made a film at home for more than a year. This time, she wants to get over the drama addiction and choose a woman to be the heroine.

There is no big name actor in the crew, and even Megan has no star in Hollywood. Relying on the pure feeling of the dancer, she gives the audience the impression that she has a sexy figure and a beautiful dance. That's all.

However, she is more famous than many Hollywood first-line female stars, because everyone knows that she is Guo Xu's girlfriend.

People all over the world who know Guo Xu know Megan, just as those who know Kobe must know Vanessa. If Vanessa becomes an actress, there must be a lot of cast members willing to ask her to film. It's a good gimmick.

The media often make up gossip about Guo Xu, spreading his love affair with the singers and movie stars. Jessie's restaurant in Los Angeles is famous for his restaurant investment.

But after all, the fake can't be true. Guo Xu admits that only Megan is his girlfriend. They live together, and Chang xiuen loves her.

The relationship between the two is still controversial, because the Olsen sisters, O'Neill, Austin, Audrey Jones and other old Aojia people are sure Megan knew Guo Xu when she was 14 years old. In addition, Los Angeles fans and their neighbors said that in 2000, they often went shopping in the supermarket together and went home to cook together.

Although they all said that they were just ordinary friends before Megan was 18, few believed it.

Megan is the biggest actor in the crew, which is destined to be a small budget movie.

The script was written by Guo Xu without money. The company has a screenwriter who is responsible for refining it. The director seems to be good at making comedy, the main mixed television Paul - Figge, the salary is not high. Young actors are paid lower, and they belong to the bottom salary class. Only big names can get high salaries in Hollywood, and the supporting actors will not get much pay rise in 2018.

Why are Chinese actors reluctant to go to Hollywood? Because of less money, the role is meaningless.

In 2018, the British Prince was only 300 million yuan. With regard to this total assets, China's flow is small, and the fresh meat can find a crew to read the figures, and their income in three or five years will exceed. It's much better to be an artist in China than to be a prince in Britain.

Guo Xu's magic script has added a lot of content, including some special effects and action plays. But the budget of 6 million yuan is the limit, and 5 million yuan can be shot.

In Guo Xu's previous life, "happy death day" is a small budget movie with a high reputation and box office. With a total investment of only 4.8 million US dollars, it has won a box office of 114 million US dollars in the world, which is a very terrible achievement.

That's 4.8 million in 2017. Now it's 2005. The investment of 6 million is about equal to 10 million in the future.

The main line of the story is very simple. The female owner is a bitchy medical student. She seldom gives good looks to her classmates in school. Her mother died early and her relationship with her father is not good. She was killed on the night of her birthday, and then entered a wonderful cycle of time, repeating the day of her birthday. She vaguely knew that she had to find out and defeat her killer to end the cycle.

In the time cycle, because of the influence of the male leader, the female master gradually changed her personality. She learned to open her heart to others, became a popular figure in the school, and repaired her relationship with her father.

Finally, the happy ending, the female owner defeated the murderer's roommate who killed her several times, ended the cycle, and made a new boyfriend.

This is a funny film with a horror skin, a single machine customs clearance game of green tea bitches.

There is a little tension in the original version. The female master's setting is that she will become weak with the death. She goes to the cheating doctor to take a film for examination. The doctor tells her that she has various injuries and should be dead in theory.

This is a plot bug, giving people a feeling that the woman will hang up after leaving the time cycle. The woman also said that if she went on like this, there might be no return. She had to find the murderer as soon as possible, so she only finished the cycle a few times. In the movie, the woman who is "getting weaker and weaker" is vigorous and vigorous in her later stage. She can PK with serial killers, which is totally out of line with the setting.

Guo Xu's magic reform is that as long as the female leader does not kill the murderer, he will continue to circulate endlessly without pressure.

Anyway, the audience knows that she can't die. It's not a horror film at all. You can see the style of the first half of the movie. This setting is meaningless.

The script was changed to a killer. The roommate is very powerful and knows Kung Fu. The woman master can't fight the killer after she has made preparations. She can only escape. But even if she escapes the pursuit, the time cycle can't end. She must defeat that person.

Therefore, the female master also went to learn kung fu. The ancient Chinese boxing technique "invincible Fenghuo wheel" was used by Megan to show Xian

Of course, this is impossible. In short, the female master will gradually become very powerful.

In the original film, there are not many plots about the heroine "letting go of herself". Only the female host walks out of the dormitory naked and impressive. Guo Xu thinks that this is far from enough. Even Phil, the middle-aged uncle of Groundhog Day, can play better than a college girl. How can it be?He thinks that the biggest attraction of the film should be that the female host can enjoy the waves in the cycle, and upgrade and strengthen at the same time, giving the audience a kind of "what would I do if I had this ability?" The sense of substitution.

The script of magic reform adds the plot of the heroine "letting go of herself". Megan will also show her back as a gimmick. The front must be covered tightly and wear pants.

As for how to play in the time cycle, no one is more experienced than Guo Xu, because he is all personally experienced, and let Megan act in the film.

The details of the film have also been strengthened. They took "Steve" and "Bucky" to Los Angeles, and were surprised that "Steve" would guest star in the film as a male owner's pet.

This is an important setting made by Guo Xu when he changed the script to highlight that the man is a warm man with gentle sunshine.

Although Austin looks very honest, but after all, height is 192cm, big, or school basketball team, add a cute cat into it will be easier to highlight his kind character.

This is not a random setting. Every graduation season, there are many people transferring pets in the school group, not only in the United States, but also in Chinese universities. Students have pets on impulse, but they can't take them away for various reasons. These pets will be displaced and change their environment and owners frequently.

As for why we don't let Bucky, the "unhappy cat" with higher recognition, play in the film because he is not so close to Megan and usually likes to be around Guo Xu, which does not meet the needs of the film.

In the film, the man also tells the woman about the origin of the cat, which is raised by a graduate student studying abroad. He has changed hands with many people before. He is very anxious and can't be held. However, it likes female owners very much, and let them hold them on campus. Male owners always think that animals can recognize people, and female masters must be very kind-hearted.

This can explain why a man likes a woman in the beginning, not just looking at her face.

At the beginning of the original film, the female host's behavior made people feel that no one would like her. However, in the evening, a group of students would like to celebrate the birthday of the hostess at the party. This is also a illogical bug.

Guo Xu attaches great importance to logic when compiling stories, and deliberately designs some flash points for the heroine. Although there are some shortcomings in her personality, she is actually a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, which is not bad in nature.

This will make Megan more lovely

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