Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 558

Grizzlies attack, Williams middle play pick and roll, pass to the empty cut Gasol, the latter left back body catch the ball, close to Haslem to the middle turn hook into the ball. Seven to four.

Gasol's singles ability is always underestimated because he has too few shots. In fact, he has the height and arm length of a center, the skill of a small forward, and his speed is so fast that he can participate in the fast attack. He has a high shooting rate and efficiency, and has the ability of 20 + per game.

The problem with Guo baxu is that he lacks Qi. He has been the number one Grizzlies for many years, averaging 14.9 shots per game in a single season, but he has never averaged 15 + per game.

His style can be said to be the perfect second in charge, efficient and selfless, but can not use his personal ability to dominate the game at critical moments.

Sun attack, Guo Xu hit pick and roll or left, Gasol thought he was going to break through, standing relatively backward, did not expect Guo Xu horizontal move one step quickly shot three points.

The ball shot out of the box, but he suddenly shot a good chance, Williams did not catch up with the block, Randolph grabbed the backboard.

Grizzlies can't make a quick attack. They can only grind their positions slowly.

Williams failed to break through and was close to Guo Xu. It was not easy to turn around on the right side. He forced the ball and turned to Gasol to pass. Haslem suddenly made a detour, and the gambled snatch was successful and passed to Guo Xu, who was in the next fast break.

Guo Xu catches the ball and goes into the forbidden area. With the ball in his left hand, he puts out a layup and stops at his feet. Williams is one step behind. He jumps up from the side to cover the ball, but he finds it is a fake move and is shaken away.

Guo Xu took the ball back with his left foot as the axis, his right foot took a step in the middle, turned around, and put his right hand into the ball. Nine to four.

Zhang Li Li called out: "beautiful, Guo Xu this ball is very much like a dream footstep."

"He has a lot of scoring methods, and it's not difficult to smash Williams," Xu said

Grizzlies attack, Pau Gasol with the ball in the middle, no more hard play, the Suns a short man to defend is to attract Gasol to shoot, but he played too simple for the team is not good.

The Grizzlies' winning mode is also a combination of inside and outside. Gasol and Randolph lack three-point range and play two points. They can win against the ordinary team, but not against the team with strong attack power like the sun. They have to drive their team-mates to throw away.

Gasol passed to Miller, the latter was close to Marion, he is a tall and strong top shooter, shooting no dead corner, but rarely able to break the ball.

Miller passes the ball, and Posey is next to Joe Johnson, who is one of the best defensive swing players in the league. He scores mainly by catching and shooting, and occasionally breaks through the baseline.

Bossy single shot Joe Johnson strong break the bottom line failed to succeed, again pass the ball, see fast in 24 seconds, Randolph left side single shot small, turn step jump shot hit. Nine to six.

Although the ball is in, but Randolph can not attract the package, the outside line is marked.

Sun attack, Guo Xu continue to play pick and roll weak side, Gasol back defense Xiaosi in place, Guo Xu right singles Williams.

He dribbled the ball to his left hand behind his back. After a slight swing, Williams took a small step forward. Guo Xu held the ball with his left hand and turned to the right. He made a jump shot of 50 degrees. 11 to 6.

He didn't take one more step, Pau Gasol and Miller didn't have time to make up defense. Miller from the nearest, but did not dare to go to the package, Guo Xu a corner is open three-point opportunity, this year Joe Johnson this position is accurate.

Coach Hu bi - brown felt helpless in the field, Guo Xu singles is a very strong tactic.

The Suns can also play the same set of things as the three consecutive champions. First, they use triangle attack and man to man defense to drag the game into blind rhythm, and then use their rich experience to beat opponents.

In the same single game, Randolph and Gasol had 20 or 30 points at most, but Guo Xu was the one who had won the scoring king. Last season's series against the Timberwolves had three consecutive 50 + games, and 67 points in a game would never be forgotten.

If there are no defensive experts in the team and Guo Xu is not included in the team, then it is over. The opponents he often throws are suspicious of life.

Unfortunately, Williams's passing is excellent and his ability to control the ball is excellent. What he lacks most is defense. He is also good at breaking through the defense frame, interfering with the shooting, Guo Xu is much worse, because Guo Xu can fight closely, his strength can not stick to the other side.

After two more rounds, the Grizzlies began to wrap Guo Xu. He immediately began to distribute the ball to his teammates, regardless of the scoring data.

Pau Gasol came to help him pass Shawn, and the flank players came to wrap him up to pass Joe Johnson. His teammates also selflessly shared the right to the ball after attracting the supplementary defense. The Suns blossomed a lot and soon widened the difference to more than 10 points.

In the first quarter, the sun was 38-25 ahead, Guo Xu got 11 points and 5 assists, and Williams finished 0 points and 2 assists.

Guo Xu's score is more than 15, he is not a reasonable team to open a big bag

"Magic Johnson was previously recognized as the first point guard in NBA history. I think it's only a matter of time before Guo Xu surpasses him. Now his personal honor has surpassed Isaiah Thomas, Robertson, Stockton and others," Xu saidSuns rotation lineup is very strong, Peyton, laga bell, Josh Howard, Haslem, Nene.

Haslem played again after a 5-minute break in the first quarter. Diop didn't have much chance to perform this year. He was only allowed to play a game when he met the inside line who was good at attacking the forbidden area. In fact, the suns only need three people to complete the rotation, Marion can also guest play power forward for a few minutes.

Peyton can hold the ball to play Earl Watson, Howard can hold the ball and play inside the pick and roll, the other two people pull open and wait for the opportunity to catch the ball, inside the task is to cover after the air cut impact basket.

The Grizzlies' rotation lineup is not a good way to save fuel. This season is known as "bench bandits". Bonzi Wells and Mike Dunleavy can make sudden shots. Randolph will continue to play with substitutes and rest separately with Gasol to ensure that there is an inner axis on the field. The inside line and Lorenzen white are also three person rotation.

The defect of Grizzlies' second lineup is still point guard. Watson is a role player with no characteristics. This year, he shared playing time with Williams, and got 7.7 points and 4.5 assists in 22.6 minutes, and the shooting percentage was only 42.6%.

Rotation lineup, the strength of the two teams is equal, the second half of the main back, the Grizzlies under the guidance of Gasol offensive, the peripheral rotation of the rotation speed up, the player inclusion Guo Xu is more successful, the difference does not continue to expand.

In the third quarter, the sun sent double towers to cover Guo Xu and cut the impact basket empty. The Grizzlies couldn't hold on.

This season, people have found Xiaosi's terrible, he can get into the basket in one step, either dunk or shot from close range, it is difficult to be blocked. Gasol and Randolph are not famous for defending the forbidden area and cannot limit him.

Xiaosi's shot is mostly in the forbidden area, and the middle shot is misplaced or vacant. The shooting rate is naturally very high, 56% in the regular season and 55% in the playoffs. Now the League interior is unwilling to defend him.

Guo Xu organized for a period of time. In order to prevent Xiaoshi from shrinking to the forbidden area, Guo Xu began to hold the ball in the last quarter. The maximum difference between the two teams was 26 points, and the game was locked up 5 minutes in advance.

Guo Xu went out for 7 minutes in the end of the game, making 5 out of 7 shots, 3 out of 4 3-pointer shots, 2-2 free throws, and easily got 15 points and 1 auxiliary attack.

He played in 37 minutes, scoring 34 points, 2 rebounds, 15 assists, 2 steals, Xiaosi 30 points and 12 rebounds, and the Suns scored in double.

Grizzlies also have 5 people scoring double, Randolph 27 points 11 rebounds 2 assists, Gasol 18 points 8 rebounds 4 assists.

The sun made a good start to the second round 124 to 103

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