Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 556

The other series have been decided, the Spurs beat King 4-1, and the Sonics 4-2 eliminated the Mavericks. The two teams will meet in the second round.

The Spurs are lucky. The supersonic is actually easier to deal with than the Grizzlies.

The Mavericks didn't play sonics, but they had a hard defense injury for two consecutive years. Before the playoffs began, Nelson resigned, leaving "little general" Johnson a mess.

At this time, the rocket management began to consider dismissing Jeff Van Gundy, the boss Alexander has been very dissatisfied with van Gundy. Now it's time to talk to Mr. van Gunderson and ask him to leave.

Alexander wants to see more fast-paced, sun like style of play. It's impossible to have van Gundy here. Last season they talked about van Gundy's insistence on playing half court positions and defending first.

So the question is, who can the Rockets defend with Sura and David Wesley?

Van Gundy's stubborn, rigid and dull playing rules are hated by many fans. None of the players who left the Rockets said anything good about him. All of them contradicted him. Only a few people are still boasting about him, that is, those who like to talk about "winning the fans by attack and winning the championship by defense". They may not watch the ball at all.

Since the victory or defeat of the basketball match is decided by who scores more, defense wins the championship?!

Alexander's only reason not to fire van Gundy is that his contract doesn't expire until 2008 and 2007 is the last year of a guaranteed contract. To dismiss him now, I have to pay him two years' salary for nothing.

In any case, Alexander does hope to have a good offensive master to replace van Gundy next season, and Nelson Sr. seems to be the most suitable person, even though he has never led the team to win a championship.

The Pacers beat the Cavaliers 4-1 in the Eastern Conference.

The Pacers starting point guard Jamal Tinsley is the key figure, his state is excellent, the series super level play, hit 15 + 6 data, hit pick and roll again and again to break through the Cavaliers defense line.

Cavs' starting point guard Jeff McGinnis is getting slower and slower, which is the Cavaliers' biggest weakness this year, defending black holes. Substitute Eric snow is also difficult to recover the courage of that year, almost no scoring ability, can only defend.

Inside, Cavaliers have the advantage, Boozer against O'Neal has the upper hand.

On the data, the two are 20 + 10, but O'Neill's shooting percentage is only 38.7%, while Boozer's shooting rate is as high as 49.4%. The result of this alignment is quite surprising.

Of course, O'Neal is not bad, he plays a much bigger role in defense than Boozer, can defend alone and help block. Boozer is not very good either in the pick and roll or in the restricted area.

Artest, Stephen Jackson two people a resistance, a entanglement, defense LeBron James series shooting rate is only 40%, 21 points per game 6 assists. At this time, the "little emperor" of the three-point ball is not sure, the back play is not good, Artest this style of defense he hate.

The difference between the two teams was not big, with the biggest pacer winning 12 points. But under the guidance of Rick Carlisle, the Pacers defense system is very strong, with joint defense to limit the knight's attack, laugh to the end.

James's first playoffs exposed a lot of problems, the key moment is always invisible, the last quarter can not guarantee the shooting rate, he dare not play, pass to his teammates again and again, neither breakthrough nor shooting.

In the end, Boozer looks more reliable than James. The "villain" didn't change jobs to Jazz last summer, and won a high reputation. People all admit that he is the second leader of the Cavaliers and the general who assists the "little emperor", and has super offensive ability.

Unfortunately, the Cavaliers do not have a good substitute for position 4, Boozer's attack is over.

There is no Valerio in the team, and there is more reserve center biderlins. Biderlins defense is good, offensive is too speechless, not only has no range, his free throw is worse than O'Neill, and Ben Wallace's level.

The Pacers' guard can also defend biderlins and give him a free throw for a foul. His shooting posture is very strange, slow push shot, look like can't enter the appearance.

The heat swept the Bucks 4-0.

Ratliff is recognized as a good blue collar, good at assisting in blocking and preventing pick and roll. It's hard against O'Neal and his weight is not enough.

Wade and reed in the opposition also has the upper hand, defense of reed is not easy to shoot three points, in turn, reed is difficult to prevent Wade's breakthrough.

Bucks guard TJ Ford didn't get hurt and didn't do well in the playoffs. He was stuck in the joint defense and was hard to break into the basket. He was often left out on the periphery and didn't have three-point ability. Although the heat's starting guard Damon Jones has a bad breakthrough and poor organization ability, he can throw three points when he catches the ball, and is a good partner of the "shark's cheek Gang" combination.

Wade's performance is the most eye-catching, averaging 27 + 5 + 7 per game. It seems that O'Neal is helping him in this series.

The Wizards eliminated Celtic 4-2 in the first round and completed the counter attack on Kirk. Arenas, Larry Hughes and Jamison were excellent in trident attack.In the middle of the season, Celtic sent the sixth man Jamal Crawford plus a second round draft right to the Hawks, replacing "fat head Tuo" Antoine walker. It was a win-win deal. Walker was familiar with the green army system and played well on the offensive side, but third place in the regular season was just luck.

Walker is a hole in the defensive end, no height, bad bounce, bad defensive pick and roll and restricted area.

Hawk management therefore looked down on Walker and thought that he was short and slow, so they knew that the wave cast three points and affected the cultivation of Josh Smith.

After switching back to Crawford, Hawks have someone to take the substitution attack in the second quarter, Josh can also start. He runs very well, the positional warfare is not good, the long-range shooting is not sure, is a weakened version of Marion.

Hawks weak position is the center, can only play small ball tactics, the meat shield inside line only has one Jason - coller.

After the trade, the Hawks attack stronger, the first round 4:2 will be eliminated pistons. Their playing style is similar to that of the suns in last year's finals, with running and charging, pick and roll and chopping sharks.

Larry Brown's tactics are the same as last season. I feel bad without big money

This summer, Brown must be out of class. The piston boss has been fed up with him. He thinks he is not a handsome man at all, but an old man with a bad brain. Brown will get a buyout fee, but it will be difficult for him to find a job in the future.

Nash ranked third in the MVP forecast of the regular season this year, known as the league's second point guard, let the Mavericks boss regret his youth, and let the fans spray the management with mental retardation.

Before taking the first point guard for a talon Lu, now the second point guard white white let go, this is what operation?

However, Guo Xu's competitor is only O'Neill, and Nash can't get MVP at all, because he is too similar to Guo Xu, but the data and record are quite different. It's a weakened version. What's the reason for him to become an MVP?

Nash's strength has been affirmed, and his hawks can pick and roll as well as land. In the second round, the Hawks have no idea who will win. This is a contest between the offensive team and the defensive team.

Experts predict that the Pacers are more likely to advance, and whether the Hawks can get cold depends on Nash's play.

With the strong rise of the Hawks, those who did not enter the playoffs ready to rebuild the team, began to consider imitating the Hawks, the Suns, next season to play run and blast tactics.

On May 9, the first battle of sun vs Grizzlies started in Phoenix

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