Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 550

The female villain audition is very interesting, because the actors know in advance that this is a murderous villain. They try their best to behave vicious, sharp eyes and read their lines very loud.

However, the three judges knew that there was not much chance for the villains to show their ferocity in the film, let alone their psychology. This is a campus film. The heroine is a college student. How cruel and complicated can it be? The story is nothing more than a bloody case caused by a little girl's jealousy.

Moreover, the suspense of the film is very important. Most of the time, the audience must be willing to guess who the villain is. This content can not be known by the audition candidates, otherwise there will be a serious spoiler.

The actresses who came to audition had all kinds of skin colors. Twice, the director felt that they had made a living, but Guo Xu was not satisfied.

Until a tall Asian girl with long hair and a purple casual dress arrived, Guo Xu felt a light in front of her.

The girl's face is fleshy and her facial features are very upright. She is not a super beauty, but she has a kind of gentle temperament at home. She is soft and glutinous. She is easy to bully. If she acts as a villain in in the movie, she will form a strong contrast.

With her image, it is difficult for the audience to guess that she is the murderer at the end of the performance. However, the original film Guo Xu has seen in the past is too ugly for the villain. The image is almost engraved with the words "I am the murderer" on the forehead.

The Asian sister came up with a deep bow and a soft voice. "Hello, everyone. My name is Kim soo Hyun. I'm 19 years old and Korean."

Robert could not help but imagine how it would make her spine chill and shiver with the softest voice and the most vicious words. It would seem interesting to have her play the villain.

Director Paul Figge wants to say pass. He has been in the entertainment industry for many years. He suspects that she can't be cruel at all. At the end of the movie, she will have a PK with the female host.

Guo Xu suddenly thought of a person, waved to her and said, "come closer, let me see you. Your name is Jin Xiuxian, right?"

Jin Xiuxian hurriedly came over. He looked a little nervous with his back and looked at Guo Xu for three seconds. His face turned red and then lowered his head.

FIGO and Robert are happy, little girl. Are you really auditioning? Are you here for a blind date?

Guo Xu also laughed. He recognized that this was Dr. Zhao hailun in the previous life of Avengers Alliance 2. Her name is very grooved, and all the professors from the stars have the same name. It should not be wrong to be so tall.

Jin Xiuxian performs well in Avengers Alliance 2, and has a sense of existence as a supporting role. However, she is only a college student who comes to America with her friends on vacation. She is thin skinned and has no acting skills to speak of.

In fact, she came to audition just to meet Guo Xu. She is not an actor registered with the Hollywood actors guild. She is currently studying in South Korea.

University winter vacation, she and two girlfriends to Los Angeles to play, happened to see the public audition news. Knowing that she likes basketball and is Guo Xu's fan sister, she urged her to take part in the audition so that she could see Guo Xu himself and say a few words. If she failed in the audition, she should sign her name and the other party should agree.

When Kim soo Hsien came to the plane, he said that it would be nice if he could get a autograph and a group photo. They also went to watch the Suns play against the Lakers at home yesterday. She especially wanted to see Guo Xu. She came on impulse. She could sign up anyway. She would like to enter the entertainment industry in the future.

She is a model figure, successfully passed the primary election, if the image does not match the role, will be directly lost by pass.

Now Guo Xu smiles at her, and her brain is blank. She just stands there and doesn't know what to do next until Guo Xu asks questions again.

"How tall are you?"

She said mechanically, "177cm."

"Play a line." Guo Xu said.

After Jin Xiuxian began to perform, he showed a serious side immediately. He entered the play very quickly. He was very emotional when he said his lines. He had a good command of English lines, and the cadence was just right.

They all thought it was good. When the performance was over, she glanced up at Guo Xu, and her face turned red again.

Unlike other auditions, she did not choose the scene of falling out with her mistress, but chose a scene in which she pretended to be a sister and had a gentle conversation with her. Her tone is gentle, but her eyes are full of jealousy, which is not easy to handle.

"Your English is good. Have you ever had acting experience before?" the director asked

"I worked as an intern at Arirang radio station in Korea My father used to work in the United States. When I was a child, I went to school in the United States. Now I am back home to go to university. I come to I want to take a chance in Hollywood. " Xiuxian was so excited that he almost told the truth that he was a Star chaser.

Although she is holding the mentality of trying, she is still fully prepared for the audition, because being an intern in Korea is the beginning of hell. She has only practiced for three months before she is more professional.

Hollywood is her ultimate goal. Generally, only top Korean stars have the chance to film.

In South Korea, being an idol is a dream of many people, but it is very difficult to succeed. It may take a lot of time and finally get nothing. In South Korea, where the competition is fierce, many trainees or groups may disappear without ever being on the stage. It is common to accompany students to sleep with wine, pimp entertainment companies, and totally unilateral exploitation of slave contracts.South Korea's entertainment industry is a high incidence of suicide, which is not a hidden rule, but a clear rule. Behind the shining of those Erni and Europa, there are all the unknown bitter blood and tears history and the well-known plastic surgery history

Jin Xiuxian has some advantages, because her family background is very good. She is one of the standard baifumei. She doesn't have to worry about being hidden in the entertainment industry. However, she wants to be famous in South Korea after 2010.

At this time, she heard an incredible voice, thinking that she had heard.

Guo Xu made a decision and said: "she will play the role. The script will be slightly revised to mention the discrimination of Asian Americans in universities. This is a sensitive topic and a hot spot in the film. I was discriminated against in the University at that time."

"Yes, I agree." Robert thinks this choice is very reliable. Jin Xiuxian's image is good, and the English standard is good. The role does not need good acting skills.

Feig nodded. "I don't mind. It's the last scene. She has to be tough."

Guo Xu shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "it's very simple. It's OK to start the performance of the original color. You can help sharpen her acting skills in that key play. What I want is this strong contrast."

Jin Xiuxian listened to their conversation, his mouth slightly open, and looked at Guo Xu with a dull expression.

After confirming that she got the role again and again, she bowed to the three people and even forgot about looking for Guo Xu's signature, so she left the door happily.

As soon as she went out, she was excited to jump twice. Her friends would be scared and silly. When she told her parents about this, they would be both surprised and proud.

The male villain is very easy to choose. He has a middle-aged man named Jeff Petrie. His face is very evil. He doesn't need money. He runs tricks in Hollywood.

Male teacher's role is Guo Xuding. Matt Pomo, nicknamed "Peacock" in his previous life, has come to audition. This kind of handsome boy who will be famous in the future doesn't need to be used for nothing. Now he is just a trickster. He is willing to act when there is a film, and his pay is extremely low.

Matt, who was born in 1977, is nearly 28 years old. He has previously acted in TV series "beacon" and "mysterious call", both supporting roles, and has never acted in a film.

Guo Xu plans to take part in the audition in the future. It's very interesting to pull some potential supporting roles into the film.

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