Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 520

Without Shaquille O'Neal and Malone, Kobe can finally enjoy the low position and play in his favorite way, but his back and turn shot can't be as accurate as O'Neal's body into the forbidden area to shoot.

Kobe hopes that he can rely on his personal ability to attract two or three people, and then divide the ball to assist his teammates and lead the team to victory. He always believed that imitating Jordan was the best way to rule the league. This summer, he added a lot of strength to his back, and he didn't plan to strengthen his back training.

In terms of how to give full play to his personal strength, Kobe's players are very high. He is good at using tactics, making use of the defensive loopholes of the other side, and even scoring by using League rules.

He is very good at gliding and small strides. Unless he goes to the international arena, he is rarely blown away.

Another good news for all offensive players this year is that the league has once again stressed the rule that hand checking is not allowed. Offensive players will have more space to do their actions. Kobe feels that this is the day that will come down.

What is the rule? To put it bluntly, it is the rule that can make the NBA team's overall attack stronger.

In 1978-79 season, the NBA formally added the rule of not allowing hand checking, strictly implemented, allowing defenders to make physical contact with offensive players, but not blocking offensive players' attack routes with hands.

This rule made the 80's NBA team play offensive basketball, average score per game and free throw per game reached the historical peak.

At that time, the most amazing Nuggets scored 120 points per game for five consecutive years, but the average loss on the defensive end was also the league's highest 122.3 points. Do you know how bad the Denver defense was in 1990-91? The team lost 130.8 points per game, which is the only team in history to lose 130 + points per game in the season.

Crazy attack let NBA fans began to pay attention to, and gradually developed into a great business League.

After the piston bad boy team's success led to the NBA defense strength greatly increased, the League had to emphasize this rule again. In 1994-95 season, hand checking was completely eliminated from the baseline to the free throw line.

That is to say, hand checking is not allowed in the distance from the baseline to the free throw line. If the defender puts his hand on Jordan's back, the referee can blow a foul.

This led to a rumor in the NBA that hand checking was strictly called by the League to make Jordan better offensive. At that time, he wanted to call this rule "Jordan rule", which was blocked by stern because it would appear that the intention was too obvious.

This should be just a rumor, because Jordan didn't come back until the second half of that season. Of course, he obviously benefited. Besides, the three-point line was shortened Next season, the Bulls won 72-10, breaking the regular season record and easily winning the playoffs. Jordan won two MVPs.

Since the late 1990s, because of the heat, the Knicks, the Spurs and other defensive strong teams, this rule is almost in name, and playoffs players make elbows at will.

The league wants to encourage offense, so this summer, it once again emphasizes the strict blow and penalty of hand checking, and clearly stipulates what is blocking fouls, and more blowing and punishing defense for three seconds, so as to make the formation of each team more open.

The attacking players are happy and the fans are happy.

In Guo Xu's previous life, there will be some Jordan fans and ancient blowers who will be more happy and even have a direct climax in the future.

They said that if there was such a rule in Jordan's playing era, he could get 50 points per game and 100 points per game, because at that time, Jordan would have broken through the opponent's drag and pull, and his back would be held

In fact, banning hand checking is a self-evident thing for those who can play basketball. Is it not common sense that the defender can only block the opponent's attack line by moving his body horizontally? When can a player block an opponent's attack line with his arm? That's a foul, the primary school students will be called by the referee!

The Suns didn't have the idea of wrapping Kobe in the first quarter, so he sent bell to defend himself against others and cut off the contact between Kobe and his teammates.

Except for Odom and Butler, the rest of the Lakers are lack of offensive ability to hold the ball. As long as the trident of the Lakers falls into singles, they can't win the suns.

Assistant coach Larry drew likes to arrange individual defense only near the forbidden area, while D'Antoni highly praised the magic ball theory. They both felt that a 45% shooting rate person's infinite singles two points was nothing.

The Suns attack, Bell's right bottom corner stood to attract defense, Marion, neineinei on the left, Guo Xu played pick and roll and then weak side, Odom did not dare to easily change defense Guo Xu to go.

In the first two rounds, he changed defense quickly and kept a distance in front of Guo Xu, which could not only prevent the breakthrough but also interfere with the shooting. However, Guo Xuqiang suddenly passed a pass to the Middle Road, which was 188CM TALL and weighed 84 kg, and couldn't stop scutcher.The problem is that essley has not been able to keep up with Guo Xu's speed. He plays by experience. After a major injury to the Knicks in 2001-02, essley is not going to get up, although he is only 32 years old and may retire at any time.

Guo Xu changed to speed up over Odom into the basket, waiting for grant to make up defense, hit a layup. Six to two.

The Lakers attack, Kobe again to catch the ball, choose to single.

If the opponent doesn't cover up, Kobe will play singles. He has always been attracted to the team and then divide the ball. Even O'Neal likes to play like this when he is in the game. He is confident that he can single anyone.

Which teammate is more reliable in singles than he is? No, Butler and Odom are second rate stars.

If others don't score, it's a waste of opportunity. Kobe has this core idea for a long time. Now that O'Neal is gone, he has more reason to shoot without limit. As for the game before he wants to pass more to drive the team, wait for the other side to wrap up.

Kobe Bryant took himself to the low post, protected the ball with his back to find the right rhythm and position, turned back to jump shot, and scored under Bell's interference. Six to four.

Sun attack, Guo Xu and Xiaosi play pick and roll again, the opponent can't prevent continue to play, after finding the space, Guo Xu will the ball into the middle, Xiaosi Kongqiao face grant strong, rely on the speed easily wipe into the basket, jump up one hand to score. Eight to four.

When the Lakers attack again, Tang Shuai shouts at Kobe on the sidelines: "cooperate.".

Only one star can't win in the low position singles. O'Neill can't win even if he hits nearly 60% in the low position. Someone has to break through the ball and shoot the ball from the outside line. This is the NBA's general winning model, no one can break the law.

Tang Shuai has been training for more than seven months because of bladder cancer. In July this year, he signed a five-year contract with the Lakers and officially returned. Unfortunately, it's not the right time for him to join the Lakers. He's under great pressure. Now he has a headache for winning every day.

As a famous coach who has won the championship, Tang Shuai doesn't want to put on a bad show when he comes to the Lakers, but he knows from the lineup that the Lakers will not play this year. Unless an inside star is traded in the mid-term, at least someone must be able to guard the restricted area.

Now, the Lakers can only compete with their opponents.

Kobe and Odom play pick and roll, central breakthrough in the forbidden area was surrounded by four people. The Suns look like man to man, but it's 122 joint defense. Kobe went to the right bell defense, left Marion defense, and two inside lines to the forbidden area.

Kobe Bryant divided the ball, Grant's baseline shot, with a slight interference inside the iron.

Marion grabs the backboard in the back court, and the Suns fight back immediately. Guo Xu pushes forward to the front court and passes over essley, attracting Odom to defend the ball, and small Si makes a sudden smash with one hand.

Grant didn't come back, and his mobility couldn't be compared with that of Xiaosi

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