Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 516

On October 2, Guo Xu officially ended his holiday and attended the sun's media day.

Because of the Olympic Games this year, the media have come a little later than in previous years, and the training camp time of each team has been shortened, and the training camp has been replaced by competition directly through the pre-season competition.

At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, all the members of the sun team came to the stadium to meet with the reporters waiting there. First, all the team members stood in line with their backs against a wall, allowing the reporters to take photos casually. The core players of last season were smiling and confident about the new season.

After the group photo is the core fixed makeup photo, five people take together, Guo Xu is in the middle, Xiao Si, Marion, neinei and Qiao Johnson are on both sides. The four men are like bodyguards, holding their chests in their hands, and Guo Xu is holding basketball in both hands in the middle.

He recovered very quickly. Now he can participate in the media day, but he will be absent from the pre-season games for a long time.

After the interview, Guo Xu was the most watched person in the audience. He sat down in a seat and was surrounded and asked questions by a group of reporters.

The reporter asked: "Jason, you did a lot of things in the entertainment industry during the holiday, guest appeared in the film and produced a very interesting single. How did you think of writing such a song as" the fox "

"It was Duang's, and an inspiration came to my mind, probably because I like animals very much." Guo Xu deliberately avoided Megan.

The imagination of the media and fans is endless. If Megan is involved, there will be news that she looks like Sharapova and doesn't sound like a dead frog in bed.

Reporter asked: "will you enter the entertainment industry after retirement in the future?"

"It's too early to retire now. I have to play to be 40. That may be bad news for many people. I don't think I will lose to my peers."

Reporter asked: "what do you think of the U.S. team losing in the Olympic Games?"

"There is no special view, just like ordinary fans, they play very bad." Guo Xu smile way, casually perfunctory.

Reporter asked: "Basketball Association did not invite you to join the national team, you will feel sorry?"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't go this time. I've always enjoyed playing basketball and I often say that on the team. The coach must think that I am not the fighter he wants and can't play according to his requirements. In the end, he said that I was not ready to play and let me be a cold bench all the time. I think it's very likely to happen. After all, I'm only 23 years old, and I'm too young. "

It's no longer an irony, it's a clear statement that Larry Brown is a waste wood. Guo Xu's purpose is to arouse the resonance of James, Wade and other 2003 players. If he has a chance to play for the United States in the future, if he doesn't go, he will become the leader.

As for offending Larry Brown, is that a big deal? There are too many slots in this man. All the fans are spraying him. Many of the players he has cooperated with are also spraying him. It doesn't matter if he is a Dorothy.

Brown can do nothing, expect him to lead the pistons to beat the suns and hit Guo Xu in the face? Just by chopping Ben Wallace, Guo Xu is confident to see the pistons win once.

Reporter asked: "you did not practice much during the holiday, are you confident to lead the team to defend the title successfully?"

"I didn't practice during the holiday because I had too much confidence. I starred in the film last summer, and I was still in good condition. This season, I think it's time to challenge the 70 wins of the regular season. I don't think the Suns are worse than the 2000-2001 Lakers

Reporters applauded, Guo Xu can always make big news, dare to shout before the start of the season 70 win few stars.

Although Guo Xu did not practice ball, but he did not lack of fitness, entertainment is to play some of the beach, beach volleyball, surfing, rowing. As long as he can ensure that his physical quality does not decline a lot, he will feel back after practicing in the pre-season match. His hand feeling is innate, and his shooting action also has muscle memory.

He is also determined to win the super regular season record. An important reason is that he wants to win personal honor, but the ordinary best record. He can't be MVP for three consecutive regular season.

MVP is the most valuable individual award in the regular season. In addition to the player's outstanding strength, the team's record and personal contribution to the team should also be convinced by everyone.

MVP is a dream for all players except the championship. If there is one MVP in your career, there is no regret. If there are two or three MVP, it is a historical superstar. It would be too fierce to be MVP for three consecutive years. In history, only three people did it, and Jordan did not complete it.

Russell, Chamberlain and Byrd, the three great gods, completed such a feat, of which only bird was a modern star.

Byrd won the MVP in 1984, 1985 and 1986 seasons, averaging 28 + 10 per game. It's a pity that Byrd's career is a little short because of his injury. He has only played 13 seasons. If he can play five more years, his historical position will be higher.

Guo Xu hopes to break this record. As long as he does, he will have another important record to surpass Jordan and create his own era. It's really dominating the league, and it's totally different from the way fans play about a MVP in their own time.After talking about his own for a while, Guo Xu commented on his teammates and welcomed the new teammates, especially veteran Peyton.

"When I first entered the league, Gary was very strong. At that time, I was not his opponent. I thought he was the template of super point guard, with excellent attack and defense. I'll never be as defensive as he is. He's the only point guard who has won the best defensive player. I can learn a lot from him, even though he is in decline now, but he is experienced

"Of course we will get along very well. We all know how great a player Gary is. A lot of people can't wait to ask him for technical advice."

Peyton accepted the interview and praised Guo Xu even more.

"Michael - if I wanted to surpass this person in the world for one time, I would have shocked everyone. I've never seen a player like him. He's improving all the time

"What do you think of Kobe compared to him?" the reporter asked

Peyton shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't think there is any comparability between the two. Jason has won three MVPs and led the Suns this young team to miraculously win the championship. He also has 67 points per game in the playoffs and 50 + in a row. What does Kobe have? I don't think he can bring the Lakers into the playoffs

Because of Malone, Peyton is also a little disgusted with Kobe. Although Malone has not won the championship, but the League recognized star, is a pile of personal honor of the top 50 stars. Even if he doesn't cooperate, the Lakers should give him the least respect.

Kobe's approach is too excessive. First, he publicly said that Malone molested his wife, and then publicly ran Malone away.

Recently, I don't know who was looking for pr. a group of people said that Malone's personality was poor, and that he might have molested Kobe's wife, because he had an illegitimate child and had a teenage girl pregnant.

Peyton knows Kobe wants to get rid of Malone, but it's too much of an excuse. Malone's character is indeed tainted, but when he had a relationship with a minor, he was also a kid who just went to college. Now that Malone is 40 years old, can he be as mentally disabled as he was when he was young?

Peyton scored Guo Xu and Kobe in his heart. Guo Xu scored 100 points, but Kobe didn't score. In the photo, he directly gave an x-number. It's impossible for him to speak up to Kobe in an interview.

Other people have similar opinions in interviews, they all believe that the sun will succeed in defending its title

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