Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 507

Robert's inspiration is really from Guo Xu, because Guo Xu is going to guest play Keanu's son in the film, and the audience must find it interesting.

In this play, the protagonist becomes fat. His son is also a fat man. It is played by Jonah hill. Only a few scenes on the sofa will not help.

Jonah was a famous Hollywood comedian, an inspirational fat man. He could be fat and thin for the movie. At present, he has just graduated from University, and he is just a runner.

The protagonist wanted to save his wife and wrote a note, but he was run into the hospital by the dog. After six years of pain, the protagonist lost weight and got fat. After making up, Keanu began to play the next play. His wife becomes his ex-wife, and his skinny son is played by Guo Xu.

Keanu was better than the original Adam Sandler version when he was lying in a hospital bed looking at his liposuction belly and fiddling that it looked like a tongue. Sandler has always been a comedian. It's not surprising to us what he does. Keanu's acting is mainly cool. It's funny to see him do such a thing, forming a strong contrast.

Guo Xu's performance is very simple, expressionless and estranged from Keanu. His setting is that he has a general relationship with his father, and that he values work more than family.

The protagonist wants to have a family dinner and meet his parents, but is told by his son that his father has passed away.

The protagonist uses the remote control to play back the scene of seeing his father for the last time. At that time, he buried himself in his work and didn't want to look at his father. He finally raised his head but impatiently refused his father's invitation to the party. He also broke through his father's small magic tricks when he was a child. Then the father like to make a mistake, sad left.

The protagonist is deeply remorsed, constantly watching his father say to him "I love your son", weeping.

Keanu's "acting" broke out because of his special relationship with his father.

Keanu's mother is British and his father is Chinese Hawaiian. They live in Lebanon. His father lived until Keanu was 13 and left without warning, and Keanu had not heard from him for ten years.

When he heard about the drunken father again, it was because he was caught selling heroin. He didn't want to have any relationship with this man in his later life. Samuel Reeves admitted in an interview in prison that Keanu had no intention of reconciliation. He said painfully that it was the price of his 20 years of drug abuse, prison term and dirty life.

Keanu's tears were left for his father in the film. He felt that the other party was very poor. He was a good man, but he had an unfilial son who did not know how to cherish it.

After shooting the son's wedding drama, the crew casually found a white actress to play with Guo Xu. There were only a few scenes, so it would not make a fuss. Originally, the crew wanted Megan to guest star, but after discussion, they gave up the idea. If Megan always appears with Guo Xu, the audience may be bored. Who would like to see them show their love and dog abuse all day long?

Seeing his daughter calling someone else's father, the man fell down. On the bed, Guo Xu and Keanu told each other that he was busy with his work, so he would not go on his honeymoon.

The man chased after him in the rain and fell down. When he was dying, he told the children to take family first He also gave his wife the note written by his wife.

In the rainstorm, Guo Xu and Keanu performed the most important play together. Both of them were very attentive and did not act as a comedy. They wanted to make the plot as moving as possible. For this reason ng many times, two people have a good time in the rain.

"Remote control of life" is not only a comedy, but also the highest rated one of Sandler's films. Tell people to cherish the present, even if there are pain and tears in today's life, they are precious memories.

Without this film, Sandler may only be able to make some vulgar comedies in recent years, such as "don't mess with zohan", "Jack and Jill" and so on, which have won the golden plum prize.

Guo Xu has no pressure. He is not familiar with this old man. If he hadn't entered the entertainment circle late, he would have copied the first love fifty times.

It took a day and a half to kill Guo Xu and his crew. When the man wakes up, he becomes more concerned about his family. The play has been shot before, because the little actor can't follow the crew. He has to shoot it first, and then edit and change the order to become the final film.

It took less than two months for the crew to film, and the production cycle was very short, faster than that of Sandler before.

The previous film was shot in New York. Sandler is a big fan of the New York Yankee team. He would go to see the team when there was a game. As a result, the shooting work of the film was interrupted several times and the time was delayed. After the shooting location was changed to Los Angeles, everything became simpler.

It's clear that kenu was the first to shoot "hell detective", but it has a lot of special effects and complicated post production, so if you want, "life remote control" can be released before "hell detective".

Robert Smith is ready to leave the relationship to see if it can be released around Christmas in December. This is the easiest time to hit the box office and the competition is fierce, but he won't crash with detective hell.

In Guo Xu's previous life, "hell detective" only appeared in February 2005. Even if Keanu had a seat at the box office, it would be a hit at the box office because the cost was as high as 100 million US dollars, and the global box office was only 200 million dollars. The company's time and energy were wasted. The vast majority of the audience is for Keanu, North America response is not high, the magic change plot also caused fans dissatisfaction.In fact, this film is really very good-looking, can be said to be a masterpiece, but a small number.

It would be very interesting if the little budget comedy "remote control of life" surpassed Warner's "detective of hell.". This is likely to happen. A movie is suitable for family members to watch together and add some meaning to life. However, Constantine's dark wind can only attract DC fans.

"It's the most satisfying work I've ever made since I was a director. I'm sure the box office is 200 million, which is a good script," said Donald

Keanu was the happiest. He offered Guo Xu a glass of wine and said with a smile, "Jason, I think I have succeeded in this transformation. If you have such a good film in the future, please call me."

"I'll never forget you if there's a good thing. I'm writing a script recently. When I'm ready, you can play the leading role. This one I plan to invest more than 100 million to make a blockbuster, not a small budget comedy. "

Keanu was interested: "what is it about?"

Guo Xu said: "science fiction, action, love, all kinds of business elements, in addition to you, I also plan to find Jason stanson and Jet Li to act together. Now the plan is that we play brothers again in the film."

"OK, please contact me at any time. I'm the star and I can't change people." Keanu now has inexplicable confidence in Guo Xu and Robert.

Megan was eating without comment.

Guo Xu is not surprised. Megan hasn't asked to film recently. He suspects that she is not interested in developing her acting career. She seems to prefer to stay at home as a housewife and live with him.

Megan really thinks so. If she acts in a movie and makes a movie with a long production cycle, they will not be able to meet for a long time. If Guo Xu has a woman outside, she will be depressed. Even if she wants to make a movie, she has to wait until the NBA season begins, and Guo Xu is busy and has no time to do anything else.

As long as she is around Guo Xu, she has a high exposure rate. She is rich and famous. Everyone knows her. Why go to suffer and make many films? When her man invests in a movie, she can play the right role.

With the growth of age, the little fox is more and more cunning

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