Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 446

The Christmas battle is a spectacular competition, second only to all stars. China's CCTV5 will also choose to live the competition.

Unfortunately, the Rockets have a game today, CCTV5 chose another game. In this era, there are not so many live online videos, and many sun fans who can only watch the live broadcast in words feel uncomfortable.

Yao is more famous in the basketball circle, and he is proud of China. Last year, he was selected into the all star controversy, this year his data is fully worthy of the all star, better than his data only Shaquille O'Neal and stadamier, Xiaosi is not like a center.

In the 21st century, the attack on the basketball court has begun to develop in the direction of "from outside to inside", not only NBA, but also international basketball.

This is the inevitable development of basketball, not caused by the rules of the game. In the final analysis, the input-output ratio of training centers is too low, and it is not cost-effective to cultivate star centers.

For decades, the NBA has produced far fewer Center stars than any other position. If you want to be a super center, you have to have good talent. You have to have strong talent. You can't train a big one, such as Diop.

Such as the team spent time, energy, money to cultivate the center has become a star, if often go to the low end melee peak period is short, the state of decline is particularly fast. The four centers, Mutombo and moning, were miserable in their later years, and Robinson died well with Duncan. In Guo Xu's previous life, Yao Ming, Xiaosi, Howard also quickly declined after the age of 30.

After 2010, all the NBA teams realized this, so they let the center reduce the proportion of low position attack, pull out to throw three points and match the pass. If those two items can't be practiced, they will be blue collars and focus on defense.

After 2015, if there are coaches in NBA who arrange big men with more than 210cm to attack the basketball as the main tactics, they will definitely be dismissed. The future center is not like the center, first practice shooting, and then practice the corresponding, like O'Neill, the two low anti two pull up slam dunk Superman, it is difficult to see.

Two versions of Guo Xu's film were shown on the big screen before the players came out.

After Guo Xu's final appearance, the fans were excited because he sang his new song and interacted with the fans.

"Some people say Jason is a musician delayed by basketball. All his three singles have been well received. In the future, Grammy will definitely nominate him and invite him to the award ceremony," Buckley said

Smith said with a smile: "in a few years, he will hold a concert directly at home, and I think it will be full."

"You can also see his acting next month. From the trailer, it should be good. He is very photogenic and much thinner than when I was on camera." Barkley finished and took a bite of the Big Mac beef burger.

After Guo Xu finished singing, the cameraman gave Megan Fox close-up in the front row, and there were many people shouting at the scene.

"The heroine is here today. Are they going to announce their relationship at Christmas?" Barkley said? A lot of people speculate that they are a couple for a long time, but Jason has never admitted that

Smith said with a smile, "the name of the pizzeria Jason invested in is fat fox, and I don't believe that they are just ordinary friends."

Both sides start, a look at the full attack lineup, the fans are very happy, certainly want to attack.

Sun five: Guo Xu, bell, Joe Johnson, Marion, stadamel.

Mavericks: Nash, Finley, Jamison, Walker, Nowitzki.

The jump ball wins and the game begins.

Guo Xu and other team-mates opened the middle road to play pick and roll. Nowitzki changed defense relatively outside. After Guo Xu moved horizontally, he suddenly accelerated to break through successfully, and his right hands clasped into the basketball. 2 to 0.

In the first round, we can explain why the "five-star Mavericks" lost 12 games in the beginning, which is only equal to the Rockets' record.

Mavericks defense is full of loopholes, Nowitzki defense is not good, Walker is worse, anti pick and roll move slowly, defense forbidden area is not tall.

The Mavericks attack, Nash attracted the Dallas defense points to the middle, Nowitzki jump shot. Two to two.

Sun attack, Guo Xu crotch dribble to receive back step three-point shot, in the interference of Nash, Marion grabbed the offensive rebound, direct make-up hit. Four to two.

Walker leakage did not block the empty cut Marion, after the end of this season, "fat Toutuo" will be traded, Mavericks management, coaching team have been completely disappointed with him.

He not only defends poorly, the shooting percentage of the offensive end is lower than that of the guards, 38.8% last season, and only 42% of the cases have excellent attacking teammates attracting Defense this year. His attack end singles is wave throwing, the only thing that makes sense is to coordinate the attack, averaging 4.5 assists per game. But that's where he took Nash's job. Without him, the Mavericks would not be bad.

The excellent organization forward in the old Nelson's mind, really is better to miss than to meet.

At this time, the Mavericks made a mistake, Jamison passed to Finley, which was snatched by bell under the fast break and passed to Guo Xu.

Guo Xu singled out Nash, dribbled the ball from behind and forced him to enter the middle of NASH. Six to two.Although the two look similar in size, Nash is slightly higher than Guo Xu, but Guo Xu's strength and explosive power are far better than Nash, squeezing him to jump.

Nash is a "partial branch" player. His speed, rhythm, sense of passing and shooting ability are the best in NBA guards. But on the defensive side, his strength, bounce is not good, always suffer a big loss.

After entering the league, Guo Xu has to play 8 games with Nash every season. He is too familiar with each other. The difference is that after Guo Xu is familiar with NASH, he can take him on his own. After getting familiar with Guo Xu, Nash comes to a conclusion that he is not the opponent of the goods.

When the Mavericks attacked, Guo Xu caught up with NASH in the pick and roll and distributed the ball to Walker. The latter had only strength advantage against Marion, and the direct dry pull jumper was easy to be blocked. He made an inner pass to Nowitzki, who was on the left low post.

Nowitzki catches the ball, swings his left shoulder, turns to the baseline, passes Xiaosi, and leaps forward with both hands. Six to four.

Sun attack, Guo Xu and Xiaosi play pick and roll, weak side open space to attract Nowitzki, Nash two people to pack into the middle, Xiaosi empty cut one handed smash into. Eight to four.

Back to defense, Xiaosi excitedly showed his biceps, the home fans clapped hard.

When the Mavericks attack, Finley is entangled by bell after receiving the ball, and then finds Nowitzki after passing the ball. The latter swings the ball in the frame of the left corner of the bullhorn, so that the center of gravity of Xiaosi is increased, and then he breaks through the middle of the ball with the ball. It is another empty shake to stop to get the ball.

Small Si is swayed to fly, Nowitzki jumped up and hit him, missed his shot, made a foul and hit the free throw line, two free throws. Eight to six.

Nowitzki's low footwork is excellent, he can turn outward or inward. The most important thing is that he plays the single near the free throw line. His footwork is changeable, and he can shoot out of the box.

One on one, smalls can't defend Nowitzki, only attack.

Guo Xu plays the pick and roll pass, the small Si Zhong throws the iron, Nowitzki grabs the rebound.

The Mavericks offensive play is very simple, Nash passed to the running Finley, Finley breakthrough attracted Marion to change defense points, Walker against Bell dry pull three points to play iron, Xiaosi grabbed the rebound to launch a counterattack.

Guo Xu points the ball to the position of Marion, the latter forcibly breaks through walker, enters the basket to lay up the score. 10 to 6.

The Mavericks attack, Jamison face frame single shot Joe Johnson, change the direction of a step, stop jump shot into the ball. 10 to 8.

The fans felt very happy, after the opening two teams launched a fierce confrontation, this is what they want to see the Christmas War!

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