Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 435

Guo Xu has been on the sports news headlines of major media, among which the coverage of Chinese media is not inferior to that of North America. Since Yao Ming joined the Rockets, the number of Chinese fans paying attention to NBA has doubled.

Guo Xu can't exaggerate such data. After the game, his all star vote increased a lot, and many Chinese fans watching the live broadcast enthusiastically voted for him. Unless he suddenly won't play, and the data drops sharply, he will be able to lock in the winner of this season.

Only Vince Carter in the East can compare with Guo Xu, Yao Ming and Guo Xu are far behind.

Although Yao Ming's personal data is much higher than last season, averaging 17.5 points and 9 rebounds per game, the two data rank first in the Rockets, but the team's record is not good, and the performance of the Rockets has repeatedly let the fans down.

Since the coach changed to Jeff Van Gundy, the Rockets have played a worse game than last season. Their tactics are the same in every game, and even the time for changing players is seldom changed. The rhythm of attack and defense conversion is slow enough for fans to watch.

In addition, no one has compared Kidd, Iverson and Guo Xu. He is recognized as the strongest point guard in active service.

Kidd, whose shooting is poor, never gets 60 points in a single game, and 30 points are very difficult. He just plays three doubles in the trumpet.

Iverson's average 26 + 7 per game does not look bad. In fact, he plays 42.5 minutes per game, shoots 23.4 times and can only hit 9.1 ball, with a shooting percentage of 38.7%.

Iverson's shooting rate has exceeded 45% in only one season since he joined the league. He has been playing 14 + iron for five consecutive seasons. He has the lowest shooting rate among all the starting guards, but has the most shots in the league. The 76 man coach couldn't arrange the tactics at all. Every game was left to Iverson. It was only a matter of time before class was over.

Almost all the online reviews of fans are praising Guo Xu, and many people expect him to complete his feat of winning the MVP in the regular season.

How difficult is it to be a MVP winner? Only eight people in history have done so, including Shaquille O'Neal in 2001.

"Black pot" can still find out Guo Xu's problems, for example, he played two minutes more to brush the data, the Clippers are weak, defense is too bad, vulnerable, from beginning to end is brush. In short, his data doesn't count, unless he plays a strong team.

The argument of "black pot" is like the super data of Chamberlain, Magic Johnson and Jordan when they are facing the strong team, and they disdain to play the weak team, but how can this be possible?

Guo Xu didn't take this kind of comment seriously. Compared with LeBron James in his previous life, he was considered as light in black.

"If James gets rid of layups, how many points will he reduce..."

They subconsciously think that layups and dunks are not points, because they don't count, so they should be subtracted. Zhan Hei has always thought that James layup is strong, all rely on walking, this argument is even more unexplained. There are sunspots simply put forward the "protection hit rate" argument, some people for the sake of black has ignored the basketball rules.

There are also retired celebrities who say bad things about Guo Xu. The basic argument is that the defense of players is not as strong as in the past. If it was in their time, such players as Guo Xu would surely die.

In fact, in the 1980s and 1990s, the number of short point guards was far more than modern. Even the 160cm tall "bug" Boggs mixed well and was evaluated as "tough defense". Stockton, whose physical fitness is far inferior to Guo Xu, has been selected into the best defensive lineup for five times. He is famous for his small moves in the defensive end, but he has not been killed. He has played healthy for 19 seasons.

To put it bluntly, Guo Xu's data on the stage made many ancient gods feel threatened and worried that his "impossible records" would be broken in the future.

Pippen is the most existential player among the famous players. He firmly said: "if you put Jordan at his peak in this era, there is no problem in scoring 40 points per game, and he can knock down 100 points in a game. Now the game is completely dominated by attack. For an attacking player with the ball, it's too easy to be aggressive

Pippen obviously can't count. As we all know, Jordan's long-range shot is very bad. In addition to the season with shortened three-point line, he hardly shoots three points. According to his 50% shooting rate in his career, if he wants to get 100 points in a single game, he has to shoot at least 80 baskets, hit 40 goals, and have to have 20 free throws and all hits. Who has ever seen the top star of an all - out team in a game?

For these negative comments, Guo Xu has no response. He will not throw out the magic ball theory to teach people how to count, and he will not tear each other with celebrities.

His plan is to play a good back-to-back away game against Sacramento king, strive to cut 60 + in a row, speak with the data.

Kings star Chris Webber has been absent after knee surgery and will not be available until the second half. In order to enhance the strength of the interior, the kings dug pacer center Brad Miller in the summer.

Adelman played the double tower tactics in the new season, so that Miller and Divac appeared together. The two slow moving interior attack end performed very well. At present, the king was 16-5, ranking second in the west, only second to the suns.

On the offensive side, miller can indeed replace Webber, his ability to respond to the Princeton system has been perfect play, played two times triple double. The king's ball is running fast and well, and every game is a little bit more blooming.After Peja Stojakovic shot more times, the current scoring efficiency is far better than Webber, averaging 25.3 points, 6.2 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.3 steals per game. The shooting percentage is 48%, the three-point shooting rate is 43.3%, and the free throw shooting rate is 92.7%.

At that time, the most regretful thing of King's management was that he signed a high salary contract with Weber. At that time, they thought that the team could not do without Webber. They needed him to lead the team to win and rely on his popularity to attract fans.

As a result, no Webber team is playing very well. King fans generally start to hate Webber. Many people leave messages on the official website, hoping that the team can send him away as soon as possible in exchange for a defensive power forward, so as not to rob Peja of the ball right after his return.

Weber, who has become a cancer from the core, doesn't want to watch the news at home. His position is too embarrassing.

Los Angeles is very close to Sacramento, the Suns get a good rest, to adapt to the field, the role players are in good shape, catch the ball and shoot a high percentage.

After the training, Guo Xu talked to d'antony and put forward his own requirements. "Mike, I want unlimited shot power, and score high tonight."

D'antony asked: "do you want me to adjust the lineup, let Nene and Amare help you double cover at the beginning?"

Guo Xu said confidently: "no, it's better to play small ball tactics. As long as I attract the bag, I'll divide the ball and assist my teammates. Sean is fast, and the counterattack can shake off Miller. I want to do more in positional warfare, because I'm sure I can beat Bibby. "

"Let's fight the way we used to deal with the king." D'antony said with a smile.

He doesn't feel like a puppet coach, but it's easier to work with Guo Xu, because Guo Xu knows how to play, which can make his opponent feel uncomfortable and make adjustments at any time. He's got a lot of reviews, and if the Suns get the best record in the league this season, he's about to win the Best Coach Award.

Against king, the best strategy is three people open, point guard and center play pick and roll. Guo Xu can attract the package, if not, it is easy for him to break through in the face of Divac and Miller.

D'antony had a premonition that the king was going to be in trouble. Guo Xu practiced shooting this morning. As long as he found the handle, the team that couldn't pick and roll would be beaten and cried.

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