Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 428

In this time cycle, Guo Xu has not died, and has been training and entertainment according to his ability.

The environment can change people. In two leisure cities, he has time to play. He will not deliberately die. If he does not die, he will not die.

When he gets up in the morning, he will record the number of cycles, and soon after a year and three months.

His speed and bounce are better than before the cycle, which can't be seen in a short time, but it changes more obviously over time. The point is that he's been working hard with Wade in Miami.

Guo Xu wanwan did not expect that the most suitable training method was Pat Riley's notorious devil training.

Guo Xu despises Riley. If O'Neal is to be traded by the Lakers in the future, he must remind O'Neal to choose a team with relaxed training and no pressure to play, otherwise he will soon be scrapped.

In his previous life, moning, Wade, O'Neill and "magician" Johnson publicly described Riley's training, that is, squeezing talent, overdraft, burning energy and ignoring health.

The most famous thing Riley did was that before the 1989 finals, he abandoned "magician" Johnson, Byron Scott, and jaded 42 year old Jabbar to give away the piston Championship for nothing. Originally, they had a chance to build a dynasty by winning three consecutive titles.

When he joined the heat, moning was still very thin. Riley let him practice five big three rough strength, only after O'Neill. He gained weight uncontrollably. Finally, moning destroyed his kidney.

The next victim was Wade, who soon became a superstar when he entered the NBA, and Riley asked him to work hard in the gym to gain weight and become stronger, saying it was to strengthen the confrontation.

Since then, Wade field overdraft, physical loss is too large, resulting in injuries and injuries, peak period shortened, seriously affecting the future.

After the heat won the championship in 2006, they were eliminated in the first round of next season. O'Neill and wade suffered serious injuries.

Playing under Riley will shorten his career, but the effect of devil training is remarkable. It can quickly stimulate the potential of players. Woxi, moning, Wade and others quickly become superstars under the devil training.

What's amazing is that Guo Xu's practice in the time cycle is only beneficial and has no hidden danger. Because at six in the morning, he'll come back to life in his apartment. Overdraft doesn't exist.

In the cycle of time, he is the devil.

Every day he watched Wade's gloomy expression very much. He also wanted to know what it would be like to train with James. At least in terms of endurance, speed and flexibility, he should have the advantage.

Unfortunately, he can't go to Cleveland. Orlando is too far away from Cleveland. He drives for at least ten hours. Even if he's not near by plane, he won't run so far to meet James, who is dusted with magnesium powder.

Two months later, Guo Xu continued to train, entertain and study in the two cities.

He became very familiar with universal studios and Disney in Orlando. He knew what would happen in each period of time, who he met, and many romantic days.

He also had a lot of love affairs in the South Beach of Miami; he went to a famous nightclub to be the king of nightclubs, not by spending a lot of money, but by dancing with beautiful women; he interacted with performers at the farna theater and won the applause of the audience by singing opera.

Gradually he began to get tired and wanted to go back as soon as possible.

Although he knew that Megan Fox would not be in a hurry in Phoenix. In Megan's opinion, he just left Phoenix to play away in Orlando, but he wanted Megan very much. When he traveled for a long time, he would certainly miss home.

Jesse lisiak is a model figure beauty, more delicious than Megan cook cook, but she will never wake Guo Xu when he sleeps in. They only have the beginning of passion, and have not tried long-term company.

His sexual encounter everywhere is very exciting, there will be no reporters to disturb, there will be no media coverage, but the sense of achievement here is temporary, and only those who are remembered are legends.

Guo Xu felt that this dream should wake up, he practiced the pattern dunk carefully every day.

At that time, when he was in the physical test of the Los Angeles team, his vertical jump was only 74cm. After years of training, his vertical jump reached 96cm, and the maximum jump of approach reached 110cm. This value is similar to that of Nate Robinson when he entered the League physical test, and has surpassed Allen Iverson.

According to the jump data released by former dunk King King Zac Lavin at the age of 21, the vertical jump was only 90cm, the approach jump was 117cm, and Vince Carter's run-up jump was only 111cm, 1cm higher than Guo Xu.

His ability to bounce has become amazing, it's a dunk contest level.

In the magic team to do the test, Guo Xu found that his arm length has reached 194cm. After 3cm, his arm length has also been a little longer, only 2cm lower than Iverson.

Iverson weighs only 75 kg, while Guo Xu now has 80 kg. He can go to the football field to train, and he has no strength training in terms of strength and confrontation.

Guo Xu's explosive power has also improved. The best result of sprint test in three quarters of the venue is 3 seconds, which is better than Brooks in the future and definitely faster than Iverson now.In the 100 meter test, Guo Xu ran the best result of 10.63 seconds, but failed to run within 10.5 seconds.

He is limited by his height, his pace is not big enough, and there is no professional sprint coach to guide him how to sprint better. The running method on the basketball court is certainly different from that on the track and field field.

Guo Xu's advantage is the starting speed. He can't compete with bolt's 195cm long legs in the 100m race. The idea of showing off at the Olympic Games in the future can only be temporarily put off.

Of course, we can't rule out the possibility that he will be faster in the future. After all, there is a 172cm high Su Bingtian in China who has run in 9.91 seconds. That guy is just a shadowless foot.

Guo Xu stopped physical training, only spent two hours in the morning practicing dunk, other time entertainment or study, had a very substantial.

He gradually found out the main points of turning around, changing hands between the hips and behind, the best time to take off, the best time to take off, the best time to take off, and so on. He could do more and more actions.

He practiced eight dunks, four of which will be performed in the 2004 slam dunk contest, and four for backup, which will be adjusted according to the situation of the day.

If he won the championship simply, he would consider participating in many slam dunk competitions in the future. He relied on Parkour technology to practice a dunk that no one in the NBA can do, and he will be a blockbuster at that time.

In the 669th time cycle, Guo Xu finished a slam dunk with a change of hands between the hips. After he opened his eyes, he found himself in a room with a strange environment. The clock on the wall showed that it was 9:47 a.m.

The time cycle suddenly ended. Guo Xu didn't have time to say goodbye to O'Neill, Wade and Jesse, feeling a little empty. But even if he said it, these people can not remember, some things can only become his memory.

Guo Xu picked up the Motorola mobile phone on the bedside table, which was still on December 12, but there were some familiar phone numbers on the mobile phone.

He immediately called Megan and asked with a smile, "honey, have you got up yet?"

"Get up early. Do you think I'm like you? You must have just got up. Did you sleep well Megan asked.

Guo Xu felt that her voice was very friendly and sighed, "I had a super long dream. It seems that two years have passed at once, so I miss you very much and miss you so much."

"Numb." Megan snorted, sweet in her heart.

In fact, after two years, the goods are playing crazy, Megan, you should slap his bear face!

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