Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 374

After the pre-season game, the first NBA official strength list was released, and the sun ranked third in the league. Experts admit they have a chance to win the title because the Suns' rookies are mostly better than last season.

Stodamier not only can play the open cut smash, but also practice a stable middle shot. Neinei also showed the middle shot in the high position. After the screen, the air cutting method is similar to that of Xiaosi. The Suns can play the combination of inside and outside.

New aid laga bell, third grade Joe Johnson performance is also very eye-catching, three-point precision, Joe Johnson can also hold the ball singles.

Guo Xu's pre-season pass mainly, not many shots, the team's offensive organization in good order, average 16 points 13 assists.

The top two are the Lakers and the Timberwolves. Even if the Lakers' preseason performance is not good, experts all agree that they are optimistic. After all, they have four players who have been selected for the best lineup for a while, and they can hold the ball in multiple positions.

The nets and pistons are ranked fourth and fifth, and the lineup of both teams has been strengthened.

Experts are particularly optimistic about the performance of the pistons in the new season. They have super interior rookie Dako Milicic, and signed coach Larry Brown, hoping to beat the nets and enter the finals.

Defending champion Spurs are only in sixth place, preseason performance is not ideal, new players have not been able to integrate into the team.

The Pacers who performed well in the preseason only ranked eighth. In front of them was the Mavericks. No matter how unreasonable the lineup was, everyone felt that the five All-Star Mavericks were not weak.

After the Suns' 14 man final lineup was confirmed, white power forward Chris Crawford was traded to the Sonics for a second round draft plus cash.

In pre-season, Crawford got an average of 20 minutes per game and played well unexpectedly. He got 10.3 points, 3.2 rebounds, 0.8 assists, 0.5 steals 0.5 blocks, with a shooting percentage of 47.2% and a three-point shooting rate of 40%.

Crawford was able to sign the middle class in the Hawks, which naturally has its own advantages. After two years' rest, his athletic ability has declined a lot. He is not as brave as he used to be, but he has practiced shooting well.

Crawford still wants to stay in the NBA when his contract expires next year, so he played hard.

Manager Brian has talked with Crawford's agent that the pre-season game will give him a chance to see if there are any teams interested in him. If there is a deal, the contract of 3 million yuan will be very attractive to some teams.

The Suns don't want players. It's better to get back a second round draft. Crawford doesn't have a chance to perform.

Supersonic and Guo Xu's previous life are somewhat different, wenbeck has not been able to send out, a super bad contract rotten in the hand.

At present, the Sonics don't want to be bad. After trading with Ray Allen and Rashad Lewis, their outside strength is not bad, but the team's inside line is only wenbeck, Reggie Evans and Calvin booth, which can be said to be the weakest in the league.

They want to send out a second round draft in exchange for the strength of the power forward is impossible, can only bet on Crawford's health, as long as he does not hurt, can get a stable playing time, win-win. If Crawford is injured again, the supersonic will accept it. It will be a one-year contract anyway.

If the Suns are troubled by injuries, they can find someone in the free market to make up for the defective position in the mid-term.

On October 25, Guo Xu invited players and members of the coaching team to have dinner together. He chose the best Italian restaurant in Phoenix, which is famous in the United States. It provides fresh seafood and classic pasta.

It's just an introduction. Before dinner, Guo Xu's gift to everyone is the key. It's the Audemars Piguet wristwatch he's endorsing. It's worth 10000 dollars. Even Diop and Howard, who are new to the team, have them.

Newlyweds have never seen such a generous team boss. They are all shocked, especially James Jones and Steve Blake. They are second round rookies and signed a two-year base salary. They can't afford such an expensive watch.

Guo Xu explained: "to give you a gift, one is to thank my teammates for their efforts to come back last season. Without you, I would not have won the regular season MVP, and all the new friends are welcome. This season, we will strive to win the championship cup together!"

Let's all applaud. New assistant Larry drew is infected and excited.

Drew thinks Guo Xu is very good. He has a core temperament both inside and outside the field.

He pays his own money to make the team united, and his core position will become more stable, killing two birds with one stone.

No matter how well these players perform in the future, they won't be willing to compete with Guo Xu for the top position. The hidden danger of grabbing the ball right has been completely avoided.

Drew couldn't help but compare Guo Xu and Michael Jordan, who had just worked with Jordan for two years with the Wizards. During the period, Jordan did not give any gifts to his teammates. He often played cards and gambled on the plane. In training, he compared shooting and gambling with his teammates to win the money of his teammates.

"The God of basketball" bet basketball, it seems to be a matter of course. Hamilton, who once played for the wizards, revealed that Jordan's gambling nature was so great that he would bet on it after each training. They take shooting accuracy as a bet, as for the size of the bet Hamilton did not disclose, but with Jordan's income and many people are not willing to participate in speculation, the bet must be not small.In fact, the wizards are not the only victims. As early as in the bulls, Jordan had the habit of gambling with his teammates after training. And "desire to win" super strong Jordan must bet to win, in the wizard team, once Jordan lost money, he will always force his teammates to accompany him to gamble.

"We usually play until Jordan wins," Hamilton said. He's the greatest player in history, the top of the team. No one is afraid to leave until he wins. "

Because of this, some of the players who don't earn a lot of money avoid Jordan like God of pestilence.

In addition, although Jordan is always portrayed by the media as "the God of basketball" or "good man" when facing the public fans, in fact, his popularity in the league is extremely poor, which is directly related to his short temper and arrogance.

When he was the president of the wizard, Jordan was exposed that because he was not satisfied with the performance of his team members, he was watching the live broadcast of the game and smashed everything that could be smashed into the TV in front of him, including the remote control, beverage cans and pens, which scared the team officials away.

Jordan's relationship with the rookie is worse after his comeback, and he will spray his teammates when he loses.

Many new people thought that they had found a backer. Jordan would teach them by example and take them off. But the wizard Jordan is the old rascal, only does three things, spray you, spray you, change the posture to continue spraying you

While we were eating and chatting, drew found that Guo Xu and Jordan were two extreme leaders, and he was satisfied with all his teammates.

Kukochi's state of decline, training is not hard, Guo Xu is not angry at all, he said: "it's OK, you are the big brother of the team, once in a while guide the new people."

Howard wanted to perform in the preseason, but on the contrary, he shot less than 40%, and Guo Xu encouraged him.

"Josh, you have great potential. Don't worry about playing. You should put your energy on the defensive end first. When there is a chance of dislocation or vacancy, you can shoot or break through with the ball. Practice three points more in training. I guarantee you will have performance opportunities."

Guo Xu respects everyone in the team, and everyone naturally respects him. Who doesn't want to work in this environment?

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