Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 350

At the press conference, in addition to the competition, there were also reporters concerned about whether Guo Xu and Lindsay Luohan would star in the film together.

Guo Xu said with a smile: "no, I won't be in that movie. My mind is on the playoffs now. How can I be distracted to think about the entertainment industry or write songs for a movie? They did invite me, and I refused. "

Reporter asked: "are you and Lindsay lovers? Someone took pictures of you eating together. "

"Of course not." Guo Xu shook his head and said with a smile: "we just had lunch together. It was the first time we met that day. We talked about the movie. She wanted me to be a star, but I didn't have time. That's all."

"Do you have a girlfriend? Someone found a girl often around you, traveling abroad with you, and shooting advertisements together. "

"No, just ordinary friends. When I go out to play, there are always a lot of people together. Let's not make a blind guess. The most ridiculous thing is that last year, there was a rumor that Austin and Jack Gyllenhaal were a couple. Please, I have a lot of friends outside my circle. If you can't play together, you can say it's a couple? "

There was a burst of laughter in the meeting room. This example was so happy that the topic was taken askew.

Lindsay Lohan and Megan were two months younger in the same year. They were only 17 in July this year.

No matter who Guo Xu admits to falling in love with, a group of people from juvenile protection organizations will immediately bite him. These blowers like to bite celebrities and use this way to brush their sense of existence and arouse social concern.

In the United States, no matter how young people fall in love, no matter how small, it is called "no guessing". But an adult who falls in love with a person under 18 years old can seriously affect his image. California has a clear law on this.

In Hollywood and sports circles, the only star who dares to admit that he is in love with a teenage girl is Kobe, so his parents almost go crazy. Fortunately, this guy is responsible. He announced his engagement at Vanessa's 18th birthday party. If he breaks up, he will be sprayed to death before the Eagle County incident.

Guo Xu has made up his mind for a long time. In recent years, he has been working hard to play basketball and love spiritually. No one will admit that he or she wants to spray. If someone wants to spray, he can not provide evidence. When Megan becomes an adult, he will announce his association. Who can prove that they were good before?

Celine Dion, 12, fell in love with her 38 year old husband. She was raised by him. Before she was an adult, she only admitted to be an agent. If she was not photographed having intimate behavior, it would be fine. Later, they announced their love relationship and got married the next year. A group of people offered their best wishes. This is true love!

Journalists still smell something different.

Guo xuti, Avril and Britney used to say that they were friends, but this time they implied that they were strangers to Lindsay Lohan.

His first impression of Lindsay was extremely poor. He saw that there were several missed calls in his mobile phone bag before, and he just casually returned a message to Lindsay, saying that the mobile phone had been thrown into the bag and didn't see it. He just wants to get rid of the relationship and be afraid of getting entangled and causing trouble.

Guo Xu's words are up to the point, the brain powder should not be staring at him.

In the Second World War, Nelson senior proved the power of his tactics. The Mavericks were not so easy to be eliminated.

The Mavericks beat suns 126-113 at home, making the total score 1-1.

In this game, the Mavericks scored 20 + points, and van Exel was very hot, cutting the team's highest 30 points, 3 rebounds and 6 assists. As long as he can find the feeling, he will throw it when he is facing the person, so as to prevent him from falling into the right place.

Guo Xu scored 31 points and 12 assists, the Suns scored the highest, Marion 24 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, the offensive side gave him some help.

Sun's five men scored in double. Joe Johnson was in a low state. He made 4 of 12 shots, made 1 of 6 3-point shots, 2 of 2 free throws, and had only 11 points and 3 assists. Xiaosi was trapped in foul trouble and only played for 23 minutes and got 12 points and 6 rebounds.

The dislocation is two-way, Joe Johnson no matter defend Nash or van Exel's breakthrough is very difficult, he is not good at the offensive end of the hand is not much effect.

After the game, the Suns are still the focus of attention in the league, because some regular season awards have been announced.

Stardamel won the best rookie, averaging 16.4 points, 8.2 rebounds, 1 assists, 0.8 and steals 1.1 block, which is the third scoring point of the suns. Yao Ming even if the last 20 games are not bothered by assistant coach "villain", the data can not compete with Xiaosi.

Xiao Si and his efficient teammate Nei were selected into the first team of the best rookie lineup together with Yao Ming, carlon Butler and Jay Williams.

The best sixth man was king's guard boby Jackson, who was lucky not to meet a strong competitor and picked up a trophy. In fact, because of Bibby's injury, Jackson started 26 games, and he was injured and missed 23 games, a total of 59 games. He started nearly half of his games, averaged 28.4 minutes per game, scored 15.2 points and was generally efficient.

The award for the fastest growing player was won by warriors guard Gilbert Arenas, who won almost all votes. Several other people voted for Guo Xu, believing that his progress is the biggest, from the top three of the Lakers to MVP.However, the League will certainly not let Guo Xu take the fastest progress award, for him, there is no need to use this small award to prove himself.

Greg Popovich won the Best Coach Award and led the Spurs to the best record in the league. D'antony ranked second, many people think that the sun's record is good, coach is only auxiliary, Guo Xu is the key.

The best defensive player was picked up by Spurs' Tim Duncan, which is a big butterfly effect.

When a team plays the best record, the team's core players have a great chance to get MVP. This season, Guo Xu's voice is too high, Duncan can can't win the MVP again. The League supplies the spurs a prize to pursue balance. Just like Guo Xu's previous life, Celtic won the best record in 2008, and the data of the three giants were relatively average, Garnett won the best defensive player.

Since the best defensive player was announced first, everyone knew that Guo Xu was going to set a record. In Guo Xu's previous life, Duncan won the MVP and never won the best defensive player in his life, which is a big injustice of NBA.

Ben Wallace's single defense ability is obviously not as good as Duncan, he is good at assisting in blocking and rebounding. Thanks to his teammates, the pistons are excellent in defense as a whole, losing points per field and defense efficiency are among the best, and the credit goes to Big Ben, who has the best defensive data.

Looking at the comprehensiveness of defense, Garnett and Duncan are better than Ben Wallace, but they attack too well and are not as conspicuous as Ben, who can only defend.

Best defensive lineup: Kobe, Christie, Duncan, Garnett, Ben Wallace.

Second team: snow, Kidd, Bruce Bowen, Artest, O'Neill.

Defending champion Los Angeles has been eliminated, OK team into the defensive lineup is like a consolation prize, but their defense is really much more desperate than last season, otherwise the playoffs may not be able to enter.

Guo Xu, 21 years old and 6 months old, won the MVP in the regular season and led the best team.

For a while: Guo Xu, T-Mac, Garnett, Duncan, O'Neill.

Second round: Kidd, Iverson, Kobe, Nowitzki, Ben Wallace.

Three: Nash, pierce, Mashburn, Webber, Jermaine O'Neill.

Sun only Guo Xu was selected into the best lineup, many people think he is a single nuclear team leader, the evaluation is too high.

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