Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1127

On February 26, "city of love" held a grand premiere in Los Angeles.

The film received worldwide attention at the start of filming. Director Damien chazeley has directed only one feature film, but "burst drummer" has won many Oscar nominations. All the films starring Guo Xu are high box office. This time, he personally manipulated the soundtrack and several songs of the film. He won the Oscar for music more than once, and his strength has been affirmed.

On the same day, the rival "eye of divine war power" was unanimously looked down upon by the media and fans.

This is a real-life special effects blockbuster. The special effects scene is grand and the visual effect is brilliant. At the same time, it is also a money burning blockbuster. The production cost is as high as 140 million US dollars, even higher than the cost of "Pacific Rim". It belongs to A-level production in Hollywood.

However, how do fans evaluate it?

"Looking at the name, I feel that this film is about to end. A group of hypocrites want to compete with Jason, the real God of basketball, for the box office, and then watch each other win with the eyes of power, and fall down on the street by themselves."

"The phantom of Gerald Butler's opera was blown up by Jason. This time, the two men face off. Butler is sure to lose, even without red underpants."

"All the films on that day are over. There is no doubt that Jason's box office appeal is beyond doubt. If this is not a film made by tomorrow's company," city of love "will not be able to afford him

The cast of "eye of divine war power" was interviewed and expressed confidence in the quality of the film, so it was released at this time. In fact, there is no way for them. On February 12, there will be "death servant" and "Batman vs. Superman" in March. However, the competition is smaller at this time.

"City of love" is a song and dance drama, which seems to be different from the audience group of myth blockbuster, and its influence should be smaller.

As a result, the impact is not small at all. In parallel world, city of love is produced and distributed by Lion Gate film. With only 30 million investment, the global box office has exceeded 400 million US dollars.

The attention of earth one was several times higher before it was released. How much box office will there be? The original starring Ryan Gosling's box office performance is not bad, and now Guo Xu also has a big gap.

Before the start of each game, the trailer of the movie is shown on the large screen of the court, and the amount of online preview is even more amazing.

Because Guo Xu lives in Los Angeles more convenient, he also participated in many times during the holidays to promote the film.

Guo Xu didn't play in the last three days, which was specially arranged by the league. On the 28th, he will attend the Oscar ceremony and win the nomination for the film by "Mars rescue". Everyone pays more attention to his performance in the new film.

If he broke out in two consecutive films and won the Oscar nomination, where is cross-border acting? With his achievements in commercial films, he's about to become a big brother in Hollywood.

Guo Xu, Megan and dadario walked on the red carpet together and were interviewed by the media.

"I like this movie very much, and I can guarantee that the quality is not inferior to Mars rescue, and it will be a great success, because Damien is a genius. When I saw the final film, I didn't expect to make such an effect in the end," Guo said

Damien also praised Guo Xu in an interview. "Jason is a genius. I praise him not because he is the boss, not because he is the number one star in NBA history, not because he has won the Olympic gold medal and so on. From the point of view of an actor, he is a genius

The movie caught the audience's heart at the beginning of the movie, and the camera lens was lengthened in traffic jam. Anyone who often watched the film knew that it was not easy to shoot. The drivers got off the bus and began to dance happily, laying the overall tone for the film.

Then the film begins to introduce the main characters, one is the actress who always fails in auditions, and the other is a pianist who is obsessed with jazz and has no talent.

Their life is very down and down, always meet each other. When Guo Xu and Emma stone meet again at the top of the mountain, they sing a song to show that they don't like each other, and then they dance with each other when they don't agree, and the whole scene is filled with joy in a mirror.

After the dance, the audience thought they were too cute. How well do you two know each other so well that you say you don't like each other? If Emma hadn't received the call, they might have been kissing, and their love would have been like a large-scale "Zhenxiang" scene.

All the audience was attracted by the film. The two soon became lovers. Under the pressure of the economy, they gradually had a conflict and parted unhappily after their quarrel.

Guo Xu went to Emma's house to find her and told her about an audition. At this time, they were divided again. The high pitched voice expressed their inner feelings. After singing, the neighbors were spurted.

The original version of gosling had no high pitched songs from the beginning to the end, and his voice was completely covered by Emma during the chorus. He couldn't get up in a hurry. He was called introverted if he was good, but his face was paralyzed. The plot after the magic reform is more intense. They actually care about each other. The more they care about each other, the more easily they make each other angry.

Guo Xu and Emma's expression is very rich, in a large number of close-up shots with eyes and expression changes to show their emotions.

There are also some salutations to classic movies, such as the duet on the top of the mountain, which pays homage to song in the rain. Since it is a song and dance film, song and dance are very important, which can be felt from the beginning of the song.Guo Xu has been famous for dancing for a long time. His first film "the pure feelings of dancers" was to dance Latin dance with Megan. This time, he performed the best in dance. Through the big screen, the audience could feel the enthusiasm.

Man, you've chosen the wrong career. You'd be a big fan if you went dancing, jazz? ha-ha.

The hero and heroine still broke up, they finally realized their dreams, both bitter and sweet.

The ending of the movie adopts montage technique. When Guo Xu plays the piano at the end of the film, many female audience members cry.

Guo Xu slowly played the skillful tune, and the film suddenly entered his fantasy. The time went back to when he and Emma met in the restaurant, he chose to kiss Emma.

This montage is his imagination of the past that cannot be repeated. When they all realized their dreams, he suddenly found that dreams seemed less important, at least not the most important.

If he could do it again, he would kiss her at the first meeting, without missing a whole winter.

He would turn off the job that made him famous and watch her first performance as a director.

She couldn't run around with him, so he simply moved with her to Paris, where there was good jazz.

They would get married, have children, buy a house, and paint their love nests themselves.

On the night when they left the baby sitter, they drove to the world of two, then walked into the bar together and listened to others sitting in front of his dream piano and playing the music he had always wanted to play.

In this way, it is also very happy.

Unfortunately, there is no such "if" in reality. It is just Guo Xu's fantasy in the film. With the piano music approaching the end, the picture also returns to reality. He didn't play the last note of the song because he didn't want to fantasize about the end

After listening to the music, Emma decides to leave. When she reaches the door, she plucks up her courage to turn back. Guo Xu just turns her head and looks at the door.

They looked at each other affectionately for a few seconds and nodded to each other with a smile. Everything was in silence. In that time of looking back and gazing, I deeply love, feel sorry, look down on me, and then smile away.

The film was over, and the audience applauded for a long time.

Critics are also applauding. He only feels that Guo Xu is going to compete for the film emperor again. This is different from his previous commercial films, but art.

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