Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1097

Harden shot and played iron continuously, and the players on the field felt incredible. Could he still defend like this? And it really works?

Nurkic grabs the rebound and passes it to Booker. Corison's physique can't fight against Booker. He doesn't stick close to his body or gamble to steal. He wants to go after Guo Xu and Haden to change his defense. He turns around and sees that his side has leaked.

Guo Xu's speed is too fast, and he defends around Haden's buttocks. After the opponent shoots, he does not interfere with the fast break. Under this situation, how can harden, whose speed is at a disadvantage, catch up with him?

Booker hit the pass, Guo Xu away from Haden two meters away, take the ball with the trend of a step, feet jump, clockwise turn 360 degrees, right hand into the basketball!

90 to 92, the 59th individual.

It's very similar to Vince Carter's classic first dunk when he won the championship in 2000, but Guo Xu is short, not as stretch as Carter's movement. During training in the team, the two people exchanged dunks, and Guo Xu was very familiar with this action.

Yu Jia sighed: "this year, Guo Xu is going to take part in the rhythm of the slam dunk contest. He has staged many pattern slam dunks in two games. I feel that he jumps higher than he did at the peak. After 2010, he doesn't jump much."

"He is in the peak stage now. He is not only beautiful in attack, but also very talented in defense. What he is defending is the backward step of harden. He can't make a foul, and it's really effective."

Yu Jia said with a smile: "Iverson once said that Guo Xu's speed is faster than him. When he rushes up, he is really unstoppable. Once the opponent fails to shoot, he will receive the ball and fight back."

King attack, Hadden a half to the ball, the result Guo Xu also from the half-time behind his butt, in front of him to leave a big space for him to throw.

From the audience's point of view, Guo Xu is not defending, which is more than two meters away from defense, which is a kind of contempt for harden.

Hadden charged with the ball, giving up the open center shot and the three-point, and the throw was wide of nurkic's make-up. The two inside lines of the Lakers and Robertson are all shrinking near the penalty area, trying to put other people's shots, and harden's choice is not wise.

Guo Xu's "no defense" will be regarded as a skill by the training system, which can really affect the mentality of the opponent. Harden's ability to resist pressure is generally acknowledged to be poor among the stars. Once he enters the playoffs, he falls off the chain and his shooting percentage drops sharply.

Every time harden goes wrong for the same reason. He doesn't know whether to throw or pass. In the last few seasons, he lost many high scoring games to his opponents, and it was difficult to win by himself.

Hofford did not take the board, one hand to the outside line to pull the ball, Booker picked up the rebound, fast forward, the front court 2 hit 2 dislocation.

Booker went over Stan's mid shot, and Guo Xuchong grabbed the rebounds in the front court, relying on collison to turn around and hit the board with one hand. 92 to 92.

The referee's whistle went, too, and the coriseran fouled 2 + 1. As soon as he saw Guo Xu grabbing the rebound, he felt bad. The foul was too light.

Guo Xu added the penalty to the middle, 93-92, the 62nd individual.

The audience were stunned. Guo Xu scored more than the last game today. Other players may not have 60 + in their whole career. He finished it easily.

George Carr is standing on the edge of the court, and he doesn't know how to adjust. It's hard for players to cover Guo Xu in the counterattack. If Rondo is sent, the king's attack will be worse. "Long director" in the field has been unable to sit still, he can't stand the defense of his teammates. Just now he asked the coach to offer to play, Karl was still hesitating.

King attack, Guo Xu continued to defend around the back, Haden broke through the ball and hit before nurkic made up defense. 93 to 94.

Harden's choice made the home fans a little disappointed, he had a direct mobile phone meeting, did not shoot, people feel lack of confidence, although he got a personal game 50 points.

The Lakers attack, nurkic just after half-time for Guo Xu to do a cover to block collison, Stan inexperienced, back to the three-point line. Robson on the field after the general stand in the bottom line, Solomon also can not come out of the bag Guo Xu. Hardon followed Booker, thinking about life.

Guo Xu took a horizontal step, just out of the king's team in the middle, he shot three points, hit without interference, and won the applause of the king's home fans.

96 to 94, individual 65.

"Guo Xu has shot this kind of super long three points in two consecutive games. This distance is really normal range for him," Zhang said

"I think there's no suspense about him taking 70 + today. He can score wherever he throws as long as he's not blocked," Yu said

Collison passed it to harden after half-time, and Guo Xu continued to defend around the back. Harden made a three-point jump shot in the middle of the court and played again without any interference in front of him.

The scene of the harden fans are very disappointed, they do not understand why the last quarter of the big hit the four sides of Hadden suddenly not allowed.

Guo Xu's defense is very good. He knows that harden is a player who plays by rhythm, and rhythm is the most important thing for him.

Not only Hardon, even if Guo Xu's center of gravity forward jump shot three-point shooting rate will also drop a lot, not as comfortable as adding a back up shot. The swing of the back shot will be higher and more likely to score. Harden's step back is a sign, now can't withdraw, shooting posture is not the same as usual.Compared with the handle, the gap between harden and Guo Xu is obvious. There is no season in his career where the three-point shooting rate is more than 40%. His mid shot is even worse. Since entering the league, it is not a conventional weapon. Guo Xu suddenly gave him such a show, and he couldn't get used to it.

In the parallel world, King vs. jazz in the 2019 playoffs, Rubio has also defended Hadden in this way.

Although the final result of the series is the Rockets 4-1 promotion, harden got a lot of points, but he only shot more than 45%, the worst third game 20 for 3, 3-point 13 for 2, making a joke.

Guo Xu didn't know that series had passed the time point of his rebirth, but he knew how to make harden uncomfortable, because if he couldn't step back, he would suffer.

As long as the king's players shoot and play iron, the rebounds in the back court almost certainly belong to the Laker. The rookie Stan is the king's favorite, and his weakness is obvious. Kasby guest power forward can not grab the rebound, substitute Jon - loyl is also a floating outside to catch the ball shooting soft, resistance is very poor, defense is general.

When the Lakers attacked, Guo Xu first distributed the ball to his teammates and ran around the left baseline to get the ball, which attracted Roy and collison.

After observing the players' position, Guo Xu chose the strong point middle road. He broke through the inside line against collison, and made a big stride in front of the free throw line to turn to the left basket and pick the basketball with his left hand.

98 to 94, individual 67.

Carl's on-the-spot response is not fast enough, Guo Xulian scored 13 points and obviously found the shooting feeling. At this time, he should call a pause to interrupt his rhythm, but Carl was at the sideline of the court, without the meaning of stopping.

After being circled by Guo Xu, harden chose to break through again. He made a middle shot within the three-point line. Robertson's flank slightly interfered with it. This was the interference that Haden found himself.

Hofford grabs the rebound and passes to find Booker. The latter easily leads the ball through the half-time. Collison goes to Guo Xu who is under the fast break.

Booker sees the opportunity and passes it to Guo Xu, who asks for the ball on his back. Guo Xu takes the ball and squeezes collison for a moment, then turns to pull the bar to enter the basketball.

Collison wanted to foul but failed to hold it. There was a big gap between the two people's jumping ability. Guo Xu's two hands and one point in the air was a steady short-range cricket score, and the referee whistled 2 + 1.

Guo Xu added a penalty to hit, 101-94, the 70th individual.

At this time, the king's home fans called "MVP", they turned over. In the first three quarters, harden's performance was not inferior to Guo Xu's, and now the score has opened a gap of 20 points. It is clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak.

Carl's adjustment is that palondo is on the court

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