Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1087

Griffin hit pick and roll after the empty cut ball, resulting in nurkic fouls, even two penalties missed.

Back to defense, Paul gave Griffin death stare, the latter was expressionless, no expression.

ESPN has named the league's top five "death gaze" players, and Paul is the only point guard on the list. He has a crazy heart to win, the persistence of victory is not lost to any of the League stars, used to be strict with his teammates.

Jamal Crawford said in an interview that he had never seen such a direct, abusive team leader.

"I was really shocked. I found out that he was a very dare to lecture people in person, but he didn't want to humiliate anyone, he did it for the good of the team. He didn't mean anything else. After nearly 10 games with him, I understood. He is always talking and communicating with his teammates. I personally like this. Of course, I can't represent other people's opinions

People mean Griffin. At the beginning, he was very excited to welcome Paul, but they did not have conflicts in the process of cooperation. Some people in the team felt that Paul's attitude did not work for Griffin. They were not at odds, but were not of character. Paul is like a fire, and Griffin is calm, it will be out of tune on the court.

The Laker attacks, Guo Xu runs to the left side to take the ball, Paul pursues defense with all his strength, and little rivers releases the Booker bag.

Guo Xu looked at Booker and didn't pass. He dribbled the ball from his crotch to receive the ball behind his back. He leaped across the gap between the two men. The free throw line half turned and jumped up. He leaned back to take a shot, avoiding Paul's block.

25 to 12, individual 20th.

Thackeray danced wildly on the sidelines, and his movements were very funny.

Time just passed 7 minutes, rivers coach reluctantly called a pause, in the face of the bag Guo Xuqiang into how to break? The clippers can't defend, their offense is affected, and they have to blossom a little bit more to have a chance to win.

Barkley said: "the ball is in place, Jason has a little space to shoot in, Paul can't help."

O'Neill said: "how do I feel that he's become more powerful when he comes back from retirement?"

Smith said: "maybe he hasn't played for a long time and his desire to score has become stronger?"? He used to be lazy

This is Guo Xu's biggest training achievement in the cycle. He can still keep his hand feeling even though his movements are deformed. If he doesn't throw blindly like this, it's hard for him to avoid Wang Jun's cover. In the king's training, he was often entrapped, practicing the no pass strong shot to break the bag.

At the end of the match, Guo Xu and his teammates clapped hands one by one. Everyone was very happy and the morale at home was like a rainbow.

Guo Xu's way of playing is a great blow to the opponent's morale. The Clippers need to strengthen the package to limit his play, and the Clippers' cooperative defense ability is really poor.

The clippers have no defense experts except Paul this season, and Wesley Johnson is the best in flank defense.

Pierce and tziping are the slowest small forwards in the league. Little rivers height of 193cm, weight of 91 kg, scoring guard against poor. Crawford is famous for being strong in attack and weak in defence, only suitable for being the sixth man. Josh Smith is more like a power forward, shooting very bad, rivers is not willing to use him.

In fact, the Clippers' lineup is just the level of players' fame, overall strength is not strong, into the playoffs sad first round. They also have problems in the area defense, the team lacks blue collar Andrew Jordan. Although Jordan's free throw is very bad, the defense must be more reliable than hill and valejo.

The Clippers changed players, Johnson came on and pierce rested. It was a sacrifice of offense to strengthen defense.

The Lakers also changed, Booker took the small forward position, Seth - curry came out to replace Carter. Tyronglu is also a coach with ideas. He thinks Seth and little rivers will not become a black hole. They are almost the same size. Seth's three points are very accurate.

As the game continued, little rivers dribbled the ball behind his back to pass Seth, who just came on the court, and scored a layup. 25 to 14.

The Los Angeles attack, the Clippers began to firmly attack Guo Xu. Guo Xu's outside line relies on the court width, uses the skilled technique to protect the ball, Paul, Griffin cannot snatch down.

When Guo Xu broke the bag, one of the defenders was Wang Jun, and Paul was famous for his defense. There was still a gap between him and Wang Jun's iron clad defense. Wang Jun's defense is open to practice, anti computer virtual human, the system can simulate a variety of offensive ways, he almost does not eat fake action.

Guo Xu points the ball to hofford organization, runs without the ball, Griffin returns to the position, he can't let hofford shoot. Although hofford didn't get 20 points per game, he was accurate in the middle shot, with a shooting rate of about 50%. Last season, he had 49.4% of the two points in the major.

A lot of people think that hofford is a soft guy because he seldom goes to the basket to play hard and make free throws. In fact, the tactical effect of his style of playing is very big, similar to Garnett's playing style in the Celtic period, and the two people's data are similar.

At that time, the green army gave away half of the team for Garnett, and the Laker traded hofford only with Derek. As long as he didn't get hurt, he would make a lot of money.

Guo Xu left slip line to find cover to the right baseline to catch the ball. Hofford's passing time is just right, because he doesn't care about others, so he looks for Guo Xu.

This time, Guo Xu didn't shake the ball. He pulled it up and scored three points.Paul was swayed three times by Guo Xu, thinking he would break through with the ball again. He chased out to slow down, and did not jump immediately. He found that Guo Xu was dry pulling and there was no time to close the lid.

Guo Xu's bottom three points into the net, individual 23, 28 to 14.

O'Neill said with a smile: "today Paul will be miserable, one-on-one defense can not help, I feel Jason single quarter to get 30 points."

Barkley said: "I don't know which two defenders will be selected for the best defensive lineup this season. If Jason is not scored more than 50 points, he will be considered as a good defensive team. Paul is almost the best defensive lineup every year."

At this time, Smith said: "Jason is out of defense, did not expect to return after the first battle, his enemy is still garbage time, he is afraid to win too fast."

Guo Xu retreated into the three-point line within two meters, both hands behind his back, is absolutely not made a foul of the Buddha defense. Paul's jump shot was his third three-point shot, 28-17.

After the goal Paul's face is very ugly, he has not been despised for a long time, this is not only playing basketball games, it is a mental attack. His lungs are going to explode. It's totally different from what he imagined last night.

Guo Xu passed the ball at half-time and began to move again. Hofford middle attracts the defense to pass Seth on the right side first, and the latter transfers to Guo Xu who runs to the bottom corner.

Paul is always slower in pursuit and defense, and Guo Xu is faster than him. Even if he bypasses the cover for the first time, it is impossible to prevent Guo Xu from catching the ball. The Laker players form a triangle on the strong side, so Guo Xu must be flanked by the players, and Valerio will be empty under the basket when he comes out.

Guo Xu holds the ball and plays Paul horizontally. Little rivers jumps up to 45 degrees to wrap. Guo Xu passes the ball behind his right hand to 70 degrees. Curie throws the ball and hits three points in the open position.

31-17, Guo Xu's second assist.

Stephen curry won the MVP in the regular season, while Seth lost the draft in 2013, so he could only work in the Development League. In the first two seasons of his career, he played eight games for Grizzlies, Cavaliers and kings.

There is a big gap between the two brothers in fame and strength, but only one three-point shot. Seth is not inferior to Stephen. They are taught by a father. The people who empty the KULI family, they will certainly throw in.

Rivers in the field feel at a loss, Paul and Guo Xuzhen is not a level of stars.

Guo Xu is invincible on his own. If you want to build a team around him, you just need to arrange two stable shooting points around him. The Lakers have more than two three-point points

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