Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1080

The attention of the Lakers has soared, and many fans who gave up the NBA have returned.

Everyone is waiting to see Guo Xu's performance, whether he led the Lakers to create a miracle, or he fell from the altar?

President Xiao Hua also thinks that the Lakers' gimmicks are too much. The number of live TV shows in the United States must be the most in the league. This is the result he wants to see. There is no need to worry about the ratings of the new season.

What is a superstar? Guo Xu comeback, other stars on the basic no one's attention, the most affected is the clipper point guard Chris Paul.

Paul is the biggest star in Los Angeles in the past two years, and he is often compared with curry.

Curry already has two championship rings, a regular season MVP and an fmvp. Paul has not even been in the west, MVP is floating clouds, but I believe that he is better than curry really many people.

The reasons for these fans are very good. Paul is a defensive expert, both sides of the attack and defense are the core, the organization ability is strong, and the scoring ability is not weak. He is a superstar who can drive the whole team. His poor record is because his teammates are too bad, he can't take it, and the team's defense is not good. And Curie can not drive the team, just a shooting system players, won the championship because of the overall strength of the team.

Why, what seems to be wrong?

As soon as Guo Xu came back, Paul had to be pulled out and compared with Guo Xu, and then everyone felt that there was no need to compare. Even if the most iron 58 MI, do not dare to say that Paul than wear back 58 Guo Xuqiang, at most a voice - 58 city!

In August, there was a lot of controversy in the NBA.

The black pot people ridicule on the Internet every day, thinking that Guo Xu said that he didn't care about the team of the Lakers, he was just supporting himself, and he would certainly make a joke in the new season. It's better to be at the bottom of the table and not even play in the playoffs.

In an interview with a Chinese reporter, Guo Xu joked: "the Laker lineup is a little poor, but I just don't admit it. Don't bow your head, the crown will fall, don't cry, the bitch will laugh

CCTV5 female reporter asked: "you retired for two years, how are you going to adjust your state? What do you think is the most important thing at present? "

"The most important thing is to compete for the Oscars. After I retired, I worked very hard to make films, and I hope to win awards."

"What about basketball?" she said with a smile? How do you feel now? "

"I don't need to adjust to play basketball. No one on earth is my opponent."


Guo Xu is telling the truth that he can't deal with in the parallel world. At the end of the day, he didn't win Wang Jun on his own. That goods singles is really stable, unlike human, 2K game to the highest shooting attributes of the characters can not reflect his strength.

Now 2K game is not good to reflect Guo Xu's ability, his shooting accuracy must be higher than full value.

Guo Xu, no matter how others question him, just wait for the new season to start. His main job during the holiday is to make movies.

The shooting progress of "city of love and joy" is very slow. In terms of both men's and women's dramas, the shooting is relatively fast. However, when it comes to the song and dance drama, it will not get up quickly because many songs and dances need to be rehearsed. In order to pursue the best effect, they come again and again.

For example, the traffic jam at the beginning of the movie was strictly rehearsed. There were a lot of scenes in it, which obviously crossed the isolation belt and the movement track of lifting and transferring, which tested the skill of photographer Linus sangren.

How can we make the night in Los Angeles clear? Blue, white, pink and purple are very prominent? Linus and Zhang Yimou are a bit like each other. They are both good at color shooting.

As for the smooth and natural dance of the two stars, Guo Xu has to work hard to drive Emma stone.

In the original film, Emma's performance is obviously better than that of Ryan gosling. The latter's singing is really not up to the level of KTV, which always gives people the feeling that he can't sing without the low tone of the song.

In order to accommodate Gosling's singing skills, the whole film's music has been made into a new style of Xiaoqing, and even the accompaniment singers dare not choose a musical voice. After changing to starring Guo Xu, one of the interludes was changed into a high pitched one and became passionate.

The introverted Gosling has no problem in acting, but as a song and dance drama, the actor's singing and dancing skills are of course better. Guo Xu is much better at this point. He has been recognized by Broadway, and he has dominated billboards several times and won the Grammy. Emma is also good. She starred in the stage play "concert hall" on Broadway.

On this day, the two people performed the key plot of the need for wind acting skills.

They can see each other's flash point, attract each other, love each other. After falling in love, they continue to struggle for their dreams. Although the process is still hard, life has more joy.

But life still has to face the reality. When Emma talked to her family on the phone, she mentioned the issue of money, which changed Guo Xu who heard the conversation. He began accepting offers from his roommates, playing pop music that would please the audience and touring. Money was made, but he was drifting away from his original dream, which was not what Emma expected.

So they had a quarrel. The contradiction was that Guo Xu wanted to make changes for Emma because Qian wanted him to do what he wanted to do, play his favorite music and pursue his dream.They all think of each other, but there is estrangement. Guo Xu's acting skills broke out in this period. His expression can show entanglement, anger, helplessness, love for Emma, and many kinds of emotions.

What he was worried about was that he didn't like pop music. He was angry that Emma didn't understand his efforts, but he was too poor and needed money too much. With money, he can take care of his life. As an adult, he feels that he can't be willful all the time.

His love is shown on his face. Even if there is a conflict between the two, his tone of voice is still very gentle. He controls his emotions and communicates with each other in a low voice. He will not yell at his own woman because of pressure.

In fact, he was angry, helpless and miserable. He loves jazz, but he admits it's hard to make money on it, even if he's passionate about it.

"No one likes jazz, not even you." Guo Xu said this with a self mocking smile, flashing light in his eyes.

"I like jazz now because of you." Emma, on the other hand, is tough, trying to make him feel confident again.

Then they quarreled. Finally, Guo Xu couldn't help saying something that made Emma sad. "Maybe you just like when I'm at my worst, because it makes you feel good about yourself."

He didn't believe it himself. Who would like a poor hanging silk? He was angry that he had no ability to make Emma happy.

The scene was finished in one shot, both of them were very involved in the play, and director Damien took the lead in clapping.

Damien now believes that his choice is right. If Hermione is to play, her expression will not be as rich as that of sister stone. Most of the time, her face is paralyzed. The way to express her emotion is to wrinkle her eyebrows into a "eight".

After that, the man began to reflect on what he had done, and the woman was hit by his career, and the relationship between them began to crack.

Even if the man uses an audition to try to save the relationship, the two have to separate.

Many years later, when they met again, they both realized their original dreams. The hostess became a well-known actor, and the man had his own jazz restaurant. But they have already had their own lives, and the beauty of their common life can only appear in fantasy. The reality is that two people look at each other, full of unspeakable taste.

At the beginning of September, Guo Xu finally finished filming the city of Philharmonic, and the new NBA season is about to start

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