Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1064

Wang Jun and some of his friends are established when they fight each other, such as Mayweather, the champion, and the three brothers and sisters of Taekwondo family.

It's normal for people who like to fight. It doesn't hurt their feelings to punch each other a few punches, because they are very resistant to fighting, and they worship the strong, so they can't hate each other.

Wang Jun weighs 100 kg, but because of his special exercise method and the effect of body shaping, he doesn't look very strong and doesn't become a devil.

Guo Xu's weight in this cycle is only 78 kg, which is quite different. Therefore, he has not proposed to exchange views. The two are not of the same magnitude. He suffers too much.

But if he doesn't practice fighting, he will feel uncomfortable and feel less. This is what he has to practice every time.

They went to a comprehensive fighting club. At the beginning, they found someone to warm up, or it was more appropriate to play. They cleaned up several coaches. They played with people of the same level and soon attracted the attention of all female students.

Guo Xu's posture is picturesque, powerful and skillful. Just like playing kung fu movies, both boxing, kicking and ground joint skills are full of aesthetic feeling.

Wang Jun is a strong absurdity, like a science fiction film, always easy to block in the face of attack, opponents can not let him step back. On the contrary, being hit by him is basically over, which is the result of his leniency, not hitting the head.

Wang Jun is too scared to be close to him. He can't prevent him from hitting and throwing.

Guo Xu felt that he was like an adult beating a child in a match. If he wanted to, he might be able to use "Franken's kill shot" like Clark, the champion of boxing. He threw people into the sky, caught him with his shoulder, fell to the ground, and then fell down to catch his elbow.

There are strong men over 190cm tall in the club. The weight is enough, but the explosive force and speed can't be compared with Wang Jun, just like Batman beating ordinary people.

According to the setting of DC, Batman's physical fitness has reached the human limit, and Wang Jun is not far from reaching the limit. After entering the time cycle, he can get twice the result with half the effort, and will become stronger in the future. He should be able to reach the full level goal a few years in advance.

What Guo Xu envies most is that Wang Jun has the strength of a superhero in the time cycle. Although he doesn't wear Batman's armor, he can still open it.

In his training system, there is a prop called "Dali Wan". The name is a bit funny, but the effect is real. In 30 seconds, his strength is improved. In this half minute, he is the reinforcement of the American captain's level.

There is also a kind of props called "explosive pill": instant explosive force, speed increase, ignoring fatigue. It lasts for 30 seconds, and then it enters the state of losing force to ensure the safety of extreme sports talents.

This is even more fierce. Wang Jun used it once. Tianma meteor fist knocked over 11 rioters in one breath and made it to the news.

Although the side effects of props are a little bigger, the hidden dangers in the time cycle are weakened a lot. Wang Jun will be able to recover to full state the next day, without excessive exercise and muscle soreness.

Look at the introduction of props, it can be seen that the alien people are also encouraged to play extreme sports, otherwise they do not know where their limit is.

Unfortunately, the props can't be used on Guo Xu. He has no chance to experience the taste of changing from green arrow to Superman. What's more, he found that even without props, he was not Wang Jun's opponent.

This makes Guo Xu very depressed. After so many time cycles, the effect is not as good as the other party's alien black technology.

As they left the club, the four girls followed, scrambling to grab their arms, one left and one right. These people are not stupid, a look to know that they are not ordinary people, even if Wang Jun with wig, false beard changed the shape.

At dinner, Wang Jun is the core character of today, talking about his martial arts inheritance. He has not only practiced free combat and boxing, but also "Baji boxing" and "splitting and hanging hands".

Originally, because of the lack of practical combat opportunities, Wang Jun was unable to practice Kung Fu to the extreme. He saw hope in the cycle of time. His master met in Chicago, an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine of Huang Feihong style. However, he is not in Chicago now. Under his investment, his branch has been opened to Los Angeles.

Guo Xu had no chance to meet the master, but he could learn Chinese Kung Fu with Wang Jun.

Many people question the actual combat ability of Chinese Kung Fu. In fact, any fighting skill is the same. The power depends on who uses it. Even if a weak chicken can see through all the moves in the world, he can't use it or his physical fitness is not good, it's also a show boxing and legs.

The movement of Baji boxing is vigorous, simple and vigorous. It has the saying that "Tai Chi can stabilize the world in literature, and Baji can set heaven and earth in martial arts".

Baji boxing belongs to short boxing, which emphasizes on cutting and holding every inch and striking hard and opening hard. It has the characteristics of touching, helping, squeezing, leaning, collapsing and shaking. The force comes from the heel, the waist, and the fingertips of the hand. Therefore, the explosive force is great and full of the characteristics of attack and attack.

At that time, the master also told Wang Jun that to practice Baji boxing, he must assist in chopping and hanging palms, and combine hardness and softness to achieve four directions. In China, there is also a saying that "the eight poles are broken and linked, and the gods and ghosts are afraid.".

After seeing Wang Jun's Kung Fu, Guo Xu got inspiration again and proposed that they should be superheroes together to fight crime.Chicago is worse than it was before 2010. Now it is a "city of violence" and "city of crime". Almost all the negative news is found on the website.

In Chicago, you can stay on the street during the day, and you can't go to places with few people after 8 p.m. The law and order in the white district is quite good, while that in the black district is worse than that in Africa and the third world. In some places, the police in Chicago dare not set foot in it without full preparation.

In terms of data, the number of people who died of murder in Chicago rose sharply in 14 and 15 years, and the number of people who were shot each year also rose in a straight line, and it has risen to the highest level in history.

Wang Jun is a little confused. "Are you kidding? Dealing with gangs? Chivalry and justice? Don't say you've done that before. "

"Yes, that's how I practiced archery. I dress up as eagle eye, you can take a shield to pass for the captain of the United States, his equipment is the easiest to buy


Guo Xu said: "but your risk is bigger than me. Eagle eye can avoid shooting people. The team leaders are all close combat. If you're hit by a shield, you may not be able to suck a fake gun in your leg


Guo Xu said with a smile: "think about it? I'm sure it's fun. I've had a head-on PK with the gangs in Dallas. It's really exciting. "


Finally, Wang Jun was still moved by Guo Xu because he wanted to know how powerful his kung fu was. In reality, no matter how powerful he is, he can't kill people. Even if you participate in a comprehensive combat competition, it's just a contest. No one will fight life and death.

In real martial arts, there are no so-called "heavy hands" except for some fixed "heavy hands", and "heavy hands" are generally not taught by masters, because they are used to kill people.

Chinese Wushu includes performing, practicing and playing. Many people regard acting as a so-called move, which is only used to look good. Generally speaking, the training method is the characteristics and training methods of this Kung Fu. As for the way of playing, the master leads the students to practice. It depends on their own ability whether they can defeat the enemy or not.

Before they make their debut, they have to practice more and increase the safety factor.

Guo Xu to carry out close combat training, archery also put down for a long time to find the feeling. He also called on Wang Jun to practice gun shooting. In a crisis, this thing is the most powerful.

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