Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1058

At first sight, they chatted with each other for a whole night.

Guo Xu's communication skills are very strong, both men and women, he can quickly become friends with each other. He often tells secrets in the cycle of time, telling his own situation is simple and clear, a set of a set, anyway, the other party can not remember.

Wang Jun is different. He has never told anyone that he has a systematic matter. No one can share the secret. He has been so excited that he can't sleep at night.

Even if Wang Jun and his family said something about the system, they would not believe it, because no one could see the picture of the system. When Guo Xu saw the system, Wang Jun immediately regarded him as a good friend. This is the brother from the parallel world. There is obviously some connection between them.

As soon as six o'clock in the morning, they made an appointment to go out to play. Guo Xu went to the hotel to find Wang Jun half an hour later.

Confirm that time will cycle, Wang Jun also agreed with Guo Xu's statement, this must go out a wave. He doesn't play ball any more. Even if he wants to exercise, he will play for a while and enjoy his sudden vacation.

Both of them have memories, so they don't need to do the secret code. They wake up in their respective hotels and send a text message to confirm.

After going out, Guo Xu immediately went to a nearby car company to rent a Chevrolet "Bumblebee", drove to the door of the hotel where the king player stayed, and sent a text message to tell Wang Jun about the model.

Wang Jun immediately went downstairs out of the hotel and rushed into the co driver's seat of Guo Xu's car.

Guo Xu started the car and said to Wang Jun, "fasten your seat belt quickly, or you may not be very comfortable for a while."

"Do you usually drive so carefully?" Wang Jun asked with a smile and did it.

"Don't look down on the old driver." Guo Xu looked at the rearview mirror and noticed that two cars were following. They should be reporters.

He skillfully gears to accelerate, after turning a few beautiful tail flick, two blocks away from reporters who want to dig news. It's all about making a movie, and he's on the road again.

Big stars are always followed by paparazzi, Wang Jun is very difficult to get rid of them, Guo Xu is different, he can get rid of a team of police, the most ridiculous one eight police cars out can not stop him.

"Shit, are you crazy driving like this in downtown?" How did Wang Jun experience this kind of stimulation? He yelled on the side.

"When I'm crazy, I always drive a truck to swing the tail, drive a super car, and take part in an underground car race. The speed of this car can't go up. I can't miss it."

"You can't make the speed soar when you call it more than 200 miles?"

"Yes, I usually walk at 300 and chat at 200."

Speed 70 miles, the mood is free. If the speed is 70 miles, what is the feeling of 300 miles? People who are slow to respond must not feel that they will have to crash for a long time. Guo Xu is used to playing in underground racing cars. He takes 200 turns and realizes the taste of adrenaline surge.

It's really hard for the police to catch a man like him if he is a big thief.

Wang Jun's legs were soft when he got off the bus. "I heard for the first time that a player can drive like this, once it hits us, we're dead."

"No, we won't die, we'll just wake up at six in the morning. In fact, I have always been curious about one thing, and this time I can finally get the answer. Did I restart immediately after I died? It was the others who continued the day until six o'clock in the morning. If I hang up and you're OK, you can tell me the answer. "

Wang Jun opened his mouth wide and suspected that he was talking to a mental patient. He felt that Guo Xu would surely die in the future. "What is it like to die?"

"There are several kinds of pain, then wake up; pain for a long time, and then wake up; and there is no pain, suddenly wake up. I didn't feel any pain when I fell off a cliff, and I was still with Carmela

"Well, let me ask a more advanced question, who is carmala?"

"It's the actress of the Galactic guard. Haven't you seen it?"


Guo Xu drove to the local supermarket chain jewel osco, which was open 24 hours a day. He's very good at cross dressing, and he's Megan's cross dressing speed in Ninja Turtle 2.

He gave Wang Jun a fake beard and wig, a fat man's coat and a flat mirror with no degree. Wang Jun looks fat after wearing, no one can recognize him at a glance, stars should not be this kind of fat house shape.

Guo Xu bought a windbreaker, with his 183cm height and grey casual pants, and easily completed the fashion collocation, which looked like a star.

"Well, why are the clothes you've chosen for me so rotten and so well dressed?"

"Because I'm not a star on earth six, I won't be surrounded by star chasers. If you dress like me, fans and journalists will recognize you Guo Xu explained.

Wang Jun thinks it is reasonable. "But didn't you say you were going to pick up girls? Can't I look like this? "

Guo Xu said with a smile: "do you think you can still use the image to get a girl? As long as you take off your moustache and wig, 90% of the women should throw themselves into their arms, and someone will give you a phone number after the game, right"I'm confused." Wang Jun said a little embarrassed.

He is not confused, but he has no experience in this field, and he has not played crazy in the cycle of time. He is used to thinking in the way he thinks in reality.

Guo Xiuyi into the cycle will change her personality, completely free herself, feel that she is a god like existence.

When they went out of the supermarket, they also saw the police car. It was estimated that they were chasing the car he rented through the camera. Guo Xu was not nervous at all. He didn't want the car. He was only fined if he caught it. They called a taxi not far away without any suspicion.

Wang Jun asked, "where are we going next?"

"Find out where the Chicago underground is." Guo Xu replied.

"What?" Wang Jun's driving skills are very poor. When he took the driver's license test, Theron gave him a small stove. Seeing Guo Xu driving, he felt that it was exciting enough.

Guo Xu said with a smile, "I'm just kidding. You've only made the first cycle. I'm sure you haven't raced. It's not suitable for you to play with such high-level things as you. Let's go to Chicago's Navy Marina park to chat up beautiful women."

"I've been playing in Chicago for years, and I feel like you're more familiar here than I am."

"Because I've been driving around the city for a day, and I've checked the attractions online. You've become a star in your first year here. It's not so convenient for you to come out and play. "

The navy pier is one of Chicago's most popular attractions, with a 150 foot Ferris wheel, a music carousel, an 18 hole mini golf course, and a 1500 seat outdoor performance venue.

With the charming lakeside landscape, visitors will linger and forget to leave. It is also a place where Chicago people often go for recreation. In addition to the view of the park, people can also take a cruise or speedboat deep into Lake Michigan. On the east side of the naval dock park is the naval wharf Memorial Center in Chicago port, and on the west side is the lake center building with unique style. You can also visit along the way.

When he entered the park, Guo Xu let Wang Junchang see him again. He was very thick skinned. When he saw the two beauties, he chatted up and asked if he could travel with him.

"Don't you have friends?" The blonde in green asked with a smile.

"Yes, but we'll be bored together, especially at lunch. We can reserve a seat for four in alinea. Only two people go to tailengqing. Can we have the pleasure of inviting them to dinner? "

"you mean Michelin 3-star's Alinea?" The blonde looks at Guo Xu with doubts in her eyes.

"Yes, we come to travel, just want to find someone to play with."

Looking at the direct money offensive, Wang Jun is convinced

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