Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1056

Guo Xu has countless ways to get in touch with people, but after the game, he changed.

The easiest way is for him to watch the ball and talk to the other team, just buy a ticket and choose the seat behind the visiting team's seat.

He went out to the ticket office of the stadium early in the morning and found that two seats were still vacant. After Wang Jun left, the Bulls' record has declined, but it's hard to go far in the playoffs this season.

The seats in the front row close to the players' seats are very expensive. When almost every game is free, they are not usually sold as season tickets, sometimes for the family members of the stars.

The players came out to warm up, Guo Xu soon saw Wang Jun, his expression was a bit out of his wits, he was distracted by things, sat down on the sidelines and was too lazy to warm up.

"Wang Jun, look here. I can help you." Guo Xu yelled at Wang Jun in Chinese and waved when he turned back.

Wang Jun Leng for a moment, walked over and asked, "what can you do for me?"

"I know how to get out of the time cycle. If you get tired of this game, we can leave the stadium now and find a quiet place to talk."

Wang Jun's eyes glared round, took a few deep breaths and asked excitedly, "do you know what this is about?"

Guo Xu smiles and nods.

An hour later, the major media are reporting Wang Jun's news, he made an unexpected move.

"This is the most bizarre thing in the NBA this season. Wang Jun ran away before the game started! He didn't play the game and ran away! He's gone

"Wang Jun left the stadium with a mysterious man before the game started and gave up the game against the Bulls without warning. His professional attitude is really problematic."

"The Chinese king even gave up the match temporarily. What is the important thing that makes him choose to do so? NBA will definitely fine him. The Bulls' home fans are very dissatisfied. What's the meaning of not playing the biggest player? "

"Wang Jun and a man rushed into a hotel, opened a room and didn't come out again. It's premature..."

As soon as I heard that it would restart tomorrow, Wang Jun gave up the game. Why does he still play when he plays for nothing? Anyway, tomorrow people will not remember what he did, which will not affect his image.

Most people have some rebellious factors in their bones. When they don't need to be responsible for something, they are willing to try. It's not easy to give up a game for a madman like Wang Jun who dares to play referees?

They won't be disturbed when they enter the luxury hotel. The security guards will protect their privacy. The reporters can't get in.

Guo Xu simply talked about the parallel world and explained some rules of leaving the time cycle. Hearing that his age will not increase, Wang Jun is not worried.

It's a good account. Who doesn't want to live longer? This is the extra life that other people can't buy if they want to.

Wang Jun asked: "strange, if this is your super ability, why can I also come in?"

"You are not a reborn. You don't know about the future, but there must be something different from ordinary people? If you don't open, it's impossible for Chinese players to train to your level Guo Xu was very curious: "if you have any secret, just tell it. If you have any secret, I will go back to the earth and I can't disclose it to you."

Wang Jun had no intention of hiding it for a moment. "I met aliens, and he gave me a training system. I could get some training methods and props through exercise. I trained and became stronger according to those methods."

"What are aliens like? Is it an ET or a zitari? " Guo Xu is surprised to ask, do not suspect the other side lies at all.

"The same as the earth people, but the physical quality should be much stronger, you can understand as Asgard, if I keep training and upgrading, maybe one day it will become that way."

When there are only two players in the world, and the others are NPCs, even the people with deep cities will change. Wang Jun's character has always been relatively straight, he can't hide his words.

"Can I have a look? I've never seen alien black technology, although I've been to Mars to grow potatoes. " Guo Xu said excitedly.


"I made a film" Mars rescue "after I retired. You also finished shooting it here, starring Matt Damon. It won't be released until the second half of this year." Guo Xu explained.

"You make movies, too? I like movies very much. I've played the leading actor. They're all influenced by Charlize. My girlfriend is the movie queen silon Wang Jun immediately felt more common language.

"I watched your movies while I was surfing the Internet. What a coincidence. My girlfriend is also the movie queen." Guo Xu said with a smile.

"Who is your girlfriend?"

"Megan Fox."

"Are you talking about the golden plum movie queen?" Wang Jun could not help but make complaints about it.

"You may not believe it. Megan from earth one is not bad at acting. She has been nominated twice and won one prize. And dadario is my girlfriend. You worked with her. I think you've had a scandal in the news, isn't it true? "

When Guo Xu asked this question, he was a little nervous. His heart beat wildly. Even in the parallel world, he didn't want to be green."No, there are two people in my family who are in trouble. How dare you tease others? I refuse to be seduced by beautiful women. " Wang Jun stopped for a moment and asked, "what other movies have you played besides this one that hasn't been shown?"

"I also starred in agent trump, which is being shown here. There are two actresses Forget about this. What about your system? Take it out and have a look. " Guo Xu said with a smile: "it's been a long time that nothing can interest me so much."

Wang Jun said with a smile: "maybe you will be disappointed, I have been the only one who can see, others can not see."

Wang Jun calls the system in his heart, and the panel with full sense of technology appears in front of him, emitting a light blue light.

He turned his head and found Guo Xumu gaped and his mouth opened into an O-shape. He immediately realized that Guo Xu also saw the system.

"What an advanced thing. I feel like an Iron Man movie. No wonder your basketball skills have been improved so fast. It's amazing to see this thing."

"It's strange that no one else can see it. Why can you see it?" Wang Jun asked.

"Probably because of it." Guo Xu raised his right hand and shook it.

After the system page appeared, the figure-8 tattoo on the back of Guo Xu's hand also appeared with a light blue light, similar to the color of the system. There should be some kind of induction between the two, probably from the same place.

Unfortunately, Wang Jun's system is not artificial intelligence, can only give some mechanical, simple introduction, most of the functions need to be explored by himself, they can't know the specific connection.

Wang Jun took a deep breath and sighed: "now I suspect that you are the person who gave me the system of the planet. How did you come to the earth? Is it a caravan like spaceship? "

"I am an earthman. I have an identity in this world. I am an ordinary office worker on earth 6. My family should be in East Lansing, Michigan, where Michigan State University is located. It's only earth one that I've got superpowers. "

Wang Jun said: "I have been there. The University of Michigan and State University are a competition area. What am I like on earth one?"

"I don't know. Maybe in China, I've been circulating for several times, and I haven't heard of you in the world." Guo Xu answered truthfully.

"If I don't have a system, it's really impossible to play basketball. Maybe I'm still fat, and my sister's illness is not as good as the rule of law Fortunately, I have no memory of other worlds. " Wang Jun sighed.

"I don't either. Every time I travel, I'm wearing people who replace the world."

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