Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1052

At the 87th Academy Awards ceremony, the small budget film "burst drummer" released on October 10, 2010, became a super big black horse, won five nominations, and won three trophies, including best supporting actor, best editing and best mixing.

"Burst drummer" tells the story of a teenager who challenges his own limits by unconventional means and pursues the dream of a jazz drummer under the strict supervision of his teacher.

Oscar also hacked one of their awards. When the judges voted online, they found that there was no "cracker drummer" in the selection list of "best original script", and the film script was classified as "best adapted script". But the inspiration of "burst drummer" is from the director Damien - chazere's personal experience, how can it be adapted?

Therefore, the authority of Oscar is questioned. In response, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organizer of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, said Damien had made a short film of the same name in 2013 before making the current feature film. If the film is adapted on the basis of publications or other films, then the script can only participate in the selection of "best adapted script", which is quite bullshit.

In any case, tomorrow's company continues to carry on the myth of box office success since its establishment, with a production cost of 30 million and a global box office of 74 million.

In mid February, "Teddy Bear 2" released by tomorrow's company. In Guo Xu's previous life, there should be a "trump card agent" at this time point. They shot the first episode in advance, resulting in the butterfly effect.

Originally, the company was going to let Teddy compete for the may file and summer program. Later, it was found that a large number of films were gathered this year, including Avengers Alliance 2, Jurassic world, and so on. At that time, it was inevitable that they would die, so they moved the time forward.

It's the right choice. Even "speed and passion 7" gave up its summer season and opened in North America in April. Because Paul Walker is still alive, the film doesn't have enough gimmicks, and they don't want to risk a positive PK with other blockbusters.

Even if it's postponed to July, there will be terminator genesis, ant man, and little yellow man.

In February, although there are many competitors in the same period, the quality of the film is much worse. The famous one is "on Jupiter that 's ok! 》"The seventh son: the battle of demons", "hot tub time machine 2", "fifty degrees of gray".

"Teddy Bear 2" is the original cast, the plot is still a lot of jokes, a fire. However, Guo Xu's pressure changed a lot. He and Megan had a fight over the film.

This year, Guo Xu will be 34 years old, Megan and dadario are also 29 years old. Megan is not old, but he has become a little anxious.

The script of "Teddy Bear 2" was created by the company's screenwriter. The main content is that teddy and his girlfriend want children after they get married. There is only one main line, which abandons the story that bear was judged not to be human, that his marriage was invalid, and that he wanted human rights in a lawsuit. This screenwriter is totally about which pot he doesn't want to talk about. He doesn't want to mix up.

Megan didn't attend the premiere. She was so angry that she wanted to dismiss the mentally disabled screenwriter. She also planned to hammer the coder with a big and square meow hammer.

What's the reason to punish the screenwriter after the box office success? Of course, Guo Xu can't let Megan do this. It's very unpleasant.

At the end of the movie, teddy bears have their own children, but Megan, who is in the flood of maternal love in reality, has no children, which has caused heated discussion on the Internet. Some fans bemoan that Angelina Jolie, who likes to adopt children, has given birth to three of her own.

Looking at teddy bear, fans on the Internet also think of Guo Xu. Some people say that this may be the will of God. In this way, people can realize that Guo Xu is still a human being, and that human beings will not be so perfect.

The media also reported the situation of the three people many times. They visited famous doctors in other places, and their examination results showed that they were in good health without any problems. This is a little unexplained and has become a major research topic in the medical community of North America.

On March 3, Guo Xu, exhausted physically and mentally, offered to go to TNT radio station as a guest and flew to Eastern Chicago to explain the Bulls' home game against bucks.

The bucks are the biggest black horse in the league this year, jumping from the bottom team in the East last season to the first in the East. The game is the focus of this round, the Bulls this year's strength is also very strong, ranked second in the East, more than the injury plagued nets.

O'Neill and Guo Xu did not mention the new movie after meeting, even if it was a comedy he liked very much. Now when people talk about children, Megan's face will be as black as the bottom of the pot. This time Guo Xu didn't take his girlfriend to relax alone.

The competition was held on the 4th. After staying in the hotel, Guo Xu had a dream at night.

He dreamt that he had found a way to solve the hidden danger of his body in the cycle of time. A person told him that he had encountered this kind of situation and told him that he could solve the problem if he only trained his body stronger.

Guo Xu thinks it's bullshit. He's already a superman who won the Olympic gold medal in the cross-border race. Can anyone be more comprehensive than him?

When he woke up, he found that something was wrong. He was not in the luxury single room of the hotel, but in a relatively simple room, which was a cheap hotel.

Guo Xu turned over and saw the wall clock on the opposite side. It was just 6 o'clock sharp. He immediately thought that he had entered the cycle again.Thank God, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I'm really tired recently.

Even though Guo Xu entered the circulation, he felt a little tired. He was not sleepy at all and didn't get up immediately. He was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about the situation he was about to face.

The strange environment means that this is a parallel world. It can be named "earth six".

He dreamed of finding a solution to his children's problems. According to the rule of breaking the cycle of time, he had to meet certain conditions to go back. How to solve the problem of no children in one day? Is it true that there is a magic skill secret script that can let a man practice to stare at him and let him be pregnant?

In the dream, there is an expert to help him. He can't see the person's appearance clearly. Is there someone here who is stronger than him?

Gotham's original cartoon design is based on Chicago, the city where Mafia Crime was rampant at that time. The port is the natural breeding ground of gangs. Can the stronger man be the real "bertman"?

After many time cycles, even if Guo Xu directly into the DC cartoon world, he will not be surprised.

Maybe it will be very difficult to think of a cycle. He hasn't been doing much exercise for a year and a half, and his physical fitness has declined dramatically. If you want to train your physical fitness better than before, it will be an extremely difficult process.

He was born in November 1981. Now he is 33.5 years old. At this age, he needs to practice more than before 28 years old. He feels that he violates the laws of physics.

He is not in a hurry. Recently, his relationship with Megan has become very tense, and life has been very difficult. It is a good opportunity for him to stay in the cycle for more time.

After lying for half an hour, Guo Xu got up and went to the bathroom to wash. He turned on his computer to check the information of the world.

As soon as he read the NBA news, he was sure that it was a parallel world. It seemed that there were super powers. It was a Chinese player who ruled the NBA, not a mixed race, but a pure Chinese.

Guo Xu looked for the video collection of the man playing the game the day before yesterday for a while, and quickly came to a terrible conclusion that the physical quality of the Chinese shooting guard is really better than that of him, and it is not even a little bit stronger. All kinds of breakthrough smashes and flat head frame.

I wipe, in terms of his speed and explosive power, will he be an ordinary reborn? He's not an alien disguised as an earthman, is he? Even LeBron James is not so fierce!

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