Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 1002

Now, with Kobe Bryant bringing his "tactical terminator" talent to Brooklyn, the Nets' home opener continued its poor preseason performance, losing 92-100 to Wade's heat.

The reason why the nets lost is clear at a glance. The defense is in a mess. The outside players are not good at defending and the inside players are not good at picking and removing.

"Spark happy beast" Howard is not like the best defensive player of the third time. He always shrinks to grab rebounds near the forbidden area and won't rush out to defend the long-distance shot after the opponent's pick and roll.

The rest of the nets are even worse. No one can be called a defensive expert. It's easy to get past a single defense and not actively pursue and defend.

Delong is 191cm tall and weighs 95kg. His figure is doomed to prevent pick and roll and pursue defense are not his strong points.

In the jazz, many teams hated Deron's strong body, precise center shots and endless pick and roll. Deron has averaged more than 10 assists per game for three consecutive seasons, which is why people say that he and Paul are of the same level, and even have better personal offensive ability than Paul.

Now the opponents use pick and roll to clean him up, but he can't pick and roll.

In the warriors, Kobe can defend role players and let rolden deal with super scorers. In the nets can not, the team needs the best defensive lineup of Kobe to defend the outside line scorer, put more energy on the defensive side.

Tennis coach team must be so arranged, Pierce's speed is slower than Kobe, 35 year old he has been fast to play, can prevent sudden swing is a step by step life.

Kobe obviously preferred to attack, in the joint defense system, he deliberately let the opponent slip to Howard, and then directed by hand to help him brush the block.

The heat's method of play is to constantly pull out the inside line to cover, Mayo and wade two people take turns to break through, on their own or sudden points, team-mates to catch the ball. Heat interior line occasionally empty cut a, the net defense line into a sieve.

Howard made 8 out of 12 shots in the first game, but his performance was amazing on the free throw line, with a shooting rate of 21.4% in 3 out of 14. He got 19 points, 12 rebounds and 2 assists in 38 minutes.

Fans leave a message asking: are you really Howard? Why do you look more like Tony? You're iron man.

The team did not pull out to catch the ball to shoot the inside line is very difficult to break the joint defense, the nets other three giants have become blacksmith. Delong 8 for 1, pierce 9 for 3, Kobe 14 for 6

The nets lost 104-114 to the Blazers.

Howard played beyond the level, 15 out of 15 free throws, 33 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists; Kobe made 10 of 20 shots, 4 of 3-pointer, 6 of 7 free throws, and got 30 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists.

Two of the nets scored 30 +. The overall shooting percentage was 50%, and the three-point shooting rate reached 44.4%. They lost again.

Because the nets can't defend, the Blazers score more efficiently, the guards are very easy to break out and shoot a lot of vacant positions. The whole team has three players scoring 20 +.

Eric - Gordon breakthrough ability is not vulgar, the disadvantage is the shooting instability.

The small forward Nicolas Batum, who has been traded, has performed well and has a full range of skills. In order to get him, the Blazers sent out 2011 No. 11 rookie, Alex Burkes, and role players to the jazz.

Point guard Rubio shot poorly, defended aggressively and was well organized.

Inside, Aldrich and koshins can both be inside and outside and can be evacuated from the basket.

The trailblazers' bench is not weak, led by Jared Jack and JJ Hickson, and Matthew Webster can also play a role.

What is more disappointing is that Austin rivers, the 10th point guard selected by the Blazers this year, is the son of coach Doug rivers. He has performed well in college. He plays iron crazily in the NBA preseason and can't find the rhythm.

If it wasn't for Corzine's brain, too many fouls, early exit, frowning hair temper, Howard won't get so many points, the Blazers would probably hang the nets.

After the game, neither COMEY nor happy animal could say that idol had a group of CBA teammates. If Deron and pierce didn't have the ability, how did they play star data last season and bring the team to the second round of the playoffs? Now that the nets have joined two "super giants", or two "super giants" who have been selected for the best defensive lineup for many times, the team has become weaker.

At the press conference, reporters no longer asked the question of who was the boss of the "four giants". They all wanted to ask who was the cancer instead?

players as like as two peas, who are not attacking each other, have a feeling that their coach Gentry is going to explode directly.

"Everything's rotten!" "Our efforts are rotten, coaching is rotten, the movement of the ball, all that is related to this is heinous, you have no way to whitewash it," said Gentile

"The Trail Blazers, who haven't played in the playoffs for years, kicked us in the butt." "It's simple and rough. They kicked us in the butt. At every level of the game, it is. Three points, rebounds, grabs, breakthroughs. All the things you can talk about about basketball, none of us have won them, none of themHe spurted on the coaching staff and the players at the same time. "Garbage like efforts, all aspects The coaching staff should also take responsibility, not just the players. We have to get better, we have to change. I can assure you that we will complete the change in training tomorrow and we will not have such slack again

Gintry is ready to break out first and then talk to the stars to get their support. It's his last chance, and if he's forced out of class at the beginning of the season, it's hard for him to find a job this season.

Kingley's expectations are futile, and the four "giants" are better at talking about Pierce. Deron forced coach Sloan to trade with jazz, Howard forced van Gundy to trade with magic. Kobe dared to scold the manager and the boss directly, and was once regarded as irreducible by "Zen master" Jackson.

Media is no longer optimistic about the nets, ESPN experts more directly poured cold water, ready to watch the excitement of the nets.

Two ESPN hosts said that even if the nets entered the playoffs in the less competitive East, it would be difficult for the nets to break through the first round unless they could learn to be selfless and sacrifice data.

They also specifically mentioned Deron Williams, who had two consecutive games without double scores, and compared him with Guo Xu.

"Jason sacrifice the number of shots is a selfless performance, he perfectly controls the rhythm of the team to drive the attack. Deron is not selfless, but completely lost the rhythm of the game. He took the ball and saw three teammates reach for the ball after half-time

"Deron didn't even think about playing in the right way. His adjustment was to take turns passing the ball over the half-time, as if it was fairest, and then stand outside the three-point line and wait for a chance. Teammates really can't play when he passes to him, he also has no time to break through, facing people to throw out the end

"In summer, many people say that the nets can beat the suns. It's just a joke. I'm curious how many points the Suns will win when the two teams meet."

"So it's normal that Jason doesn't like the nets in an interview."

President David Stern's term of office will come in 2014. Now he is in a semi retired state, and most of his work is given to his assistant Adam Silva.

At the meeting, he was too lazy to mention the tennis team. When his subordinates reported their work and discussed whether to help the nets regain their popularity, Stern said directly: "let them live and die on their own, it doesn't matter if they can't play in the playoffs."

The League at least wants to help the parallel world of the Lakers into the playoffs, is completely disappointed with the nets. Not only because the players are not competitive, but also because the nets boss is Russian

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