Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 993

Xiao Hua hesitates for a moment and takes Luo Shu out of the space and puts it into the hand space.

As Xiao Hua enters the space, Guan Tianyue and Lian Xiuyuan are not idle, but what they are talking about is not the river map, but the immortal wine. Looking at Lian Xiuyuan and Guan Tianyue excited, it's really late to meet!

Look at Jiang Meihua again. In half an hour, ninety-nine daffodils were under his control. I don't know how many ways they changed, but the whole xuangui space didn't change.

"Damn it In the end, Jiang Mei Hua gave up trying with a low scold.

"Master Lian..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "brother Jiang is useless. What can you do?"

Lian Xiuyuan and Guan Tianyue are having a good conversation. If they are not in the xuangui space, they are afraid that they are going to take out the immortal wine to taste. At this time, he waves his hand and says, "when Jiang Xiaoyou tries, I've seen him. If he doesn't work, I'm afraid he won't work. You can do it by yourself."

"Where's brother Guan?" Xiao Hua asks Guan Tianyue tentatively.

Guan Tianyue is talking to Lian Xiuyuan about the immortal official who is good at wine in Tianzun mansion. He looks at Jiang Meihua's depression and says with a smile: "Guan is not interested in this matter. At this time, he talks with Lian. If brother Jiang Xian doesn't want to try again, I'll leave and listen to Tian Xue!"

Lian Xiuyuan also said with a smile: "what Guan Xiaoyou said is exactly right. The fairy friend who gave me Mo Xiantong also said that he himself had been here, but he didn't get here. If it's simple, I'm afraid it's not our turn. Moreover, the river map is very important. I don't think it's possible to fall here. "

"I'd like to have a try..." Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Well, well, give it a try!" Lian Xiuyuan said with a smile, "if you find it, it's that Hetu is predestined with you!"

"Jiang also wants to see..." Jiang Meihua was a little unconvinced. "What else can you do?"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua flies over with a smile. He grabs the room with his big hand and breaks up the ninety-nine daffodils. Then he raises his hand and arranges them according to the tadpole text in Luo's book.

"You are..." When Jiang Meihua looks at Xiao Hua like this, she doesn't understand at first, but when she looks at the arc of the tortoise's shell, she understands.

The tortoise shell is curvilinear and condensed. A light filament falls under the tortoise shell and "brushes" the brilliance of a narcissus!

This is a shining place, "Wu Wu Wu..." The strange wind roar suddenly appeared in the whole space, but all the turtles in the space began to move and rushed towards the ninety-nine daffodils.

Narcissus curving, all around into the interface law, the tortoise fell, one by one began to shrink, and so they all fall into the Narcissus, Xiao Hua is aware, these tortoise is not Luo Book tadpole text?

"Boom..." Tadpole writing is formed, arc-shaped radiance regenerates and changes, the halo floats out, and turns into a book. When the book turns, Narcissus begins to scatter into the outline of points and lines.

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua was also somewhat unexpected. He whispered, "do you want to condense into a portal?"

Sure enough, with Xiao Hua's exclamation, a light and shadow overflowing portal appeared!

Xiao Hua exclaimed, while Jiang Meihua, Lian Xiuyuan and Guan Tianyue were stunned.

"You How did you come up with that? " Jiang Meihua exclaimed inconceivably, "this is really a little strange!"

Xiao Hua shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I let it go

"Alas..." Lian Xiuyuan sighed and said, "Xiaoyou is really a genius! You must have seen the tortoise before you think of the shell. You must have thought of the Narcissus coming out of the tortoise. You must have thought of using the narcissus to solidify the shell. "

"Almost so!" Xiao Hua is the best at taking advantage of the donkey to go downhill and nodding his head busily.

"Little friend, please Lian Xiuyuan raised his hand and said, "this is Xiaoyou's chance!"

Although Guan Tianyue and Jiang Meihua did not speak, they all raised their hands.

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "thank you very much!"

With that, Xiao Hua urges his body to fly into the portal.

But it's stupid when he goes through the door!

sees only ninety-nine as like as two peas of Narcissus in the portal, and every daffodil has whirlpools of black and white stripes. Obviously, every Narcissus is a transmission channel.

"This This... " The ripples repaired as like as two peas flew into the air, looking at these identical transmission passages, and stammered, "isn't this funny?"

"No need to say!" Guan Tianyue also said with a bitter smile, "this is by no means what heaven and earth do. It must be someone's layout."

"If there is a layout, there will never be a river map in it!" Lian Xiuyuan also asserted that Tao.

Xiao Hua didn't speak and peeped at Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua frowned slightly, as if thinking about something. Xiao Hua also said, "that's what happened. It's our chance. Master Lian, would you like to invite me first?"

"Me?" Lian Xiuyuan thought for a moment, nodded and said, "well, I've got the ink fairy pupil, and I have some chance to look for it here, so I'll come first!"

With that, Lian Xiuyuan Yannian swept and flew into a narcissus first.

Sure enough, as Lian Xiuyuan's figure fell in, the Narcissus gradually bloomed, and the whirlpool also extended toward the inside. Watching Lian Xiuyuan's figure shrink and fly in, Xiao Hua said, "brother Jiang?""Why don't you come first, brother Xiao?" Jiang Meihua hesitated and said.

"The younger brother is the youngest. The good thing is to let the two brothers first..." Xiao Hua replied with a smile.

Guan Tianyue looked at them and said, "brother Xiao is blessed. Maybe he will have some means. Guan must come first."

With that, Guan Tianyue found daffodils to fly in.

"Yecheng..." In the end, Jiang Meihua also decided to go first, and said, "Jiang also goes first. If you have the means, you can exert it as much as you can. If you get it, Jiang is also happy!"

With that, Jiang Meihua raised her hand and pressed the seal between her eyebrows. On the seal, the sword light rushed out and directly fell into one of the daffodils. Jiang Meihua was glad to fly in with the sword light!

"Jiang Meihua, the immortal mark in the eyebrow is strange again!" Looking at Jiang Meihua's Taoist seal, Xiao Hua realized, "he was a Taoist mark in the past, with eight trigrams on it, but now he has become a sword. That is to say, he had another chance on his way from chenxiaohai to ditingtianxue. This chance should be related to Hetu. "

After Jiang Meihua's body disappeared, Xiao Huayan swept by and saw that there was no one there. He raised his hand to sacrifice half of Luoshu.

"Boom..." As soon as Luoshu came out, the light and shadow soared into the sky, and tadpole cultures rolled in the air. Fortunately, the power of the stars and the moon was full here, and there was no immortal vitality. After these tadpole cultures were transformed into dots and lines, there was no abnormality, and the dots and lines rolled down towards one of the narcissus!

"Ha ha, that's it!" Xiao Hua laughed, but he didn't wait for his laughter to fall to the ground The Narcissus burst, there seems to be a huge suction inside, all of a sudden will be half a volume of Luo Book inhaled.

Xiao Hua doesn't dare to neglect. He flies in with a flash of his body. The transmission channel is not long, and the starlight inside is long. Xiao Hua only feels that the starlight flickers and he has already arrived at another space. However, when he sees the situation in this space, he is just stunned

It was not only Xiao Hua who was stunned, but also Bao Qiong, the king of Xuantian mansion in the state of Kun. He looked at the tiger seal flashing red in his hand and said, "you I beg your pardon? There are star spinning demons passing through Senluo road. You You didn't find out until then? "

"Yes..." There was a cold voice in the seal of the tiger head, "these star spinning demons have excellent camouflage. We didn't find the immortal tools at that time. We didn't find them until a few days ago..."

Not waiting for the voice to finish, Bao Qiong interrupted the voice and cried: "the Senluo boundary gap can't only allow the Xinghui realm demons to pass through, how can we let the xingxuan realm demons mix in? How many star spinning demons come in? Why don't you just close the senlo gap? "

Bao Qiong's continuous questioning, has not paid attention to the tone of words, next to Bao Shan quickly poked Bao Qiong with his arm.

Sure enough, the tone of the voice was still cold: "it's not the problem of Senluo boundary gap. You don't need to know that there are several star spinning demons in the past. You just have to watch the selection of Shenchong and help our Shenchong team select qualified immortal soldiers!"

With that, the light on the seal of the tiger head flashed away.

"Damn it Looking at the dim seal, Bao Qiong couldn't help but scold, "he's just a commander guarding the Senluo boundary gap. He dares to hold a shelf with me..."

"Cough..." Bao Shan coughed twice and reminded him, "Bao Qiong, the leader of the kunguo kingdom is different from the leader of the kunguo kingdom. He doesn't have the strength to be close to ER Qixian. How dare the general of lielei let him guard the boundary?"

Bao Qiong was stunned for a moment, and asked: "does the leader of Senluo boundary gap have the strength of two Qi immortals?"

"Isn't Xuantian mansion responsible for every immortal election?" "You don't even know that," Baoshan asked

"I'm too lazy to know that!" Bao Qiong said, but then he jumped again, "NND, I don't care whether he is Er Qi Xian or Ju Yuan Xian. They let in the star spinning realm demon clan. Isn't it that they want to embarrass us?"

"It's just the star spinning demons..." Bao Shanqi said, "I remember you once said that there are Li Xingheng monsters in the snow, which are equivalent to spirit transforming immortals."

"The demons of Hualing power are not the demons of Hualing power. Can they compare with Hualing immortals?" Bao Qiong glared at Bao Shan and said, "besides, they only said that there were star spinning demons coming, but they didn't say a few. Although star spinning demons are equivalent to five element immortals, the two five element immortals may not be enemies of star spinning demons. If there are teams of star spinning demons coming in, all the immortals who participate in the selection of Taichong immortals will be killed by them!"

"Hee hee..." Bao Shan laughed and said, "isn't there you and me, and the cold well?"

"Hum..." Bao Qiong snorted coldly and said, "if it hadn't been like this, I would have mobilized immortal soldiers long ago! Can I still talk to you here? "

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Listen to Tianxue have demon, the story tends to climax