Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 991

After Guan Tianyue received it, he looked at Lian Xiuyuan and said, "what's in his body to make wine, master Lian? I'm also interested in immortal wine. Why haven't I heard of it... "

Lian Xiuyuan brightened his eyes and said happily, "do you know how to make wine?"

"No, no..." Guan Tianyue shook his head and said, "I don't know how to make wine, I know how to taste wine..."

"Ouch..." Lian Xiuyuan laughed and said, "before, Xiao Xiaoyou knew how to taste wine, but I didn't expect that his old knowledge also knew how to taste wine?"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "don't be shy, master. I only know how to taste wine because I only know how to practice."

Lian Xiuyuan ignored Xiao Hua, took out a crystal bottle, handed it to Guan Tianyue, and said, "try this wine..."

"Well, well..." Guan Tianyue took it, but when he opened it, he frowned and said, "master, this wine is made from jade bone, green duckweed leaves and Xikong dark green purple? I have never tasted this kind of wine before. "

"Ouch?" Lian Xiuyuan was even more happy and cried, "Xiaoyou can smell the brewing material of Pingxi xianjiu. It's really good, and try it..."

Looking at Guan Tianyue's upgrading from junior to Xiaoyou, Xiao Hua is also surprised. He can't imagine that Guan Tianyue still has such magical powers.

"Well, well..." Guan Tianyue didn't take a breath out of thin air like ordinary immortal drinking, but respectfully put the crystal bottle on his lips and took a sip.

But seeing that Guan Tianyue first frowned and then suddenly relaxed, he praised: "good wine! Master Lian, this immortal wine is the best immortal wine I have ever seen! But... "

A compliment didn't make Lian Xiuyuan happy. After all, there were too many immortals to praise. But a "but" let Lian Xiu edge mouth a pick, quite some urgent can't wait to say: "but what?"

"But there's something in the material of the wine. I can't taste it!"

"All the time?" Lian Xiuyuan was curious and asked, "what else?"

"In addition to the two just mentioned, there are peach fairy fruit and fairyland stone..." Speaking of this, Guan Tianyue's eyes brightened, looked at Lian Xiuyuan and cried, "Oh, I understand. There is still a trace of monster's blood in the immortal wine, master!"

"Genius Lian Xiuyuan could not help but be surprised and said, "you You can taste all the materials of wine making. This This is absolutely no magic power. I can't think of any explanation except for my talent! "

"Well, it is!" Guan Tianyue said with a smile, "I've had such a little talent since I was a child..."

"What little gift?" Lian Xiuyuan was not happy and said, "these talents are unique in the immortal world. Come on, this is a kind of immortal wine made by me. I didn't want to take it out before. Have a taste of it..."

"A taste of fairy wine?" Guan Tian was more and more stunned, as if he thought of something. He said respectfully, "it turns out that master Lian is the wine fairy of chenxiaohai!"

"Hey, hey, what kind of wine fairy is not wine fairy!" Lian Xiuyuan took out a crystal bottle and said, "I only make friends with wine..."

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed softly beside him and said, "master Lian, listening to Tianxue is not the place to sing for wine. When you go out with Guan Xianyou, listening to Tianxue, you can find a place to drink and have fun."

"Good, good!" Lian Xiuyuan woke up, patted his forehead and said, "it's better to find the baby as soon as possible. It's better to listen to Tianxue leave here! I've had bad luck this time. I've come across some powerful monsters. "

With that, Lian Xiuyuan put the crystal bottle in Guan Tianyue's hand, looked around and said, "what are you waiting for in this mysterious turtle world?"

Jiang Meihua hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll wait to find some opportunities..."

"The chance of xuanguijing?" Lian Xiuyuan blinked. After thinking for a moment, he simply came to the mountain road and said, "is it related to fairyland?"

"Ah?" Jiang Meihua was shocked and said, "master Lian..."

"Not bad!" Lian Xiuyuan nodded, took out a ink fairy pupil and handed it to Jiang Meihua, saying, "I took a piece of immortal wine and exchanged it with an immortal..."

Jiang Meihua takes Mo Xiantong and gives it to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Huayan scanned it and found that it was some scattered light and shadow. In those light and shadow, daffodils were in full bloom, and some mysterious turtles were standing among the flowers.

Looking at Xiao Hua sending Mo Xiantong back to Guan Tianyue, Lian Xiuyuan explained: "I have been to xuanguijing before, but there is no Narcissus in xuanguijing. When I get to shuixianjing, there is no xuangui in it, so I look for it in the void between xuanguijing and shuixianjing, but unexpectedly, there is a demon family named Jisi..."

Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua nodded slightly, so Xiao Hua took out the narcissus and said with a smile: "please look at it, elder..."

"Oh, if it's really Narcissus, I understand!" Lian Xiuyuan thought he understood, and cried, "you bring the narcissus in the water fairyland to the xuangui realm, do you want to touch the immortal prohibition?"

"No, no!" After seeing Mo Xiantong, Guan Tianyue gave it back to Lian Xiuyuan and explained with a smile, "this is not a narcissus in shuixianjing, but a narcissus hidden in xuangui."

"No way!" Lian Xiuyuan was puzzled. "I broke nearly a hundred tortoises before, but I didn't find any daffodils in them at all."Looking at Lian Xiuyuan's bewilderment and disbelief, Xiao Hua can't help laughing. He smashed nearly a hundred Xuan turtles and never found daffodils. This fortune How bad it must be! However, Xiao Hua is relieved to think that Lian Xiuyuan has been chased by the powerful Mohong and several Si.

"Wait a moment, master..." Xiaohua laughs and releases Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin falls in the air, bows to lianxiuyuan arch and flies away.

"Ha ha, this little thing is interesting..." Lian Xiuyuan laughs and seems to like Xiaoyin.

"Mother's mother..." Little silver flew for a moment and said in her heart, "there's no more in it. I find the channel on the next floor!"

"Well, then go to the next floor!" Xiao Hua orders, silver flies into a wisp of stars and moon, and the light disappears.

"Oh, this little thing is powerful!" Lian Xiuyuan said in surprise, "can it find a space channel?"

"Maybe it's his talent." Xiao Hua answered casually. After that, Xiao Hua didn't feel right. Sure enough, Jiang Meihua said, "well, it's the same as Guan Xianyou's talent."

Guan Tian feels his nose more and more, but he has some helplessness on his face. Can he compare with the little spirit seeking mouse?

But he didn't say anything.

Naturally, there are more mysterious turtles in the lower space, and there are more monsters. However, with Lian Xiuyuan, there is no need for Xiao Hua. It took about three or five hours to find more than ten daffodils.

Looking at Xiaoyin's leisurely search, Lian Xiuyuan is really stunned.

After searching this layer, Xiaoyin flew down to the lower layer, but he just fell into it. He sniffed a few times in the air and turned around. He said strangely: "mother's mother, there is no smell of Narcissus or space passage here!"

"Are you sure?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Mother's mother, just a moment..." Xiao Yin thought for a moment and said, "go and have a look, my child!"

Looking at Xiaoyin's departure, Xiao Hua said, "master Lian, brother Jiang, I'm lingchong. There's no more daffodils and no more space here!"

"Oh?" Lian Xiuyuan brightened in front of her eyes and said, "so, this is the last layer of space. Is the so-called baby here?"

Guan Tianyue looked around, and the situation was similar to the previous layers. He shook his head and said, "Guan doesn't think it's that simple!"

"Brother Jiang..." Xiao Hua said, "this should be the ninth floor of xuangui space, right?"

"Well, yes!" Jiang Meihua thought a little and nodded.

Xiao Hua raised his voice to offer sacrifices to all the daffodils, glanced at them and said, "we've got ninety-nine daffodils. It's about eleven on each floor."

"But there is no such thing as this last floor!" Guan Tianyue said with a smile.

"Ninety nine..." Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said in a low voice, "what's the connection between the nine levels of space?"

Lian Xiuyuan also stares at these daffodils, frowns tightly, then her eyes turn sharply, as if trying to recall something.

"I can't think of anything..." Jiang Meihua shook her head slightly and said, "I thought there would be 18 floors..."

"Narcissus, Narcissus, 99..." Lian Xiuyuan muttered to himself, and suddenly clapped his hands and said, "yes, ninety-nine Narcissus, and Xuan GUI, isn't that the river map?"

"River map?" Xiao Hua was stunned.

But Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue turned pale at the same time and said, "River map? How is that possible? "

"Why not?" Lian Xiuyuan said with a mysterious smile, "have you ever heard the legend of Hetu and Hebo?"

Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue look at each other and shake their heads.

"It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it..." Lian Xiuyuan explained, "it's said that this is a legend of the archaic times. It's just that an immortal came to our chaobi pavilion to drink and say that he made people laugh."

"Please teach me..." Jiang Meihua and others said seriously.

"In ancient times, there was a place called Huayin Tongxiang in the lower boundary of an immortal kingdom. There was a mortal named Feng Yi in it. He was uneasy about farming and wanted to become an immortal. He heard that people can turn into immortal body after drinking the juice of narcissus for 100 days. So I looked for Narcissus everywhere... "

“…… At that time, there was a big river flowing in the lower boundary. There was no fixed river course. It flowed everywhere and was often inundated. There are seven streams and eight channels on the ground, and the gullies and branches are all big rivers. Feng Yi Ran East and west to find daffodils. He often crossed, crossed and dealt with rivers. In the twinkling of an eye after ninety-nine days, and then find a narcissus, suck a day of Narcissus juice, you can become an immortal. Feng Yi is very proud, and across the river to a small village to find daffodils. The water here is not deep. Feng Yi waded across the river and reached the middle of the river. Suddenly, the river rose. In a panic, he slipped under his feet, fell into the river and was drowned alive... "

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The story of Hebo and Hetu, please Baidu, ha ha, no Daoyou guess?