Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 933

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming stops the flying boat and agrees to fly out. Xiao Hua whispers, "if I expect it to be true, this immortal puppet has a green light in the palm law palace. Ordinary immortal utensils will be restrained by the green light. Take the Xingyun sundial. The power of the stars and the moon should be able to resist the green light in the palm law!"

Zhou Xiaoming blinked and said, "I understand!"

While talking, Zhou Xiaoming patted himself on the top door and said, "boom..." With a loud sound, the sundial flew out. The nebula sundial doesn't look good. Even if Zhou Xiaoming raises his hand a little, there are stars pouring down on the nebula sundial to protect Zhou Xiaoming. Che Xiong's eyes can't help showing disappointment!

"Che Xianyou..." Xiaoxiangzi didn't think as much as Che Xiong. He looked at the man-made fairy puppet and cried out, "since there is only one fairy puppet, you and I will join hands with you and destroy it! There are senior Xiao on the left and right. We are not afraid of being attacked by other immortal puppets again! "

"All right!" Che Xiong nodded, patted the immortal mark in the center of his eyebrows, and with a loud "Keng", a golden light flew out. The immortal sword like a machete broke through the air and attacked the immortal puppet's right arm!

When Che Xiong moved, xiaoxiangzi didn't dare to neglect him. His body swayed, and a golden light and shadow rose up on his body surface. A tiger like lion fairy beast flew out. As soon as the fairy beast came out, a fist size flame immediately appeared around him. The flame swam around xiaoxiangzi's body rapidly, and for a moment, it turned into a war robe to protect xiaoxiangzi.

"Fight..." With a low roar, xiaoxiangzi raised his hand and flew out the xuanlongya, which was different from before. When xiaoxiangzi was urged by the immortal force, many dragon patterns came out of his body and turned into several black dragons, which rushed to the eyebrows of the human immortal puppet!

"Haw..." With a chuckle, the puppet seemed to despise their attack at all. When his right hand was raised, the ten foot long blue light fell off. The green light was covered with patterns, and the green filaments of grass and trees flickered in the patterns. The green light blocked chexiong's golden flying sword, "poof..." With a loud noise, the sword light has penetrated the blue light!

However, Che Xiong's face didn't look happy. On the contrary, he quickly changed his sword formula, and the sword light suddenly retracted. Sure enough, the sword light just penetrated through the green light, and the green light immediately condensed into bamboo like shapes. As soon as the bamboo like green light came out, the golden sword light immediately had no edge, and turned into a sword like virtual shadow and stagnated in the green light!

"Damn it Che Xiong knew that this was the old skill of the human immortal puppet, but he had no choice but to take advantage of the sword formula. The light of the sword on the machete was broken, and the appearance of the machete was revealed. Suddenly, he split into the neck of the human immortal puppet. As the cutlass passes by, the shadow of the cutlass is like waves. There are black and white textures between the shadow of the cutlass. The unspeakable roar also comes from the shadow of the cutlass!

At the same time, several black dragons from xiaoxiangzi's xuanlongya also rushed to imprison the head of the human immortal puppet!

"Haw..." A black hole suddenly opened on the face of the human immortal puppet, and a shrill voice came out from the black hole, "is this the same old trick? Do you think I have no brain? You've cut off my arm. How can I be fooled again? "

As he spoke, "boom..." The head and chest of the puppet suddenly burst apart, and two small puppets flew out of it. The two puppets were surrounded by two hands, and a book like green light was held between them!

"Poop, poop..." Chexiong's machete and xiaoxiangzi's black dragon fall into the book like blue light at the same time. In a flash of blue light, the black dragon turns into a dragon pattern and scatters. The light and shadow of the machete disappear and stagnates in the air.

Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong had expected the result, so they hurried away to urge the magic power. However, at this time, a sudden change occurred, "boom..." There were two dull sounds again, and the two arms under the armpit of the human immortal puppet came out at the same time, hitting them between the lightning and flint!

Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong's face changed greatly. When they fought with the immortal puppet before, the immortal puppet didn't have such a powerful means. How could they be so powerful?

The two arms of the immortal puppet suddenly appeared to be different from the previous arms. They were very solid inside, and there was a sharp wind roaring in the air. Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong had no doubt that if they were hit by the arms, the immortal Mark would be broken.

Without any hesitation, xiaoxiangzi and chexiong subconsciously opened the immortal mark between their eyebrows, and the two silver lights broke through the air and attacked the two arms. If an ordinary immortal's body meets the silver light, it must be broken. But the arm of the immortal puppet is different. When it touches the silver light, the silver light pierces the arm, but the spiral green light on the arm twines out like a snake. It spreads quickly towards the two immortal marks. Every inch of the green light spreads, the two immortal marks are annihilated by the silver light!

"Ah Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong screamed out of their souls. They really didn't expect that this immortal puppet would enter the country so much! Just a few breaths and they're in danger!

"Boom boom..." At this time, the sound and roar of the two people's heads suddenly rose. A nebula flashed and electric light fell. The place where the nebula fell was the arm of the human immortal puppet. The blue light vibrated rapidly in the twinkling of the star light, and the big and small slubs still came to meet.

"Poof..." The nebula broke through the air and smashed many bamboo knots, and the blue light towards xiaoxiangzi and chexiong immortal disappeared. Nebula castration does not reduce, "boom" a loud sound, once again hit on the two arms, the arms will be broken!

"Good!" Che Xiong couldn't help cheering. He couldn't close the immortal scar. With a wave of his right hand, his right arm turned into a machete and cleaved to the arm in front of him!"Poof..." The power of the stars and the moon of the nebula suppresses the green light on the arm of the immortal puppet. Chexiong's machete can easily split the arm of the immortal puppet.

Although chexiong saw the opportunity quickly, xiaoxiangzi did not give up. He opened his mouth and spewed out a flame. In the flame, the head of the immortal beast, which was like a tiger or a lion, condensed and roared to the other arm. As soon as the arm touched the flame, it immediately started to burn, with a "click" sound. The arm fell like glass in the flame, and the flame still turned into a phantom, and the animal head rushed towards the human puppet. It was extremely fierce!

"Good!" Seeing this, xiaoxiangzi couldn't help laughing. Qingguang, the palm rhythm of the human shaped immortal puppet, was their most taboo. As long as the Xingyun sundial of Zhou Xiaoming could resist the Qingguang, their hope of killing the immortal puppet was greatly increased!

His arms were broken, and he immediately gave out "chirp..." The sound of the sound, it sounds very desolate, like pain to the extreme!

"Kill..." With a low roar and a lift of his right hand, Zhou Xiaoming's sundial is so powerful that he pours on the face of the puppet!

"Haw..." The human immortal puppet was so anxious that he screamed with a big mouth, "boom..." Countless bloody gravel congealed into a block to fall!

"Puff, puff, puff..." The falling sand can't stop the sundial half a minute, but the reddish brown spots left by the broken sand corrode the star light of the sundial!

"Damn it Zhou Xiaoming just sacrificed the Xingyun sundial and saw that the starlight had been corroded. Naturally, he was very distressed. With a low scold, he was about to urge xianjue to take back the Xingyun sundial. Suddenly, he found that the reddish brown spot not only corroded the starlight, but also isolated himself from the Xingyun sundial.

"This What kind of puppet is this Zhou Xiaoming was so shocked that he cried out, "two fairy friends, please help me..."

"Easy to say!" Che Xiong answers, raises his hand and grabs it. The sword machete, which was previously imprisoned by zhanglv Qingguang, flies back and splits into the neck of the human immortal puppet again. Xiaoxiangzi in another place has already turned into a streamer and flashed behind the human immortal puppet. The flames around him condense into animal heads and follow xuanlongya to the immortal puppet

Xiao Hua didn't do anything. He squinted and stood in the air, watching Zhou Xiaoming, Xiao Xiangzi and Che Xiong fight with the puppet. At the same time, he secretly released Yannian to guard against the attack of other puppets mentioned by Xiao Xiangzi.

However, after a bag of smoke, Xiao Hua was surprised to see that the three men were fighting with the puppets, and the puppets were all down, and there were still no puppets flying out.

He thought for a moment, raised his hand and patted it gently. He opened a slit in his eyes. When he looked at the fairy puppet, he was stunned!

"This This fairy puppet Why is it so weird? "

However, in the eyes of powang, the immortal puppet is not a single figure, but a human figure formed by hundreds of thousands of strands of blue light. Among the human figures, there are two slightly smaller human figures between the chest, abdomen and right leg, which are coagulating. What surprised Xiao Hua in particular was that under the light red ground, a stream of blue light poured into the body of the human immortal puppet, as if it were repairing the human immortal puppet.

Xiao Hua had practiced puppet art in the world, and he was even very proficient in it. But when he got to the immortal world, he didn't dabble in it any more. Especially when he saw the real immortals using the immortal puppets to descend to the gods several times, he was disgusted with the immortal puppets. So he didn't have the desire to practice the immortal puppet art in the immortal world, and he didn't know what kind of existence the immortal puppets were!

Now, seeing that the immortal puppet was so powerful that he could resist the three leaky immortals, and that the immortal puppet had a special skill of repairing, Xiao Hua suddenly said, "are these plant-shaped immortal puppets the essence of the immortal puppet? Is it the condensation, fusion, or phagocytosis of these vegetation like puppets? The puppets xiaoxiangzi had seen before were actually the two hidden in the puppets? "

"The plant shaped immortal puppet should be similar to the plant shaped human refined by yiyuanzi. It has more attack power than wit. However, watching the puppet fight against the three immortals, the wisdom of the puppet is not as good as that of the real immortal. In other words, how smart is the plant shaped puppet

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua grabs at a low altitude and "brushes" several green lights flying out of the bloody desert. Aren't they just some grass like fairy puppets?

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It's strange. What kind of immortal puppet is it? It seems that it's much more powerful than the ordinary immortal puppets in the fairyland. Is it Wei Sheng's means?