Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 926

After that, all the 64 islands became the familiar dome of Xiao Hua, and the Zihuan island in the center flashed with dazzling dark gold. Without waiting for Xiao Hua to see clearly, "boom..." Zihuan Island pulled up from the sea, straight up into the sky, the spiral waves that used to be connected between the islands, now like a chain, put the 64 Huanyu up, and Shengsheng pulled them up from the sea!

It's only half a cup of tea time, and another dome of sea water condensation is formed. The high Zihuan island is shining with dark gold. It looks so bright!

"Qian'er, qian'er..." In the light of the dark gold, purple imperial concubine's excited voice came, "boom..." With the sound, two purple gold pillars fall out of thin air and cover the two axes on Xiao Hua's hands!

Xiao Hua, however, feels that his whole body is a little bright and light. He has got a colorful place!

When Xiao Hua looked closely, it was different from Zihuan Island, but it was a huge palace with elegant layout.

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, the ghost of purple imperial concubine had already come out and cried out to Xiao Hua: "qian'er, it's Is that you? "

With the sound of "qian'er", Xiao Hua's heart would be broken. But in such a short time, the soul of purple imperial concubine has been too thin. The purple imperial concubine standing in front of Xiao Hua has only a little figure.

"Qian'er, qian'er..." Purple imperial concubine can't hear voice, don't feel big urgent, continuously shout, but that voice is low again pitifully.

"Master..." Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly offered his axe and carefully said, "I'm not chongyunqian in your mouth. I just saw him in Wangchuan. Then I know that he is the qianer you are looking for in Zihuan island sea market..."

"Ah?" Purple imperial concubine listened to big urgent, surprised way, "he How did he get to Wangchuan? "

"Master..." Seeing purple imperial concubine's exclamation, Xiao Hua quickly said, "don't worry, your spirit is about to dissipate. I'd better listen to you first..."

"Good..." Purple imperial concubine's almost invisible face, the expression is anxious like burning, obviously the concern of the whole life lets her not be able to let go.

"I've come to forget Sichuan, and I see a wandering soul..." Then Xiao Hua tells the story he made up when he came here. He doesn't remember the incident of forgetting Sichuan. He can only guess what happened by the handwriting engraved on the axe by chongyunqian and Chen Xiaoyun's words. Naturally, he can't tell the story about himself and the fairy, nor can he tell the story about Yuanxing deity. But Zifei only wants to know chongyunqian's whereabouts, and she doesn't want to know anything else, Hearing that chongyunqian had fallen into a conspiracy, Zifei really gritted her teeth, but she still endured it. At last, Xiao Hua hesitated. She couldn't help asking, "no I don't know the boy in my palace... "

In fact, on the way, Xiao Hua has already thought about how to make the story round. After all, there are not many inscriptions on the axe, even worse than the dark leaves, so Xiao Hua has no idea where chongyunqian went in the end. However, seeing that purple imperial concubine was like this, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I've come back from forgetting Sichuan by chance. I've already forgotten about forgetting Sichuan. If I hadn't left a message on the axe, I wouldn't have known that he was what I said. So I can't answer your old question... "

"Alas..." Purple imperial concubine sighs, whole body outline is dim again 3.

Xiao Hua said in a hurry: "but if you think about it, master Chong is the famous ghost of forgetting Sichuan. It's not clear on the axe. Since master Chong has taken you to Wushang mountain, you must have a way out! Master Chong's body is broken and his spirit is still there. Of course, he can reincarnate! "

"Ha ha, great..." There are many flaws in Xiao Hua's words, but how can the purple imperial concubine distinguish at this time? When she looked at the axe, her eyes were full of love, as if she saw chongyunqian.

Xiao Hua watched purple imperial concubine disappear. He thought to himself that he already had a worry in his heart. Since he can send the arms of blood color Guanyin and the ten color flowers into the space, he will not watch chongyunqian's spirit disappear. Most likely, he will also enter the space. So he whispered, "master, if you can..."

Xiao Hua originally wanted to ask Zifei if she could be put into her own space. But Zifei looked up and laughed brightly: "you've done a good job. This is what our palace promised you. Here you are..."

"No..." Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand, but his words just said, "whoosh..." Between purple imperial concubine's eyebrows, a purple light mark falls to Xiao Hua's eyebrows like an arrow!

As soon as Xiao Hua's eyebrows were raised, Yannian swept out. When he saw that it was just some crystal silk, he didn't stop it. Crystal silk touched Xiao Hua's eyebrows, and a voice came out in his mind: "listen to the sky snow, the glass world..."

Then there is a series of obscure formula!

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was in a daze, just about to ask again, the ghost of purple imperial concubine completely dissipated, a "qian'er" fell in the air.

Xiao Hua quickly released the netherworld force, rolled up the remains of the Purple Princess and sent them to the dark side of the space. As for whether he could reincarnate, Xiao Hua didn't know.

"Boom..." The ghost of purple imperial concubine has just disappeared. In the water wave around, more than ten water columns burst out of the air. The water column shot in front of Xiao Hua and condensed into Huanji's shape. Huanji looked up and down, bowed and said with a smile, "I thank Xianyou on behalf of purple imperial concubine. Fortunately, Xianyou came in time, otherwise, I'm afraid she will leave with regret!""You're welcome!" Xiao Hua hastened to return the salute, "I happen to be a coincidence. It's nothing!"

"When did Xianyou take part in Zihuan island sea market? Why don't I have any impression? "

Xiao Hua lightly replied: "I'm the Zihuan island sea market that I took part in when I passed by Chenxiao sea last time. Because I came and went in a hurry, I didn't have any preparation. But I stayed in Yinjing sea for a while, and I didn't bid for anything. I made Huanji laugh."

"Alas..." Huan Ji sighed and said, "don't blame me for being careful. It's really hard for Zifei Niang to persist for so many years, so she made arrangements after her last visit to Zihuan island. She was afraid that she could not persist until the news of qianer came, so she told her to do something. I just saw that my mother didn't tell you anything. I'm afraid I need to be more careful! "

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua has a good impression on Huan Ji and says with a smile.

Huanji raised her hand and said with a smile, "can Xianyou show me qianer's axe?"

"Of course Without any hesitation, Xiao Hua hands the axe to Huan Ji.

Huan Ji took a little look and said with a smile: "it's rare that qian'er is still thinking about purple concubine. She has gone through all kinds of hardships to climb Wushang mountain. It seems that what Xianyou said should be true!"

"I'm just guessing!" Xiao Hua didn't have the slightest secret and replied, "after all, I can't remember what happened in forgetting Sichuan!"

"Well, well!" Huanji nodded and said with a smile, "if you are a gentleman, you can afford to be a fairy friend."

"I don't deserve it!" Xiao Hua answers quickly and modestly.

"Xianyou..." Huanji looked at the axe in her hand and asked, "this axe is owned by my son of Zihuan state. Can I stay in Zihuan island?"

"Of course, of course!" Huan Ji's request is very normal, Xiao Hua originally planned to return this thing to purple imperial concubine.

"Thank you very much Huanji took the axe, and a light purple petal came out of her mouth. She said, "the Xie Yi that the purple lady presented to Xianyou is at the place that the lady told you. This thing is also for Xianyou. It should be useful there. As for how to use it, I don't know!"

Xiao Hua had scratched his head for the formula of the purple concubine. Seeing the light purple petals, he suddenly lifted his hand and said with a smile, "thank you so much, fairy!"

"Alas..." Huan Ji's face didn't look happy. She sighed and said, "Lady purple has gone. I have no one else to accompany me. How lonely I should be in the future..."

With Huanji's voice landing, "boom boom..." Continuous sound from her body, a graceful body burst into several pieces of water, and then "whoosh" fell into the surrounding water.

And then, "buzz..." Zihuan Island vibrated, a circle of dark gold light and shadow blooming, this light and shadow pushed Xiao Hua out of Zihuan Island, immediately with spiral sea water plummeting!

Xiao Hua gets out of Zihuan Island, and Yannian sweeps in the distance. It's obvious that there are three clansmen from chenxiaohai. Xiao Hua doesn't want to meet them and urges his body to fly away.

It was the Xianwei of Xiaojian clan who was able to get close to someone. They were all happy to hear that someone had come to qianer, and they rushed to summon him. About half an hour later, the three clan heads of chenxiaohai flew together.

"Boom..." Without waiting for the three clan leaders to stand still, the dark golden pillar of light on Zihuan island rises to the sky. Huanji steps out of the cloud and says with a smile, "congratulations to the three clan leaders. The agreement between Zifei Niang and chenxiaohai is over at this time. From now on, Zihuan Island belongs to the three clan!"

Lu Miao, the head of the Yuchen clan, looked around and asked in a low voice, "mother, she's old..."

"Thank you for your concern!" Huanji said with a smile, "Lady purple has returned to Jiuquan..."

"Well What are you doing Zhao Chong, the head of Xiaojian clan, asks tentatively.

Huan Ji light answer way: "come person alone with purple imperial concubine Niang explain, I body didn't get Niang Niang's permission, didn't wait beside!"

Long Xiao, the head of the Longren tribe, said with a smile: "since the wish of zifeiniang has been fulfilled, the fairy can be regarded as a relief. If the fairy is willing, Zihuan island will always be the home of the fairy!"

"Alas..." Huan Ji looked around and sighed, "I've been with my mother for a long time. It's over. I want to go out for a walk..."

"Where is the fairy going?" Lu Miao said with a smile, "I am accompanied by my disciples in the clan!"

"No need!" Huanji gently smile, raised her hand to send a purple gold fairy to the three patriarchs, said, "I have my own place, this purple Huandao to you!"

"Thank you, fairy..." The three patriarchs were overjoyed.

Huanji waved to them and went away!

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The cause and effect of Zihuan island is finally over!