Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 915

"Great goodness!" The Taoist master's eyes fell on Jiang Meihua's eyebrows and praised him. With the voice of the Taoist master, Jiang Meihua's eyes were distorted and turned into hundreds of millions of sword shadows. Then the Taoist master grasped them with his right hand, and the hundreds of millions of light and shadow turned into hundreds of millions of light spots and condensed into a light and shadow like a flying sword. The Taoist master explored his hand and rowed through space and time, just like the will of heaven and earth Falling on Jiang Meihua's head, the sword shadow, which seems to be bigger than the sky, turns into the size of a thumb and melts with the staple food finger of Tao, and falls towards the center of Jiang Meihua's eyebrows!

"The Taoist master engraved Engrave "immortal mark" Jiang Meihua is stupid. He is a two Qi immortal. He has long experienced the leakage of the immortal mark engraved by daozun. Seeing the similar situation again, he can't figure it out again, "how can the Taoist master carve the immortal mark in the enlightenment mainland? I Isn't my immortal mark broken long ago? "

Jiang Meihua is doubted, but he has no power to fight back against the Taoist. The staple food finger of the Taoist falls, and Jiang Meihua's mind is pierced by a flying sword, "boom..." With a huge shock, countless sword shadows came out in his mind. Jiang Meihua has a splitting headache and almost screams.

However, without waiting for him to scream, in the mysterious meaning of the sword light, a virtual shadow was born, which was exactly the same as the remnant stele in the outline of the Taoist master. The voice of the Taoist master came from the virtual shadow of the remnant stele: "I'm very happy that you have successfully practiced your Dharma. Your seal is the first time in the immortal realm, and I'm even more happy. Now I've come to engrave the seal for you, and there is a mystery of my orthodoxy in it. I'll come to you to understand it, know my heart, and pass on my skills..."

"This What does that mean? " A few words from the Taoist priest made Jiang Meihua more confused, "Tao Daoyin? For the first time in Xianyu? "The mystery of Taoism"

In Jiang Meihua's confusion, the voice of the Taoist master was dim, and the body shape of the Taoist master turned into the light of the Taoist sword. In the space of the sword pillar, all the swords fell into the four sword pillars and disappeared, "boom, boom..." When the four sword pillars roar and disappear into the void again, the four empty shadows turn into sword light and stab from all directions, such as Jiang Meihua's Taoist seal in the center of eyebrows. It's originally eight trigrams, and the Taoist mark gradually turns into sword shape!

Don't know how long, Jiang Meihua sober, he incredible look around.

Jiang Meihua is still surrounded by deep-sea darkness, the sea is closed without waves, where is the lightsaber pole?

However, when Jiang Meihua patted her eyebrow and said, "boom" in the light and shadow rotation of the eight trigrams, thousands of sword lights swam like fish, and the breath of the two immortals came out from inside!

"No?" Jiang Meihua's mouth can't be closed. He abandoned the immortal baby and broke the immortal scar that day. He just woke up. Although he didn't have time to explore, he realized that his strength didn't decline. This has made him overjoyed. But now he has made great progress after exploring. How can he not be surprised?

"Poof..." Jiang Meihua hit himself on the top door with his backhand and "roared" but saw that there was an earthy yellow light column on his head. Within the light column, a unicorn shadow that was not solid flew out of the sky. He raised his head and roared, and the water emptied instantly!

"This This... " Jiang Meihua really cried with joy. He lost his voice and said, "this dharma phase of a certain family has actually condensed?"

However, not only that, when Jiang Meihua looked up at Qilin's shadow, there were dragon patterns all over Jiang Meihua's body. A clearly visible dragon totem appeared on his body. As soon as the Dragon appeared, Jiang Meihua's immortal body "hummed" and "roared", the sound of the Dragon howled from the dragon totem, and the majestic dragon power roared from Jiang Meihua And out!

Jiang Meihua is totally stupid!

After a cup of tea, he suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "Xiao Hua! He What did he do to a family? "

It was not until then that Jiang Meihua realized the meaning of Xiao Hua taking out the Haotian mirror and asking him to practice together. But at this time, where can Jiang Meihua find Xiao Hua again?

Xiao Hua saw that he had fallen into the sea of dust, and immediately urged the art of light escape. He saw thousands of blue lights in front of his head like snow. He stepped into one of them at will, and his body turned into a blue light, and rowed hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles away.

Xiao Hua got out of Guangdun and read it four times. He said in his heart: "it's as quiet as a virgin, and it's as moving as a rabbit. It's a million miles away in a flash. That's the real skill of Guangdun. Praise it!"

Then Xiao Hua put down the star array in the capital, and then offered a sacrifice to the Chenxiang Dan mansion. He urged his body to hide in it, which slightly urged the skill of stepping on the Shenque, allowing the mysterious light of the immortal to fall into the body surface, turning into the immortal power, and his mind into a jade ultimatum. Xiao Hua entered the space.

"How?" Yu Ji Wu had been waiting in the void for a long time. When he saw Xiao Hua coming in alone, he said with a smile, "doesn't Jiang Meihua want to stay here?"

Xiao Hua shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile, "I'm just an immortal in his eyes, and I'm still an immortal baby. Jiang Meihua is an immortal. How can people stay? I can't reveal to him the power of space. Naturally, he has left. "

"That's fate!" The witch said with a smile, "I don't know how many joys and sorrows I've seen in the world of ten thousand demons. I've learned the word fate for a long time."

"Oh, yes!" Looking at the witch, Xiao Hua said, "it's good for Jiang Meihua to say that after all, he has a chance, and he also has a history. He will make great achievements in the future. What worries me most is Shuo Bing. I was rescued by her as soon as I set foot in the fairyland, and then all kinds of things became causes and effects. I know that I can help her get rid of the disaster in a moment, but I just can't do it. "The witch said with a smile: "the disaster in your eyes is not necessarily the sharpening of the new ice. Is the way of heaven and fortune you and I can measure now?"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and immediately stroked his hand and said with a smile, "I'm a fairy friend. Huang Tong, a Taoist friend, has gone through many vicissitudes. Now there are more witches and Taoist friends who have traversed all kinds of states in the world. I'm very lucky!"

The yudiewu said solemnly, "a Taoist friend is a poor one, and a poor one is also a Taoist friend. In this way, why should a Taoist friend be polite? Daoyou, you'd better go to sacrifice and refine wanxianlu first! More than a hundred fairy babies are waiting to be fed! "

"Crying for food?" Xiao Hua was stunned. He immediately laughed and said, "ha ha, that's right!"

With that, Xiao Hua waved his hand and wanxianlu fell into his hands. At this time, wanxianlu was like a book. Between the purple and gold veins on the cover of the book, the purple and gold characters "wanxianlu" flashed, and the incomparable dignity came out of the tadpole text.

"No matter what!" The witch squinted at wanxianlu and said faintly, "this elegant book is actually a cage for suppressing the spirits of real immortals!"

"Yes Xiao Hua said, "the appearance of grace can't cover up the essence of bloody darkness. Even the more you whitewash the peaceful things, the more ferocious you can reveal the truth!"

After Xiao Hua finished, his body got out of the space, and then the immortal record, which had fallen into the void, was taken away by the invisible hand.

Wanxianlu fell in front of Xiao Hua, with a bang, the purple light band and the golden light column immediately came out, and the whole Chenxiang Danfu was covered with light,

"it's really an ancient murder weapon!" Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help praising himself. Then he bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood essence fell on it!

"Hum..." Without waiting for the blood essence to fall on the records of ten thousand immortals, the records of ten thousand immortals will regenerate and change. Countless purple and gold spots will come out of the purple light belt and golden light column like fish scales, and stand in front of the blood essence, obviously to prevent Xiao Hua from sacrificing and refining the records of ten thousand immortals.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was stunned. It was the first time that he saw such a strange ancient immortal. He said in secret, "if so, even if an ordinary immortal gets the immortal record, he is afraid that he can't control it. It seems that Xiao needs other means!"

Wanxianlu so, Xiao Hua's blood essence is more powerful, purple gold stains just block in front of blood essence, "ow..." The blood essence turns into a demon killing figure and rushes into the spot with a roar, instantly devouring the color of purple and gold!

"I'll go..." It's Xiao Hua's turn to be surprised, "when is Xiao's blood essence so fierce? With the nature of killing demons, can Xiao's blood essence devour all the immortals in the fairyland

Blood essence falls into wanxianlu, and some trivial fluctuations rush out from wanxianlu, raising a little blood light and bone shadow. Xiao Hua dares not neglect the hand pinching immortal formula, and begins to sacrifice. However, when dexianli had just fallen into wanxianlu, a strong force of counter attack rushed into Xiao Hua's body!

"Hum..." There is no need to be urged by Xiao Hua, the immortal mark between the eyebrows will open automatically, and the green and red light columns will fall on the immortal record!

"Boom..." Wanxianlu in Guangzhu is like a wild animal that has not been tamed. It has gone up and down wildly. In Xiao Hua's present state, it can't be suppressed in any case!

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds a low, the mind moves into the space.

"How?" Seeing Xiao Hua come in empty handed again, the witch seems to understand something and asks with a smile.

"It's just an immortal weapon. It's so hard to refine!" Xiao Hua's heart moved, and he passed on the situation of sacrificing and refining ten thousand immortals to the witch.

The witch laughed and said, "if you can even refine a little Qi fairy, how can this immortal weapon be an ancient weapon to imprison a real immortal?"

"That's true!" Xiaohua nods and looks at Xumishan, which he still can't feel!

"Ha ha, Daoyou have a heart!" Seeing this, the witch said with a smile, "heaven and man should be able to use the means of Dao you."

"Ha ha..." Yudie Tianren's laughter rang out, his body did not come back, but wanmietiandou appeared in front of yudie Xiaohua.

Like Pangu's axe, wanmietiandou is a magic weapon used by yudie Tianren and yudie. Xiaohua usually doesn't use it easily. If you really want to use it, Xiao Hua will explain it in advance.

"Thank you, Daoyou!" Xiaohua, the jade ultimatum, comes out of the space with wanmietiandou.

The fierce and murderous spirit immediately swept through the Chenxiang Danfu, which forced wanxianlu's tyranny to be restrained!

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At last, he began to sacrifice and refine ten thousand immortals. This is the first time that Xiao Hua tried his best to get the immortal utensils in the fairyland!