Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 897

"Why is there only Shichuan Zuli?" Chongyunqian explained, "forgetting Sichuan is under the control of shechuan Shuai Yong. He has seven shechuan generals under his command, guarding seven places respectively. As far as I know, Shichuan, who guards the Ming array, is called Liao. He has 18 Shichuan soldiers under him. Normally, eight Shichuan soldiers take turns to watch the Ming array. Today, you and I killed Shichuan soldier Li. Why don't the other seven Shichuan soldiers come here? What's more, once there was a problem in the dark array, but it was just a moment to take photos. Shuai Chuan came from Naihe bridge. This time, the dark array was broken. Why didn't he see him? "

"Master Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "it's easy for you and me to join hands to kill shechuan's soldiers, but it's hard to kill shechuan's general. If there is shechuan's commander coming, you and I can only arrest him. Since he doesn't come, it's too late for you and me to be happy. Why don't you care if he doesn't come? Let's go, let's go. Maybe there's a distinguished guest in shechuan Shuai's house. He's leading the generals to serve wine at home! "

"That's it, that's it..." Chongyunqian also nodded his head. He didn't dare to think about it any more and urged his body to rush to Wushang mountain.

It's not too far from Wushang mountain to suppress the bloody Guanyin's arms, but it's very far to fly to Wushang mountain, especially when Xiao Hua and Chong Yunqian are afraid that there will be another shechuan after them, so they are in a hurry.

However, there was a great repulsive force on Wushang mountain in front of Dang De, and a blazing heat came like a flame, and no pursuers came.

"Could it be that..." Xiao Hua felt a little strange, but he still fluke way, "those Yin soldiers are afraid of being beaten, even dare not summon?"

Xiao Hua didn't know whether the Yin soldiers dare, but he knew that he was afraid of Wushang mountain. It was like the towering mountain was so majestic that he didn't dare to approach it.

There is also the unspeakable heat, straight burning Xiao Hua, unspeakable dry mouth from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart! However, Xiao Hua just urged Zhang Jiuquan's mental skill, and the most soft and hard repulsive force rolled up, even if he held up Ruyi stick, he could not resist it!

"Damn it Xiao Hua had no choice but to withdraw the mental method.

"Don't worry..." Chongyunqian seemed to feel Xiao Hua's mood, turned his head and said with a smile, "it's coming soon!"

"It's coming soon?" Xiao Hua looked at Wushang mountain, which seemed to be close at hand, but in fact it was very far away. He was a little surprised.

But chongyunqian didn't explain. He just waved and turned to another direction of Wushang mountain.

Sure enough, with the direction of a turn, although the kind of hot still, but no cast repulsive force instantly reduced a lot. Chongyunqian flew more than a hundred miles, but his body fell down. He turned to have a look, walked more than a hundred feet, and then split his axe on the ground with a bang.

The ground broke, and two rusty bronze armor came out. Chongyunqian pointed to a piece of armor and said, "it's cheap. Put it on quickly..."

Then chongyunqian took another armor and put it on.

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and Yiyan also wore it, "boom..." As soon as the armor touched the surface of Xiao Hua's body, a group of ancient bronze glowed on the armor, which looked like a flame.

This shining place, not to mention the disappearance of the heat, is that the repulsive force is also greatly reduced!

"From then on..." Chongyunqian warned, "forget Sichuan's skill must not be urged, otherwise you will be pushed out by Wushang mountain. Everything before will turn into a bubble, and you will be hanged directly by the vital qi of the heavy!"

"Yes, I understand!" Xiao Hua's heart a Lin, hastily reply a way.

Since they can't activate the skill, Xiao Hua and chongyunqian can only walk towards Wushang mountain.

About half an hour later, the yellow sun set and the lavender moon rose. Chongyunqian looked around and laughed.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua doesn't understand, some alert of ask a way.

"Here we are..." Chongyunqian looked back, pointed to the distance and said, "even if the photographer comes, I won't be afraid of him!"

"Oh Xiao Hua understood and nodded, "I know that this place must be close to Wushang mountain. The vitality of Yang has been strong. Although shechuan Shuai is powerful, he doesn't dare to get here easily!"

"Good, good!" Chongyunqian nodded, patted his armor and said, "if it were not for this archaic immortal armor, you and I would not have been here!"

"Archean beetle?" Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said in a low voice, "since you can get the Archean armor, you can't say that shechuan Shuai can, too!"

"Oh, it's good..." Chongyunqian woke up and cried, "let's go! As long as you step on Wushang mountain, Shuai Shichuan will not dare to come here. "

After another hundred miles, Xiao Hua began to struggle. After all, this Archean immortal armor could not completely resist the attack of shengzhili for Xiao Hua.

"Trouble!" Xiao Hua was a little depressed. Looking at Wushang mountain not far away, he said in secret, "don't I even have the chance to step on Wushang mountain?"

In front of Xiao Hua's head, chongyunqian walked with ease. From time to time, he looked back at Xiao Hua, but he also took care of him. At this time, when he looked back, he saw that Xiao Hua was walking very slowly. He stopped and said, "although you are a living soul, you already have the spirit of the nether world. I'm afraid it's not easy to set foot on Wushang mountain.""You Ming Yin Qi?" Xiao Hua's heart moved, thinking of what Liu Yanyu said, but Liu Yanyu told Xiao Hua not to inhale a trace of the dark Yin Qi, as long as he took the crystal to practice.

"Master first..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "younger generation, think about the countermeasures!"

"Well!" Chongyunqian subconsciously looked at Xiao Hua's back and nodded, "I can't do anything to stay here, so I'll do you and I'll explore the way before!"

"Thank you, master!" Xiao Hua arched at chongyun Qian and sat down with his knees crossed.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua slowly urged Zhang Jiuquan's skill. Sure enough, the great repulsive force of his whole life poured out, and Shengsheng pushed Xiao Hua into the air!

Hearing the news, Chong Yunqian looked back at Xiao Hua, shook his head with a bitter smile, and then went without looking back.

Xiao Hua was in the air, not in a hurry. With the realization of the law of water flowing through his mind, the water lines on the surface of his body began to rotate, introverted, and then turned into gossamer to swim on the Archean beetle. For a moment, the dark power in the water lines and the masculinity on the Archean beetle gradually balanced, and Xiao Hua's body shape floated down like a leaf.

After Xiao Hua's feet fall to the ground, the Yin and Yang power in his body has been balanced, and the power of the nether world, which Wushang mountain taboo, has been covered by Shengsheng!

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua really admired his tact. He praised him, and the ethereal steps at his feet made him chase chongyunqian's back.

Chongyunqian rushed to Wushang mountain. When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he looked around. Just as he was about to find a mountain road, Xiao Hua's voice came from behind: "wait for me, elder..."

"Ah?" Chongyunqian was surprised. When he looked around, he saw Xiao Hua's feet gently on the ground, and his body was like a floating chase. Not to mention the wind, there was no sound of footsteps.

"You..." Chongyunqian looked around Xiao Hua and didn't see anything special. He couldn't help asking, "how do you cover up the spirit?"

"The way of yin and Yang and the way of balance." Xiao Hua hesitated and said.

"You Are you a real fairy Chongyun Qian turned pale and said, "this Isn't that possible? "

"I'm not a real immortal!" Xiao Hua explained, "I just know a little about these two rules."

"Just, just..." Chongyunqian waved his hand and said, "if you don't understand these rules, it's useless for you to explain. Since you can resist the power of Wushang mountain, let's go up the mountain quickly!"

With that, chongyunqian turned and set foot on Wushang mountain.

"Wu..." However, a red halo of 9981 rushed out of Wushang mountain and immediately disappeared into chongyunqian's body. However, there was a sharp copper light on chongyunqian's body, which immediately appeared like the virtual shadow of chongjia's ancestors! However, after the shadow was dyed by the red halo, it slowly shrank into chongyunqian's body, and chongyunqian quickly walked up the mountain road of Wushang mountain.

When Xiao Hua saw this, he knew the reason. He hastened to stir his heart a little, and the flame of the dark crystal in the spiral inside the body rolled out slowly with the flow of water and light on the body surface.

"Whoosh..." Xiao Hua steps on Wushang mountain, the hot halo goes into the needle. Xiao Hua takes a deep breath, and the flame of Mingjing rushes out. Xiao Hua doesn't have chongyunqian's stability, so he flies long ago. However, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Hua has formed a balance between the light and shadow of Wushang mountain and the flame of Mingjing, and his body shape falls down again.

"You You're amazing Chongyunqian couldn't help praising.

"Master, please..." Xiao Hua was a little proud and raised his hand to indicate, "when we get back to the fairyland, I'll invite you to drink wine!"

Xiao Hua is right. Although he doesn't remember anything, he picked a lot of dark fruit in forgetchuan. This is what lianqingyuan needs. It can definitely exchange a lot of immortal wine.

"Alas..." Chongyunqian couldn't help sighing and climbed towards the top of Wushang mountain!

Xiao Hua said in his heart, "is it Wushang mountain Not as simple as I thought? "

The wishful stick in Xiao Hua's hand can't help tightening a little.

However, to Xiao Hua's surprise, although he was extremely vigilant, there was no abnormality for more than a hundred miles, except for the sharp pain of the halo under his feet.

"Maybe..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the mountain where he could hardly see the top. "Wushang mountain is the intersection of yin and Yang. It's a common dark beast..."

As soon as Xiao Hua thought of this place, he suddenly slipped, as if the halo had turned into greasy. Xiao Hua was unprepared, and his whole body fell down the mountain

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I'm afraid it's not so easy to cross Wushang mountain! I hope Xiao Hua has a safe trip