Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 895

Chongyunqian went on to say: -- Xin Mi said that there was no Guanyin Bodhisattva in the south of the Buddhist kingdom who was suppressed by the underworld. The secret map was sent by Guanyin Bodhisattva by chance. Bao was very excited. He preached to me the merits of rescuing Nanwu Guanyin Bodhisattva, which made me very excited. So I agreed with Bao to go to the secret place to save Nanwu's golden body. Of course, as my son, I can't be far away from Zihuan. It's the limit to get there with Bao. After thinking about it, I think it's an opportunity for me. I leave my mother and father a Moxian pupil. I just say that the palace is boring. I want to go my own way, so I leave the palace. I just want to give my mother and father a surprise after saving the golden body of Nanwu Guanyin Bodhisattva, but I didn't expect that Mitu would send me and Bao to forget Sichuan all at once! "

"Is this the place?" Xiao Hua asks curiously, but his heart is like a sea of water. Although he has just fallen into the virtual shadow of bloody Guanyin for a short time, countless lights and shadows come out of his mind. There are so many messages in the lights and shadows that his brain still feels swollen. While chongyun and Qianlong were talking, Xiao Hua kept on thinking about what to find from the light and shadow. Unfortunately, there was nothing special except some miscellaneous Buddhist mental methods. But there was a feeling in Xiao Hua's heart that the light and shadow absolutely contained the secret of blood Guanyin.

"Yes, here it is!" Where does chongyunqian know what Xiaohua thinks? He said maliciously, "it's a pity that I was young at that time. I only thought it was a secret place. Besides, I was protected by Baoxian ware. I didn't pay attention to the Yin Qi of the nether world. I didn't know it was forgetting Sichuan! When I saw that there was a sculpture of my ancestors in the temple, I was overjoyed and thought it was the voice of my ancestors. It's a pity that after we entered the underworld array, Bao Yu fell down, and my body was destroyed. I only escaped from the spirit. Later, I met a soldier named shechuan who came after hearing the news. After I was arrested, I knew that this was forgetting Chuan. Then shechuan would appear. He asked me about my origin and sighed after seeing the blood tablet. He said that I and Bao were deceived. There was a gold body of Guanyin Bodhisattva in this secret place, but the gold body was stained with blood. In this secret place, there were dark array and immortal array to suppress the gold body of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The purpose was to borrow it The power of yin and Yang washes the golden body of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Then he let me go and took me to explore here. "

Speaking of this, Chong Yunqian once again scolded: "damn shechuan general, he cheated me too, so that I saw the virtual golden body of Guanyin Bodhisattva with only arms. Of course, he had some doubts, but he still pretended that the golden body of Guanyin Bodhisattva was eroded by blood color. As long as the blood color can be expelled, the golden body can be restored, and the merits can be boundless! He also sighed that he was instructed by the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, to set up the array here just to hide people's eyes and ears. Now I've leaked the news, which makes him extremely embarrassed! In shame, I volunteered to help him guard the underworld formation here. Who knows, I just stayed in the blood light for a short time, and my arms were stained with blood color, and I couldn't get rid of it! Even if I want to leave, I can't fly too far... "

“…… It's not until you break the sculpture of your ancestors and I'm taken away by the light column of the sculpture that I know that my body is not broken at all, but is refined by them to suppress bloody Guanyin. They want to use my blood to find me!!! If you think so, then Bao Li, who fell in the nether world, will never fall. I was cheated by them

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed and asked, "master, I don't think there must be only one son in Zihuan King's room?"

"Damn it Chongyunqian was angry and said, "don't you believe me?"

"No, no..." Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and said, "it's not that the younger generation doesn't believe it, it's It's the younger generation who thinks that if Bao lie, it's better to cheat more. I'm afraid it's not easy to suppress your blood essence alone. "

"Hum..." Chong Yun Qian snorted coldly, "what do you know? I am the only son of Zihuan Kingdom, and I have the purest blood in the royal family, which is It's hard to meet in a million years! "

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed, not only for chongyun Qian's misfortune, but also for his temper.

"Why?" Chongyunqian was unhappy again and asked, "do you think I'm exaggerating?"

"No, no..." Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm thinking, oh, what's the matter with that Fairy Spirit? How can she be in the shadow of bloody Guanyin? "

Speaking of Liu Yanzhen, chongyunqian was puzzled. He shook his head and said, "I don't know. The spirit of this fairy appears suddenly. When it touches the blood light, it immediately enters the virtual shadow, and all the previous wandering souls fall into the hands of blood Guanyin! It happened suddenly. I couldn't bring her out by several means. Then I went to the place of you Wang Yu and wanted to ask him for his advice. Unexpectedly, this man had the chance to have evil thoughts and wanted to hold me down. If I didn't have a bloody arm, I would have ruined that man's poisonous hand... "

As soon as chongyunqian said this, Xiao Hua suddenly lost his voice and cried out, "Oh, master, I remember. Late The younger generation can help the elder bring your affairs to the world! "

"What What do you mean Chongyunqian was overjoyed and asked in a hurry.

Xiao Hua said: "the elder can write the whole story in Mo Xiantong, which is taken by the younger generation or the elder himself. When we get to the sun, even if our memory disappears, don't we know what happened when we see Mo Xiantong?""Hey, hey..." Chongyunqian said with a smile, "do you think I haven't thought about it?"

"What do you mean? Can't you? " Xiao Hua's wonderful way.

"Of course..." Chongyunqian explained, "if you don't say that there is no ink immortal pupil in forgetting Sichuan, even if there is one, how can you bring ink immortal pupil with you?"

"Master, master..." Xiao Hua waved his wishful stick and said, "don't you see where this weapon came from? The spirit is different, you can put some things... "

"I haven't finished..." Chongyunqian was once again displeased and said, "what is the name of the things recorded in forgetting Sichuan? If the dark leaves are not refined by special means, the handwriting on them will be idle when they reach the sun. Who can see it? I don't know about this special method of sacrifice, and I don't have such magical powers! "

"Don't you try?" Xiao Hua tried again and said, "if it can be done, it can be regarded as passing back the things of the elder generation to Yangjian. If it can't be done, isn't it no big deal?"

"Well..." Chongyunqian hesitated for a moment, and then he opened his mouth. The light of "brush" came out, and a bone like thing like a leaf fell in front of Xiao Hua's eyes.

Xiao Hua looked at the water like blue ripples carved on the palm sized bone. He took it, and the dark eye in his eyes urged him to look at what he said. It was similar to what chongyunqian said, so he said with a smile: "I've already prepared for that!"

"Hum..." Chongyunqian hummed again coldly, "I have long felt that things are different. The king of you didn't agree with the general of shechuan. I wanted to unite with the king of you, but he just wanted to be an idle king. Even when he got to the strength of shechuan, he was still a king of you That's all. What are you talking about? Take it as if I just wrote it! "

"Yes, I know!" Xiao Hua nodded and sent the dark leaves to the center of his eyebrows.

"Why?" Seeing the dark leaves disappear, chongyun Qian said, "your spirit is really strange. Maybe you and I really hope to escape from Wushang mountain!"

"Wushang mountain?" Xiaohua eyes a bright, urgent way, "forget Sichuan distant mountains is Wushang mountain?"

"Where do you think Wushang mountain is? If there is no Wushang mountain, if there is no Wushang Yang Qi... " Chongyunqian said haughtily, "how could shechuan Shuai leave the arm of bloody Guanyin here?"

Speaking of this, chongyunqian hesitated for a moment, and seemed to think of his bloody Guanyin arm. However, he looked at Xiaohua and didn't ask. He waved his big hand and said, "OK, let's go, don't let Shichuan Shuai block it!"

Xiao Hua knew that chongyunqian knew everything about Zuojian, so he just followed him out of the space fault. Sure enough, chongyunqian didn't use any dark eye skill, but flew into the dark abyss. Xiao Hua looked up at the high place. At this time, there was nothing special there, except some faint water light, such as the gurgling of clear spring. The previous fire color had long disappeared.

Looking at chongyunqian's seven turns and eight turns flying for a moment, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a move in his heart and said in a low voice: "master, I have a suggestion. I don't know you..."

"If you have something to say, let it go!" Chongyunqian seems to be eager to return to the sun. Hearing Xiao Hua's tone, he can't help scolding.

Xiao Hua said hastily, "since you have been waiting here for a long time, I think those shechuan soldiers and shechuan generals will know you very well Since the predecessors knew the hidden place of the abyss, they should also know it. Now they don't send Yin soldiers down. They must also know that the abyss is bottomless, and the elder can only go up to get out of trouble. So... "

"So they're at the exit with their men?" Chongyunqian said coldly, "you think they know this abyss very well, you think they know me very well, do you think I will be afraid of them?"

Chongyunqian asked him three times in a row, which made Xiao Hua have no temper and headstrong. No wonder he was cheated by Bao Yu!

"Well..." Xiao Hua smashed it, smashed his mouth, and looked at chongyunqian, who didn't turn his head back. He said with a bitter smile, "I'll take it as my fart!"

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The truth is mostly like this, but it's only superficial. What about Bao's whereabouts? Chongyunqian's experience is indeed pitiful, but there must be something hateful about him. That's right. Chongyunqian's temper is so good that no wonder he will be used!