Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 888

"Where am I chanting poems and writing Fu?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I just have feelings!"

"You're right..." Liu Yanyu also seemed to feel it. She still tilted her head on Xiao Hua's shoulder and said in a soft voice, "I don't know who you are in the past and who you are in the next life. I don't know how to say goodbye on the top of the purple moon tree on huangquan Road in front of the bridge!"

"Farewell?" Xiao Hua was so anxious that he said, "how can we say goodbye again? Where are you going? "

"Hee hee..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "where can I go? It's just for rhyme! "

"Scared the hell out of me!" Xiao Hua patted his chest and said, "I thought you were going to leave again!"

"My sister's spirit is gone, I have no place to go!" Liu Yanyu shook her head slightly and said, "I thought that you Wang's cave had a sister, but I almost died there without finding her..."

"Don't you look for it?" Xiao Hua took Liu Yanyu's hand and said, "if you want to go, I'll accompany you! I I practice divination I just want to help you... "

Liu Yanyu's hand also clenched Xiao Hua's hand. She was moved and said, "thank you..."

"Don't be polite to me..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm not used to this!"

"Actually..." Liu Yanyu apologized, "as early as the first time you I knew that, but time was too tight at that time, I didn't dare to stay more. I wanted to find my sister and take her back before she disappeared! "

"I don't blame you!" Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "it's my own willing!"

"The second time I I didn't want to come back... " Liu Yanyu still said, "I know what I owe you. I can't pay you back, but But I feel like I miss you, maybe It's what you have in my spirit. I want to go back to your spirit... "

"You are stupid!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I can give up my soul for you once. Why can't I have a second time?"

"But But I don't want to... " Liu Yanyu said with a bitter smile, "after all, I don't know who you are. Are you a man full of evil..."

"Hee hee..." Xiao Hua scratched his head with his left hand and said, "Yeah, I don't know!"

"When you save me the second time..." Liu Yanyu said again, "I'm so moved. This In this life, no, no one has done this to me in my previous life. I'm really willing to stay, understand you and accompany you... "

"Oh, no!" Hearing this, Xiao Hua screamed in horror.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yanyu also surprised, straight up to ask.

"I..." Xiao Hua beat his head with his hand and said, "just I shouldn't let you practice, I shouldn't listen to you, you eat my arm, eat a few legs, sure to return to the Yang! Blame me, blame me... "

When Xiao Hua was regretting, she suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes. Then there was warmth on her lips. Liu Yanyu blocked Xiao Hua's words with her mouth

Although it was a moment, Xiao Hua's sweetness could ferment for several generations. With a "buzz" in his head, he felt the light around him. When he came back, Liu Yanyu had already leaned on his shoulder again and whispered: "I'm going to go back to my life I've missed an opportunity and I really don't want to miss it again. I don't blame you, you don't blame yourself, it's all my own choice! The second time, I didn't plan to return to Yangjian alive, nor to reincarnate again. Seeing that my spirits were all gone, and you appeared so bravely, I don't know how to say, I'm not an air carrier, but the clan elder calculated my marriage for me, but I resisted what they said from my heart, maybe under the nine days, the nine seclusions, the moon of forgetting Sichuan, you That's my real Worry about it

"Well Well... " Xiao Hua was confused again. All he knew was that he nodded foolishly and forgot Chuan's first kiss. Liu Yanyu took it away so easily. Of course, what he didn't know was The first kiss is long gone!

"You..." Liu Yanyu said in a low voice, "can you sing that song for me again? I love... "

Although Xiao Hua agreed in his heart, he blurted out: "can you sing me another poem? I also like... "

"You Liu Yanyu pinched Xiao Hua with her hand and said, "your previous life was really full of evil..."

Then, without waiting for Xiao Hua to say anything more, she watched the purple moon gradually fall and the morning light gradually rise, and said in a soft voice, "the moon is falling, the morning light is rising, the stars are hidden and the sun is rising, the missing is deep, the tea is warm and the people are far away, and the loneliness is deep!"

"Too That's wonderful Xiao Hua couldn't help saying, "it's a pity that there's no tea..."

"I'll make tea for you every sunrise in the future..." Liu Yanyu's coy reply.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "you embarrass me. Where can I find tea for you..."

"Go away!" Liu Yanyu couldn't help but push Xiao Hua down from the top of the tree. She didn't do that to the scenery!

"Ah..." Xiao Hua pretends to be in a state of panic. Liu Yanyu's heart is tight. She waves her hand in a hurry. A flash of purple gold shines. Xiao Hua is photographed on the treetop by her out of thin air!

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu was silly. She looked at her right hand inconceivably. In the palm of her right hand, the light and shadow of purple gold were hidden like stars."What's the matter?" Sitting beside Liu Yanyu, Xiao Hua took her waist with his right hand and asked in a low voice.

"No It's all right! " Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, took back the purple gold light and shadow with her right hand, as if she had forgotten her previous life, and said, "sing quickly..."

"Well, well..." Xiao Hua nodded and sang, "looking for the sun where there is no wind, doing warm sun where you are cold, people are busy, you are always too naive, I only want you for the rest of my life..."

At this point, Liu Yanyu nibbled her lips, drank the rhythm, and sang: "for the rest of her life, you will be the wind and snow, you will be the plain, you will be the poor, you will be the glory, you will be the gentleness in your heart, and you will be the result of your eyes..."

After that, Xiao Hua continued to sing: "I want to take you to see the clear sky. I want to tell you that I am fascinated by you. The past is in a hurry. You will always be moved..."

Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu hold hands and lean their heads against each other. It's true that you and I, Lang qingqiyi, have a good time. They both turn their heads to look at each other at the same time. Although they can't look at each other in the eyes, they have a good understanding of each other. At the same time, they look forward, and the sweetness is about to begin

"Master, master..." Unfortunately, at this time, there was a light sound of leaves in the distance, and when the branches were shaking, Chen Xiaoyun's voice came, "I I knew you would be here... "

"Brush..." Almost at the same time as the sound sounded, Liu Yanyu's figure suddenly moved away from Xiao Hua, like a frightened bird. When she looked again, her moon like appearance had been covered.

Xiao Hua is not angry. He turns to see where the sound comes from. Chen Xiaoyun is rushing through the trees. It's a pity that Chen Xiaoyun's appearance makes Xiao Hua feel a little pissed off.

"Do you know him?" Liu Yanyu also saw Chen Xiaoyun and asked in a low voice.

"Well, yes!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "when I first came to forget Sichuan, I was caught by a big hand underground. He even saved me!"

"Oh, that's it!" Liu Yanyu thought for a moment and said, "his spirit is strange. Be careful!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua is shocked. Just about to ask, Chen Xiaoyun has rushed to the top of the tree. As soon as Chen Xiaoyun sees Xiao Hua, he immediately nods his head and says, "master, please Please accept me as your disciple! "

"Ah?" Xiao Hua Leng, strange way, "what do you mean?"

"Take Accept the younger generation as an apprentice Chen Xiaoyun was also stunned.

Xiao Hua scratched his head and replied, "I mean What does it mean to accept you as a disciple? "

Chen Xiaoyun couldn't laugh or cry. He thought about many words all the way, but he didn't expect Xiao Hua to ask.

"Just That is... " But if let Xiao Hua pass on the cultivation method to himself, Chen Xiaoyun can't say it for a while.

Liu Yanyu said with a smile: "that is to pass your cultivation method to him!"

"Oh, that's it!" Xiao Hua did not want to say, "no problem!"

"Thank you, master!" Chen Xiaoyun was overjoyed, but Xiao Hua ignored him and asked Liu Yanyu, "are you also my disciple?"

"Go away!" Liu Yanyu scolded Xiao Hua, but Chen Xiaoyun said, "Shifu, she's the disciple's mother!"

"What is a teacher's wife?" Xiao Hua seems more puzzled.

"Go, go..." Liu Yanyu waved her hand and said, "your master's spirit is incomplete, and most of his memory is missing. His words can't be taken seriously. He just agreed to teach you the secret arts, not to mention any master!"

"Well, well..." Xiao Hua obeyed Liu Yanyu and nodded quickly.

"It's all right, master Teacher Two masters... " Chen Xiaoyun said with a quick smile, "with disciples here, you don't have to worry about forgetting Sichuan in the future..."

"Don't say that yet..." Liu Yanyu is not easy to make a fool of. She waved, "come here and talk about your business first. I'll decide whether to accept you or not after listening to you!"

"Yes, yes..." Chen Xiaoyun was overjoyed. He rushed out from Xiao Hua to get Liu Yanyu and said respectfully, "I was born in Dongjiang, a land of Zixuan fairy land. I have lived in modongling for dozens of generations. My name is Chen Xiaoyun, and my father is..."

Hearing Chen Xiaoyun tell his life experience clearly, Xiao Hua is silly. He feels guilty when he looks at Liu Yanyu. This is a good man, even the way of heaven.

When Chen Xiaoyun said that he had engraved immortal marks, Xiao Hua was puzzled and said, "you I beg your pardon? You fell when you engraved immortal mark? And No disciple in your clan really engraves immortal mark? This So you You're not a good man? "

"Master..." Chen Xiaoyun was puzzled and asked, "I have never said that I am a good man!"

"Not a good man, how can you remember so clearly?" Xiao Hua asked

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Give Xiao Hua a little love. He has been single for such a long time