Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 886

After looking at it for a moment, Xiao Hua had already made up his mind. However, he saw that his hands were ten fingers deep, and the water was shining out. The eighteen nails of the di Sha GUI Ling formation suddenly turned into 49 virtual shadows, which fell near the striated green mark.

Immediately, Xiao Hua opened his mouth again, and "Wu" biyou flew out. This round ghost device slowly rotated, and produced hundreds of light filaments. The light filaments seemed to stab 49 green marks, but in fact, they were just like cardamom maiden who wanted to meet and be ashamed! Where do you know such amorous feelings without the dark array presided over by you Wang? Forty nine green marks rotate at the same time, and the green water leads the fire light to the light silk, trying to kill the light silk. However, just as Bichen was spinning, Xiao Hua gave up biyou * * and raised his hands in the air, "puff, puff..." Forty nine nails are nailed on the green mark through the blue water!

"Brush..." Bichen stopped at once, the water light on it was extremely fast and dim, and the water light that bound Liu Yanyu also disappeared.

The light of the water disappears, and Liu Yanyu's figure falls like a withered leaf. Xiao Hua is relieved, but Liu Yanyu has just got out of the difficulty. At the same time, the endless dark spirit strikes Liu Yanyu's spirit like a raging wave! Xiao Hua was startled. He quickly unfolded his armor and protected Liu Yanyu's body. Then, without any hesitation, he cut off his left arm and sent it to Liu Yanyu!

Instead of swallowing, Liu Yanyu looked straight at Xiao Hua and said, "you Before you Just That's it Can you help me? "

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Hua was so shy that he lowered his head and whispered, "I I don't know how to save you, but You also said that as long as you swallow the wandering soul, you can repair it... "

Before Xiao Hua could finish, Liu Yanyu interrupted him and said, "Yu So you You just Practice the skill of the underworld, no No standby Reincarnation... "

"I..." Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and said, "I was a villain full of evil in my previous life. Now I'm in forgetchuan. Since I can't reincarnate, I'd better do a good deed. And you Aren't you still looking for someone? Oh, by the way, quick Come on, don't delay... "

"Thank you Thank you... " Liu Yanyu said in a low voice, "I My time It has exceeded, left and right I can't go back. You If you send other wandering souls That's it... "

"Good!" Xiao Hua nods and explores his hand in a hurry, but sees that 49 wandering souls trapped by the blue water are all taken away by him.

After all this, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and said with a smile: "sorry, I I made a mistake. They... "

"Oh..." Liu Yanyu woke up and said, "you You have a special skill. You can It's hard to swallow so many wandering souls at one time No wonder your entry is like So fast... "

"Well, well..." Seeing that Liu Yanyu was about to disappear, Xiao Hua quickly put her left arm to her mouth and said, "are you going to eat? My arms are also formed by those wandering souls.... "

"Good!" Liu Yanyu knew that her situation was urgent, and she couldn't be modest. She opened her mouth and ate Xiao Hua's left arm again.

However, when Xiao Hua was about to break her right arm, Liu Yanyu stopped her in a hurry. She said that her injury was a little better and wanted Xiao Hua to pass on her practice so that she could swallow the wandering soul.

Of course, Xiao Hua would not keep secret. He habitually raised his hand in the center of Liu Yanyu's eyebrows, and the skill of holding Jiuquan fell into her mind word for word!

What a person Liu Yanyu is. She is a descendant of an ancient family. Her fairy power is not a little better than Xiao Hua's. she can see the secret just by looking at her skills. But Xiao Hua has just put away a seven horn shaped underworld with seven marks. Liu Yanyu's whole body has already produced water light, and some strange marks are gradually emerging. The dark and Yin Qi around her is about to condense into a whirlpool Fall in!

As soon as Xiao Hua patted his forehead, he thought of something and quickly took out a little bit of Er Ming Jing and put it into Liu Yanyu's hand.

Liu Yanyu looked at the crystal in her hand for some reason, but she didn't think much about it, and urged her to practice.

Fearing that Liu Yanyu would be disturbed, Xiao Hua spread the great array of ghosts around Liu Yanyu. Then he looked at the colorful flowers.

Without the erosion of clear water, the colorful flowers become brighter and brighter, and the unspeakable breath rushes into Xiao Hua.

"Why are you so familiar?" Xiao Hua suddenly felt a familiar breath. He couldn't help crying in a low voice.

As for what it was, Xiao Hua himself could not say clearly. However, since he knew that the flower was related to himself, Xiao Hua patted the top door, and the blue water began to fall like a rain curtain. He wanted to wrap the flower and collect it.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua underestimated the power of the object. You wang can't collect it without knowing how much effort he spent. In the end, he had to use the dark array to erode it. Is it a simple way to get it? Seeing that Xiao Hua tried his best to push the green water, he could not cover the flowers.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua was not discouraged. He reached out again and covered the flowers with another light. However, when Xiao Hua was ready to collect the flowers, he found that the flowers were heavy and he didn't have enough strength?

"What should I do?" Xiao Hua finally scratched his head.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua looked at the dark and gloomy atmosphere around the flowers. As soon as his eyes brightened, the water light with the dark and gloomy atmosphere hit the flowers again.

Xiao Hua is not in a hurry. He uses his perseverance to trap the flower a little bit. After ten days, the flower is small enough. Xiao Hua feels that he can collect it. Then he raises his hand to hold the flower in his hand!When he had to collect it, Xiao Hua was embarrassed again. It couldn't get into his eyebrows at all!

"Sweat..." Xiao Hua suddenly realized his mistake and secretly looked at Liu Yanyu. Liu Yanyu's whole body had been engraved with water patterns, but he was not distracted to see Xiao Hua. Then Xiao Hua was relieved. When he raised his hand, there was water light pouring out, which rolled the flowers into his body.

The flowers just disappeared, and the fire wires all over the abyss were like water without source and trees without roots. Zilala was put out by the dark spirit.

The fire just disappeared, "whoosh..." A blood red light and shadow flew out from the bottom of the abyss, and an angry voice called: "you Wang Yu, you dare to suppress me, I will never die with you!"

Xiao Hua looked at it in a hurry, but saw something like an arm flying out. It was golden, but with a red flame. A young man stepped out of the flame and glared at Xiao Hua.

"You You misunderstood... " Xiao Hua quickly explained, "I'm not the king of you..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua was suddenly stunned. The young man's face was just blurred, and now it was clear. It was familiar to Xiao Hua. However, Xiao Hua couldn't remember who the young man was for a moment.

"Hum..." The young man didn't listen to Xiao Hua's explanation at all. With a cold hum, he urged his arm to soar into the sky. The "boom" made a big hole in the cave. Without Xiao Hua's help, the young man had already escaped!

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds, but he knows that his strength is not equal to that of the young man. Even if he sacrificed biyou * *, he can't stop the golden arm. Maybe if he tries to stop it, his biyou * * will be damaged!

When the young man went, Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect him and urged him to explore under the abyss. Unfortunately, the abyss seemed bottomless. With Xiao Hua's power, he couldn't fully explore it, but where Xiao Hua could detect it was no different!

"Well..." Xiao Hua flew up into the abyss and felt the dark and Yin Qi rushing up from the bottom of the abyss. He nodded and said, "this place must go straight to Jiuyou. It's the place where you wang Xun practiced."

Just as Xiao Hua was thinking about it, Liu Yanyu accepted the flying general Mingjing and said, "you You're not hurt, are you? "

"No!" Xiao Hua answered quickly, and then asked, "you You'd better practice first. There's still a lot of your spirit that hasn't been perfected... "

"I..." Liu Yanyu said shyly, "I don't like it here. Let's Can we go out first

"We?" Xiao Hua excited for a moment, as if he heard something and said, "no problem, no problem..."

"Then..." If she showed her immortal body, Liu Yanyu must be shy, but now she can only say in a soft voice, "then Please... "

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua smiles a little, a roll of clothes will take Liu Yanyu to fly up, along the direction that the young man just escaped to fly out of the abyss.

"We Where shall we go? " The same "we" Xiao Hua said, it seems to be with anxiety, but Liu Yanyu's subsequent words made her overjoyed.

Because Liu Yanyu said, "your bird's nest on the tree!"

"OK..." Xiao Hua didn't stop at all. He promised to fly towards the shed.

Besides, Chen Xiaoyun lost his way soon after flying into the cave. Fortunately, some of the flickering places still have wandering souls, which makes Chen Xiaoyun avoid the end of disappearing. As for looking for Xiao Hua, it's just a dream.

Chen Xiaoyun is anxiously, "boom" a loud noise, the stone wall in front of his head was opened, a blood covered arm swept his line of sight straight out of the cave!

"Too Great At this time, Chen Xiaoyun has given up looking for Xiao Hua. He cries with ecstasy and rushes to the tunnel. However, before he can get close, another figure familiar to Chen Xiaoyun flies through the tunnel. Isn't it Xiao Hua?

"Before Senior... " Chen Xiaoyun opened his mouth. He didn't know what to call him. He stopped for a moment and then cried out. It's a pity that Xiao Hua's mind is not here and didn't hear him.

Looking at the tunnel running straight out of the ground, Chen Xiaoyun was very anxious. He jumped up and down to the edge. The edge of the tunnel was very smooth. After several unsuccessful attempts, Chen Xiaoyun had to go back to the cave. When he got out of the ground, and looked around, there was Xiao Hua's back. He almost cried: "I How can I be so unlucky

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Finally, Liu Yanyu was rescued, but time has passed and Liu Yanyu has not found Liu Yanyu. What should she do?