Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 883

"There's no way..." You Lao said with a bitter smile, "if the living soul can't endure the blue fall of the yellow spring, it will become a ghost and can't survive any more. At that time, Yan Yu asked me, I I didn't dare to tell her that if she knew, she would have to fight for the ghost to save her son! Besides, there are no special restrictions on the entry of living souls into forgetchuan. You can open the entrance of Jiuyou at any time with archaic immortal utensils, and the body If there is no real entrance to Jiuyou, we will not be able to pass through the barrier of Jiuyou interface. The way of life and death is too "

" Alas... " Stupid Taoist naturally knew Liu Yanyu's temper and shook his head slightly. "I hope she can get out of danger!"

"It should be..." You Lao's face forced out a smile, "isn't the last two more dangerous than this? Especially for the second time, the two heavenly spirit lamps and the four earthly spirit lamps have been extinguished. Are they not forced to be rekindled? "

"Although Yan Yu is not a great athlete..." The stupid Taoist also nodded and said, "but she is blessed. She should be..."

Stupid Taoist just said, "brush..." It seems that there is an invisible wind blowing over the head of Liu Yanyu's scarecrow. Three gold lamps are completely out, and the wind is blowing down, blowing out five silver lamps!

"Damn it Stupid Taoist was very surprised. As soon as she was about to speak, you Lao's blood essence gushed down. As she pinched the fairy formula, the blood essence turned into thousands of runes that were as thin as mosquitoes and flies, and fell near the silver lamp. The runes disappeared, and the silver lamp turned into gossamer, almost annihilated. You Lao collapsed on the golden tortoise, as if someone had pulled a bone.

"You Lao!" The stupid Taoist was in a hurry to help him. Youlao waved his hand and said, "I'm ok. Don't pay attention to me. Go and see if Mr. Mou of the Huang family is here. They have some advantages in ghost cultivation. I hope they can help us!"

"Old mou..." Stupid Taoist some desire to say and stop, gnash teeth way, "you old don't worry, I even if tie also want to tie him!"

You old wry smile, say: "that you also have to bind other people's supernatural power......"

The stupid Taoist took another look at Liu Yanyu and Liu Yanzhen, and turned to walk in the shape of a golden turtle. At this time, youlao suddenly spoke again. She took out a broken gold hairpin and handed it to the stupid Taoist priest, saying, "by the way, Laosi, you You pass it on to the Huang family and ask Ask them to borrow money to use the Tulu pestle... "

"Jin Zuan Ti Lu Chu?" The stupid Taoist was surprised and called out, "yes Is it the sacred object of the Huang family in the heaven of benevolence? You This is To break through Jiuyou by force? "

"Go, go..." You handed Jin Chai to stupid Taoist, waved his hand without any explanation. Stupid Taoist didn't dare to ask more about Jin Chai. He bowed to you and left.

"Alas..." Looking at the figure of the stupid Taoist, he sighed a long time. The sighing voice was very deep, as if he could penetrate the nine secluded places.

"Damn it..." Sitting cross legged in the shed of forgetting Sichuan, Xiao Hua, watching the blue light of biyou scattered, finally could not help but scold and swallow it in his stomach. He knew that he was upset and he was afraid that he could not really sacrifice.

Xiao Hua just got up, "brush..." There was another sound from the top of the tree. Xiao Hua didn't have to look up to know that it must be Chen Xiaoyun passing by.

Since Xiao Hua's practice of taking charge of Jiuquan and introducing Huang Quan into his body, Chen Xiaoyun has to look for it every time. However, every time he looks for it, he passes by Xiao Hua and doesn't ask Xiao Hua at all. Xiao Hua didn't intend to keep anything secret. At least he won't be stingy in terms of skills. However, every time Chen Xiaoyun comes over, Xiao Hua doesn't practice. So now Chen Xiaoyun doesn't know that Xiao Hua was the initiator of the yellow spring blue fall.

As soon as Xiao Hua's eyebrows are raised, his feet are full of water and light, and his body is flying up, just in front of Chen Xiaoyun. Chen Xiaoyun was stunned and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"Is there a very powerful ghost there?" Xiao Hua pointed to the place where light and shadow first appeared and asked.

"Yes Chen Xiaoyun looked around, nodded and said, "there is a king named Yi. It is said that he has the power to take Sichuan soldiers after going against Yin..."

"Thank you..." Without waiting for Chen Xiaoyun to finish, Xiao Huagong arched his hand and stepped on the biyou water cloud.

Although Xiao Hua doesn't know what you Wang, Ni Yin and she Chuan means, he knows he will go, so he doesn't ask Chen Xiaoyun at all.

"Ah!" Chen Xiaoyun is stunned, but Xiao Hua's body is out of the forest and flying high in the air. Chen Xiaoyun is surprised. In a moment of absence, his body falls from the top of the tree and smashes many branches and leaves.

Of course, it was just a moment. Chen Xiaoyun jumped up from the ground and rushed to the tree. Looking at Xiao Hua's back, he was shocked and said, "he He... "

What did he do? Chen Xiaoyun didn't say it in the end. He didn't expect that a broken wandering soul he didn't want to save was so powerful now.

All of a sudden, Chen Xiaoyun's eyes brightened and his body leaped up. He stepped on the treetop and chased Xiao Hua's back!

Xiao Huayuan flies thousands of miles, and the repulsive force of his left and near is always variable. Xiao Hua feels like flying in a swamp. There were hills, woods and plains within a thousand miles, and all kinds of ghosts kept coming and going. However, Xiao Hua flew from the sky in a hurry, and the hard to hide smell scared the ghosts away.

Seeing the light of fire in front of his head is unusual, Xiao Hua stops, and a blue light appears in his eyes. In the dark eye technique, Xiao Hua can see clearly that under the light of fire is a hill like a plate, which is about several miles in size. There are many caves under the hill, and the dark blue fire comes out of these caves with blood, and condenses into inexplicable runes along the hill There are eighteen swirling dark Qi coming from all over the place and rushing into the rune. With the flash of fire, strange light and shadow wash the hills like water.Xiao Hua was afraid to frighten the snake. He took a general look and quickly accepted the skill of the dark eye. Then he fell on a rock, pinched his chin and thought carefully: "the dark place here is full of Yin Qi. According to the fairyland, it's the place where the heaven and earth are blessed. Chen Xiaoyun can also make it clear that there is a king named Yu Yi who has the strength to take charge of Sichuan soldiers. Although I don't know what he stands for, since he can hurt her, his strength is excellent. I don't know what strength I have now. If I go straight to the door like this, I can't win! "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua raises his hand to take out the 18 nails of the Disha ghost spirit array. Among them, 18 nails are flying in the air. Xiao Hua raises his hand gently. The water in his body is surging, and each nail falls everywhere in the space!

"Disease..." Xiao Hua habitually denounces the truth. He grabs it with both hands. The green light on the eighteen nails flashes, and then disappears. The Disha ghost spirit array is so understated.

Because it was his first battle in forgetting Sichuan, Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect it. He used the skill of blind eyes and looked around carefully. After confirming that he couldn't find it easily, he urged his body to continue to fly to the fire.

You Bi's fire light came in, and many caves were in sight. Xiao Hua felt cold all over him. He didn't feel like he was close to the fire.

When he came near, Xiao Hua's figure was in a flash, "brush brush..." More than ten shadows flew out of him, turned into wandering souls and dashed into the cave to explore the way. Isn't that the magic power of ghost cultivation?

Seeing the shadow of the wandering soul flying into the cave, Xiao Hua immediately narrowed his eyes, as if to explore the situation inside the cave. It's a pity that it's just a bag of smoke. Xiao Hua's expression changes slightly. The cold inside the cave is far colder than Xiao Hua thought. It's hard for those wandering souls to go deep after they enter!

"That's all!" In a flash, Xiao Hua took away the shadow of the wandering soul, raised his hand, took out biyou * *, and said in a low voice, "if that's the case, don't knock on the mountain to shake the tiger!"

Although Xiao Hua didn't succeed in sacrificing biyou * * safely, he still had extraordinary power after sacrificing it. However, when he saw that this round of ghost utensil dashed into the air, it spilled out like silk water lines, where the water lines passed, the yellow sunlight was cut!

"Good!" Xiao Hua couldn't help murmuring praise, and then he heard "boom..." A loud noise, biyou * * hit on the hill, that hill on the bihuo instantly extinguished half a son, and the hill shaking between more than ten caves collapsed!

"Up..." Xiao Hua was so proud that he raised his hand and cried, "your grandfather is here. Don't you come to see me soon..."

As Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, you could see the heart-shaped shadow of the fire flickering in the hills, "Wuwu..." The strange wind suddenly rises, and a lot of black wind filaments visible to the naked eye break out of the air and sweep around the hill. The wind filaments fall around Xiao Hua and condense into a strange ghost shadow. The ghost shadow "Gaga" laughs and instantly turns thousands of wind cones to Xiao Hua!

"Ouch..." Xiao Hua wanted to show his weakness and entice the enemy. He cried out to retreat quickly. With his body retreating, biyou, who was hanging over Xiao Hua's head, trembled a little. The splashing water just defeated these wind cones!

"Little ones..." A irascible voice roared in the wind, "go to the mouth of the mouth of the clamour of things captured to drink, grandfather then go!"

"Dangdang..." There was a sound of drums and gongs. Around the cave that collapsed before, ghosts flew out with various kinds of ghosts in their hands. These ghosts were either human or animal shapes, and their momentum seemed to be a little overwhelming, but The appearance of these ghosts' crooked melons and cracked dates made Xiao Hua really laugh!

But at present, a human ghost with a halberd in hand has two and a half heads and some deformities, but there are three arms. Then there is a leopard like ghost beast, which is bigger than the human ghost. The dark body surface is covered with dark marks of different sizes. It is said that the leopard like ghost beast has a cold breath, and it is very intimidating, but those dark green filaments of fire swim like snakes and fall into the sea When the ghost animal's head is on, a smiling ghost baby like human face is exposed again, and the ghosts flying behind the ghost need not be described in detail.

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It seems that Liu Yanyu is really in dange