Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 856

"Is it heaven who wants to kill me?" Xiao Hua is in despair. He knows that even if he has a good luck stick, he can't beat the thunder of punishment. He can only rely on Canjian if he wants to escape.

Seeing that Xiao Hua had to give up his hand to catch him, he suddenly got a light in front of his eyes. He simply took the Ruyi stick and rubbed his hands to show his thunderbolt skill!

Xiao Hua's thunder Master Xu Zhi is in the same vein as situ Hong's punishment thunderbolt. At this time, the power of thunder, who was previously imprisoned by Zhang LV Qingguang, is like a fish in water. In particular, when Xiao Hua's thunder Wanjun came out, he immediately turned into a big thunder hand. That big hand grasped the punishment, and thunder immediately hit the green light of the palm law from the killing!

"Ah?" Both Wei Sheng and situ Hong were surprised.

No one ever thought that Xiao Hua knew how to defend thunder in penalty palace! Wei Sheng was even more surprised that Zihuan island had a high-level penalty!!

Situ honglue was absent-minded, and the punishment thunder was taken advantage of by Xiao Hua thunder, "boom..." With a loud noise, the thunderbolt collided with the green light of palm rhythm, and set off the flame and harsh thunder!

"Bold!" Wei Sheng flew up and roared, "I am in charge of the law palace and the law office. Who dares to stop me!"

Hearing that Wei Sheng didn't point out the penalty palace, he wanted to take the initiative. How could situ Hong be fooled? He flew out of a cloud and mist fairy forbidden area in Jinlun sea and said coldly, "who dares to intercept the place where I punish the palace penalty?"

Wei Sheng and situ Hong knew in their hearts that in the space of Zihuan Island, only the other side was the enemy. Since Xiao Hua revealed his identity, he had no reason to escape. But situ Hong is not worried. As long as he keeps Wei Sheng in check, he Qiong and situ Yang will take Xiao Hua! Not to mention the keepsake of the penalty palace, the immortal utensils of the three clans of chenxiaohai must also be used by the penalty palace. Xiao Hua has no chance to escape.

"It's situ Xianyou..." Wei Sheng grinned grimly, but before he finished speaking, Wei Sheng and situ Hong turned pale at the same time. They looked at Xiao Hua and said, "where to go..."

In addition, Xiao Hua uses thunder's big hand to influence punishment. Thunder blocks the green light of Zhang LV and temporarily removes the danger of being imprisoned by punishment thunder. Seeing that punishment thunder and green light of Zhang LV are broken and flying sideways, he feels that thunder doesn't take back, but takes advantage of the situation to pull along the direction of oblique flight

The punishment thunder and the palm law green light strike together to the Zihuan Island space closed immortal ban!

Although the closed space of Zihuan island was condensed by the immortal wares of the three clans in chenxiaohai, it collapsed like a local chicken and a local dog under the thunder of punishing all the immortal prohibitions in the fairyland and the blue light of suppressing all the immortal prohibitions in the fairyland.

"Boom..." The sea waves overturn and the void is broken. A huge space passage appears in the immortal Forbidden City.

Xiao Hua didn't even think about it. He urged his body to rush to the space channel.

"Where to go..." Wei Sheng and situ Hong naturally saw that under the roar of Qi, they explored each other's hands. One was thunder hand, and the other was Qingguang hand. Situ Hong's thunder hand was much more powerful than Xiao Hua's thunder hand. The solidified thunder was like the green tendons of a colleague's hand, which had just stretched out and closed all around Xiao Hua.

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolded again, "the strength of Er Qi Xian is too powerful..."

Wei Sheng is more insidious than situ Hong. Situ Hong catches Xiao Hua, while Wei Sheng raises his hand to block Xiao Hua's way. The green light like a bamboo knot condenses rapidly in the flaw of immortal prohibition!

Xiao Hua can't fight against the two Er Qi immortals. He wants to urge Guangdun. Unfortunately, under the confinement of the two Qi immortals, it's hard for the immortal's power to urge half a silk!

Seeing that he was in a desperate situation again, Xiao Hua wanted to clap his brow with his backhand, ready to use the technique of taboo!

At this moment, "boom..." With a loud noise, a thing flew out of Xiao Hua's waist. Wasn't it just half of the monument? The green stele fell in the air and broke with a sound of "brush". It turned into tens of thousands of small runes. The runes rose up like butterflies and waves, wrapping Xiao Hua up! That's where the green rune is turned. Inside Xiao Hua's Taoist robe, the message that Gu had left him before, and inside the crystal rune, Gu's surprise voice rang out: "Xiao Xiaoyou, come to Youji..."

"You Ji?" Xiao Hua smiles bitterly. It's good that he can escape from the heaven now. What else can he go to?

When Xiao Hua was pleasantly surprised, the Rune of the green stele rolled up Xiao Hua. But Xiao Hua felt that there were endless mottling around him. The mottling was first cyan, and then turned into blue. The color changes closed the surrounding space. The power of punishment and the power of palm law disappeared. In addition, a blue whirlpool with the size of a fist suddenly appeared in front of the head of light and shadow, and the center of the whirlpool was very deep, His eyes could hardly move away, that is, a light and shadow appeared in the strange blue whirlpool. The green tablet is complete, but the light and shadow of the half green tablet held by Zhuang Bi are actually countless runes, while the light and shadow of the half green tablet held by Xiao Hua are dim.

"Zhuang bi..." When Xiao Hua saw the light and shadow, he immediately understood something. It was almost a feeling of tears in his eyes. He cried wildly in his heart: "Zhuang Bi!"

As soon as the light and shadow of the complete green stele appeared, it was strong and irresistible. It was like a big hand capturing the runes around Xiao Hua. With a loud sound of "Wu", all the runes turned into streamers, leading Xiao Hua into a whirlpool just the size of a fist!The light and shadow of Qingbei disappeared. Wei Sheng and situ Hong rushed to both sides of the whirlpool at the same time. When they saw the disappearance of the whirlpool with naked eyes, they were all extremely ashamed and angry. It was just a little immortal baby who disappeared in front of the two immortals again and again.

"Boom..." Previously, the two hands of thunder and Qingguang, who had never converged, then grasped the whirlpool. But this time, the two immortals had a tacit understanding. One of them grasped to one side!

Unfortunately, it was at the place where the two immortals' magic hands fell, "boom..." With a loud noise, the whirlpool suddenly disappeared, just like the previous abrupt appearance!

"This This... " Wei Sheng and situ Hong were surprised. They had never seen such an immortal array.

Wei Sheng couldn't think much and roared, "where are the three clan leaders of chenxiaohai?"

"Lu Miao, the dust xiaohaiyu dust clan, met two adults..."

"Long Xiao, a member of Chenxiao Hailong tribe, has met two adults..."

"Chen Xiaohai Xiaojian clan Zhao Chong met two adults..."

Of course, the heads of the three clans did not dare to neglect them. Although they did not know the identities of Wei Sheng and situ Hong, they both had the strength of two Qi immortals. They must be immortal officials they did not dare to offend.

"Long Xiao..." Wei Sheng cried, "where is Youji? Take me there as soon as possible?"

"Big My lord? " Long Xiao suddenly woke up and said, "you are not..."

"What nonsense! Quick... " Wei Sheng's appearance had changed before. He had met Long Xiao near Longren robbery. At this time, he didn't bother to explain. He also heard Xiao Hua's transmission of Gu, and mistakenly thought that Xiao Hua had gone to Youji.

"Yes, my lord..." Although Long Xiao was very fond of Xiao Hua, he didn't dare to take it lightly when it came to the interests of the dragon people. He said in a hurry, "Huanji, open the immortal prohibition quickly and send us to Youji!"

"Yes..." Huanji squints at the chaotic Xianjin, and raises her hand. The "boom boom" waves burst out of the air. However, the clouds and fog suddenly appear at the places where the waves burst out, such as Ziyan sea, Jinlun sea and Yinjing sea, covering all the spaces.

"To the patriarch..." Huan Ji says urgently, "the space fairy forbidden is destroyed, I can't control myself completely..."

In other words, "Wu..." As the sea breeze suddenly rises, in the direction of Xiao Hua's disappearance, the surging waves seem to be separated by a pair of big hands, and the light path rolling like brocade appears on the bottom of the sea!

"My Lord, please..." Long Xiao quickly raised his hand, and at the same time looked at situ Hong.

Wei Sheng looks at situ Hong like electricity and flies to the road of light. Situ Hong is not afraid. He squints at Wei Sheng and steps on the road of light. However, he is different from Wei Sheng. Before taking a step, he first glances at the cloud and mist fairy forbidden in jinlunhai, and then whispers a few words.

Wei Sheng and situ Hong step into the road of light. Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong look at each other and smile bitterly. No one dares to neglect them and accompany them to the road of light.

"Whoosh..." Five two Qi immortals flew away like arrows. In the fairyland of Zihuan Island, all the immortals flew out with great excitement on their faces. They had never participated in such a ups and downs fairyland. In the beginning, a small, little-known business alliance did not show mountains and water. Suddenly, it made a big contribution. Hundreds of immortal wares were on the ancient mysterious gold list, and suddenly they became meteors. It was thought that the immortal wares on the list were no longer available. Yiyuan business alliance actually produced the immortal wine containing thunder rule. This is the immortal wine that can break the bottleneck. Yiyuan business alliance only sold one Xuanxian crystal. Many immortals who did not compete to buy the immortal wares were overjoyed. Yiyuan business alliance's name was no different for a while!

This thought that such a wonderful fairyland was coming to an end, and a stream of business leagues once again broke out great news. They took out the elixir that could cure the three failures of immortals! The effect of Xiaosheng lotus seed in the fairyland is equivalent to that of the immortal medicine in the mortal world. All the immortals screamed and were ready to bid for one at all costs.

But at this time, Xiao Hua's identity was exposed. Without waiting for any reaction from ordinary immortals, the two Qi immortals in zhanglv palace and penalty palace were arrested at the same time! But Xiao Huasheng, who is just a Yanxian, escaped strangely under the capture of two Erqi immortals!!

"Huanji fairy..." In the messy space of Zihuan Island, an immortal yelled, "the white cactus head of the business alliance is still here..."

The immortal's voice has not yet fallen to the ground, "boom..." But after hearing a punishment thunder burst out of the space of Yinjing sea again, situ Yang and he Qiong stepped on the thunder, and he Qiong said with no expression, "here is the punishment envoy of the punishment palace..."

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Have you ever thought of Xiao Hua's escape like this? Situ Yang and he Qiong come out. Can Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu escape?