Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 806

"Ha ha, it's impossible!" Rong'er said with a laugh, "when we come back from the ordinary world, we are only injured by the mysterious golden light occasionally. Just now, you also inquired about it. It's the Dragon man robbery of the Chenxiao sea dragon tribe, not against you or me. And you and I should have gone back directly, because on a whim, and then occasionally stop, how can Ren Xiaoyao and an endless stream of business alliances be traps? "

"Don't forget the Liu family's sacrifice to the old!" Small remind a way, "they can do foretold, sanqingtian or celestial palace fairy king how can not do?"

"I know that!" Rong Er retorted, "but you can't forget that this is Huang Zengtian, the enlightenment mainland! It's where all the divination skills in the fairyland can't really divine! "

"Just..." Little said, "I'm just reminding you. I like Ren Xiaoyao, but I'd like to believe him! "

Rong'er turned his mouth: "you are not looking at him. You are looking at xuanhuang Zijiao! Oh, xuanhuang Zijiao, how much fortune do you have to exchange for it

Little shrugged, replied: "no way, my luck is here."

"I'll try him out first and see if it's all right." Rong'er said a few words, and then said to Xiao Hua, "Xiaoyao, you let Xiaocao boat, I'll tell you something!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua looks at rong'er inexplicably. They murmur and don't know what to say.

"It's a magic way to cultivate xuanchen!" Rong'er first handed Xiao Hua a square roll shaped crystal block and said, "although I really want to give it to you after I get the huojilong pill, the mysterious mark of separation is very important to you. I'd better give it to you now!"

Xiao Hua is even more surprised. He stares at Rong er's eyes and thinks about why she is like this. Without waiting for Xiao Hua to think more, rong'er put the crystal block into Xiao Hua's hand and said, "but I want to ask you to do one No, two things... "

"Don't hurt the heaven, don't violate the conscience!" Xiao Hua didn't even think about it and said immediately.

"Ah?" Rong'er was stunned for a moment. After she woke up, she was a little sad and said, "Xiaoyao, what do you think I want to do? I need you if I want to? "

"Indeed, indeed..." Xiao Hua was embarrassed to reply, "I said casually, rong'er, what do you want me to do?"

"Not you!" Rong'er said seriously, "it's a continuous stream of business leagues!"

"Oh? "Business alliance" Xiao Hua was surprised and asked, "what do you want me to do for you?"

"One of them..." Rong'er takes out a Mo Xiantong and hands it to Xiao Hua, saying, "I want to buy a batch of celestial elixirs from you. The specific name and efficacy are in this Mo Xiantong. You can finish it directly, or You can also buy in the sea market, whatever your means, help me find it! The amount of money I give you is also in Mo Xiantong! "

"All right!" Xiao Hua took over Mo Xiantong, but he didn't explore it at all. This is simple. He just threw Mo Xiantong into the space of heaven and let the yudie Wenqu go back to heaven to find it.

"Second..." Rong'er then said, "I want to invite you to come to the business alliance to explore one thing. I can't write about it. I can only tell it to you! I don't care how you probe, just give me the result... "

"Well, you say!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "whether it's the heaven or the demon alliance, I can help you to explore the business alliance."

"No, no..." Rong'er shook his head and said, "it's from fairyland, and it's from Huang Zengtian."

"You say it Xiao Hua became more and more strange.

"Help me find out. Let's start forty years ago." Rong'er thought for a moment and said, "why does Tianzun's house and penalty palace imprison the immortals who fly from the mortal world to the immortal world?"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua Leng for a moment, surprised, "Tianzun house and penalty palace imprison the immortal who rises from the world?"

"Yes Rong Er nodded and said, "what's the matter with those flying immortals? What's the purpose of Tianzun mansion and penalty palace?"

"Isn't that easy to detect?" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "it's not my strong point in coming to the business alliance!"

"Didn't you say that?" Rong'er said with a smile, "I don't care how you explore, whether you are yourself or entrust others, I just need to know the reason!"

"Oh, I see!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly and said tentatively, "can I find Yu Xian?"

"Well, yes!" Rong'er also nodded and said, "don't you have cooperation with Yu Xian? You can find them as much as you can, but you can't let me and little news out! "

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I know it's tight."

If Xiao Hua doesn't know rong'er and Xiao Xiao's identity, he naturally has no idea about rong'er's request. But since he knows that they are an ancient family, he certainly knows that they want to hide their identity and let themselves cover for them.

But although Xiao Hua's face was smiling, his heart was extremely shocked, because the news Rong Er asked him to inquire about was a great secret!

Tianzun mansion and penalty palace began to imprison feisheng immortal 40 years ago?

Why do Tianzun mansion and penalty palace imprison feisheng immortal?

Rong'er and Xiao don't know, Xiao Hua doesn't know! Of course, if that's true, it's a good explanation that Xiao Hua was arrested as soon as he ascended fairyland! Xiao Hua himself ascended thirty years ago. Did Wang Lang follow the orders of Tianzun mansion and penalty palace to arrest him?But If so, Wang Lang should be the immortal official of the penalty palace, not the immortal official of the zhanglv palace!

Xiao Hua was at a loss, and now he is even more at a loss. All the previous guesses and explorations seem to be blind guesses. He may be a fish in the pond and be affected by nothing!

Xiao Hua naturally did not know that rong'er had added more time in order not to attract Xiao Hua's attention, which led to Xiao Hua's misjudgment.

"That's all!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and said in secret, "Xiao doesn't have to think much, but let Yu Xian help to inquire again! If Wang Lang had been ordered to come, Xiao would have offended Tianzun palace, penalty palace and zhanglv palace as soon as he ascended to the fairyland

As Xiao Hua ponders, rong'er sends a message to Xiao Xiaodao: "how about it? Am I right? "

"It's so funny Xiaoxiao had already burst his belly secretly. At this time, he couldn't help but reply, "as soon as he heard that he wanted to help you, he immediately said," don't hurt nature, don't violate conscience. " What kind of immortal do he think we are? It's awkward to hear that, ok It seems that we are the evil spirits of the lower world

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Today is the five chapters that Tanhua promised to update for free, plus the update of several new alliance leaders, it is still ten more!

The last one is extremely important to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua never thought that Tianzun mansion had such a strange order

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